Must Love Dogs?



  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I have three. Little Dixie Lynn is a lab feist mix. She thinks she is a people, has her own webcam, and does a terrible Jesus impersonation (long story, she thinks she can walk on water). Adora, aka Noodle, aka Slappy, is a beagle. She also thinks she is a people, but she can't figure out the webcam. Scrunchy, is a rat. He looks a lot like a tea cup Chihuahua. He thinks Dixie and Noodle are insane.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    My profile photo is my pups, Alexander the Great and Xena Warrior Princess... Both chihuahua crosses, brother and sister.
    They're the most spoilt pups in the world, and i love them so much.
    My fiance wasn't keen on getting a dog, but when we got xena he loved her so much we had to get alex too :)
    Any other dog lovers feel free to add me :)
  • vitosbud
    vitosbud Posts: 54 Member
    My profile is Vito , light of my life. I adopted him from the Dog Guides of Canada when he failed out of the program. His final evaluation said: "Vito can perform all tasks - he just doesn't want to". Yep, that him :)
  • seemae
    seemae Posts: 38

    These are my two puppies playing in the backyard - my black German Shepard Eevee (who is turning 3 next month!) and Shetland Sheepdog Pickles.

    I've owned dogs my whole life, starting with a German Shorthair (Rose) and a Beagle/Basset Hound mix (Bridget) - we've always had female dogs.

    Technically, Eevee is my dog and Pickles is my mother's but I love them both! It's humorous because Eevee is INSANELY smart - she has a bell she rings when she wants to go outside, she brings her bowl to us when she's thirsty and her vocab is enormous whereas Pickles is well... not the brightest crayon in the box, we'll just say.

    I love my dogs more then I love pretty much anyone aside from family and my boyfriend. I actually just bought them four new toys today c: I could talk about them all day but I should probably let other people gush about their wonderful dogs.

  • MsMe79
    MsMe79 Posts: 54
    ive 2 mad pugs called Alfie and Chuck!! they are crazy but thats what i love about them!!

    My profile pic is of my pug when he was a baby... he has passed away and I can't wait to get 2 new ones... just gotta wait till we know what's happening with my husbands work.

    I love pugs!!!
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    My profile is Vito , light of my life. I adopted him from the Dog Guides of Canada when he failed out of the program. His final evaluation said: "Vito can perform all tasks - he just doesn't want to". Yep, that him :)

    OMG That is so funny! Sounds like my Misty! She's a shepherd mix. I tell people I got her "used". When they ask what kind of dog she is, I say, "a black one"! Vet seems to think Aussie more the German because of the herding thing. We were asked to leave agility cuz she couldn't stand to see others out of line! LOL She don't have the patience to sit & wait her turn! ^..^ That's ok, I love her anyway!
  • Dippydog
    Dippydog Posts: 154
    :smile: I love dogs (and cats) so much....I opened a pet treat and toy business. I would love to hear you talk about them!! is my website in case you are interested....but would love to be your friend!!!
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I also love dogs... my profile pic is Brutus (my deaf Boston Terrier) Feel free to friend me

    It's so cute!! i'm in, I have a Boston Terrier too named Dexter. He's a big guy (30 pounds of muscle, so probably a mix). I just put a pic of him in my profile.
  • bonkers4mydogs
    bonkers4mydogs Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I'm new to MFP and was just browsing the forum topics when I found this one and thought it fit me perfectly, my dogs are my "kids". I have two at the moment as we had to send our Chihuahua to the Rainbow Bridge last September. My girls are in my profile picture, Sadie, the brindle one is a 6 year old "All American" (mixed breed) and Bella the fawn & white, is a 2 year old American Staffordshire Terrier. Both of my girls are currently in training to compete in obedience & rally obedience competitions, though we still have a ways to go before we will be ready I'm hoping that by the end of the year we can get our first Trail under our belts!

    Does anyone else do formal obedience training?
  • bonkers4mydogs
    bonkers4mydogs Posts: 11 Member
    hummzz, what an interesting mix! I'd love to see a photo of that one! :)
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    I've got 3 dogs I love completely. 2 boxers and a pug. I've also just signed up to foster for a local rescue. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I enjoy the chaos. :D
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