GoodMorningGirl Member


  • I look at this way... society is not moving away from meat-eating... from the documentaries I've watched, meat consumption is going up all around the world. I feel like my role as a vegan is to "balance out" the higher meat consumption of other people who choose to eat meat. If lots of us could eat less meat, be…
  • I would suggest using the food diary and logging everything you eat to see if you are eating too much. Even vegans can be overweight (I'm in that boat!). I feel like I eat virtuously and healthfully, but portion sizes are still a problem for me when I'm not paying attention. Another suggestion is to make sure you're…
  • Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan
  • I bought a blend of 70% pea proten/30% brown rice protein powder in a banana cream flavor from I love it and make a smoothie with a scoop of that, half a frozen banana, 1/4 cup frozen blueberries, and 1 cup unsweetened almond milk. That site has many different types of protein and tons of flavors.
  • I agree with the others who say there's nothing you can do. Do your best to be a healthy role model and give yourself peace by saying he is on his own path. I gained a lot of weight when I went away to college, and I sure knew about it without my parents having to tell me I was fat. Kids, even adult kids, need…
  • 10 pounds and several inches in the Burn phase is awesome! I haven't lost pounds or inches, but everyone keeps telling me I look wonderful lately, so I don't know what's up with that, but I intend to keep lifting weights even if I don't lose pounds because I love the way it makes me feel.
  • I have done Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and I'm now in the middle of Chalean Extreme. Both incorporate weights and encourage you to lift as heavy as you can. I'm happy with both programs. 30DS you do every day for a month. Chalean Extreme has 3 days a week of weight lifting as well as two days a week of a more aerobic…
  • Thank you, all. Your words were comforting. :smile:
  • If this is a new thing for you, I'd probably go to a doctor and get checked out. I second the advice for fennel tea. I have problems with bloating/gas off and on and fennel tea has been a lifesaver. It doesn't taste bad either.
  • When our family used to eat at McDonald's, it was usually around $20 for 3 of us (and two were children), so I don't think $27 is out of line for a family of four. We weren't ordering anything extravagent either. However, I think the real point is that we can't even begin to calculate the costs, both monetary and…
  • I have problems off and on, mainly during times of stress or before my period. I have found the most helpful treatment is to avoid certain foods (for me, it's anything fried or spicy, alcohol, coffee, and dairy). I went vegan in January and it's done wonders for how I feel. I have times where I need to eat nothing but Corn…
  • Yes, I can relate too, although my issues stem more from being the only divorced person in my circle of friends. But the older I get, the less I compare myself to others. If you enjoy their company, and they're good friends, then go and have fun and try not to worry about the unfairness of bikini babes. I've NEVER worn one…
  • I'm starting week 2 of the Burn phase today. Last week I didn't do the very heaviest I could because I was newly back into lifting weights and really sore. This week I'm really going to push myself to "fail." I've added other cardio in the form of walks and bike rides, but I definitely need to do the weights first. I also…
  • Awesome! Your core really tightened up and check out those arm/shoulder muscles! Keep up the great work! I'm only in week 2 of Burn and you gave me some inspiration to really hit it.
  • Hoping you get good news.... however, if they find something in the tests, the bright side is finding out now. Best wishes.
  • I did Burn Circuit 2 today and really pushed myself. My legs were trembling the whole time! I've been lifting weights off and on for the past several months, but focusing on the upper body and figuring walking would take care of the lower body. Now I can see how much my legs need more conditioning! I was held back from…
  • I just did the first Burn Circuit 1 today... I'd love to join in.
  • I have been vegan for five months now and I love it. I'd like to have some more vegan friends too. My first adjustment was converting all the products we bought to vegan ones (bread, granola bars -- all the things you'd assume were vegan, but aren't). My next goal is to start making more of our food from scratch and…
  • I also think you need to give it several days to tell whether being dairy free is going to make a difference. The first two weeks I cut out dairy, I still felt pretty bad, and then all of a sudden I noticed I wasn't getting bloated and having stomachaches anymore.
  • I had the same problem where I'd feel fine in the morning and by 1 p.m. be very bloated, especially if I ate yogurt or cheese at lunch. Sometimes it was very painful too. I stopped eating all dairy products (well, actually, I became a vegan), and the problem went away completely. It was like a miracle cure for my stomach…
  • I also stick to just the vegan/vegetarian groups because they are like a save haven! Plus, I've been on MFP for almost a year now and the general discussion/nutrition groups tend to get repetitve after a while... starvation mode, eating back your workout calories, how to get six-pack abs, etc., etc.
  • You look absolutely beautiful and so happy! Congratulations!!
  • You look wonderful! Congratulations!
  • I'd be happy to be friends with you both, if you'd like! I am somewhat new to veganism.
  • I really like it when people ask me. I am a teacher, so my students and coworkers ask me a lot of questions about being vegan. I never bring up the topic (especially while dining with others!), but I am always happy to answer questions and suggest documentaries, books, and web sites I enjoy. I feel like it's my job to be…
  • First of all, I love your topic title. I have to deal with that with my ex and our children too, although they are younger (8 and 6). I am strictly vegan and 90% of what I make for them is vegan, with a few vegetarian things now and then that they really like (such as Kashi cookies). When they visit their dad twice a week,…
  • I've been losing weight steadily eating about 1900 calories a day (on the days I work out). I think the most important thing is to go by how you feel. If you are shaky, lightheaded, or your stomach is growling, you're not eating enough. If you feel overly full after you eat or you just want food because it's something to…
  • I don't know if your tip is true or not, but I make label reading a little easier for myself by first looking at the statement below the ingredients where it tells you if a product contains wheat, eggs, milk, soy, or nuts (presumably because of food allergies?). If I see that it doesn't have milk or eggs there, then I read…
  • I loved Forks Over Knives, but what convinced me to become vegan was the fact that our standard diet now is not sustainable in the long run. We are using too many resources and polluting the earth to grow animals to eat when we could feed many more people by eating plants. Not only that, but factory farms are breeding…