Insanity, Eating so much!

Is it normal for me to consume 1900 calories a minimum now? It's a huge bump, but I'm just so hungry! Is this normal... I'm doing Insanity, almost done with week 3... and I'm wondering if I'm getting hungrier cause of the workout and if anyone else went through this and still was able to shed the inches and pounds?


  • To be honest, 1900 calories is quite a decent calorie range to be on for women who are trying to lose weight.
    Your body is not used to a calorie deficient so it's quite normal to be hungry, whether you are actually physically
    hungry or not, or it's just in your head, it's completely normal! i'm on 1200-1500 calories atm and never hungry,
    i'm a hard weight/fat cutter (means i do it fast, efficiently and effectively without any harm to my body), so i've trained
    my body and my mind to not think about food.
    Anyway, our bodies are amazing machines, and your body will soon get used to your 1900 calories, so keep at it and be
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    I've been losing weight steadily eating about 1900 calories a day (on the days I work out). I think the most important thing is to go by how you feel. If you are shaky, lightheaded, or your stomach is growling, you're not eating enough. If you feel overly full after you eat or you just want food because it's something to do when you're bored, then you're eating too much.
  • ambut
    ambut Posts: 49 Member
    If you're tracking your calories and you're still at a deficit (remember that on this site, a "zero" at the end of the day is a deficit), then definitely don't worry about the number at all. I also agree with akiramezu that part of this is mental, so that once you figure out what you need to be doing and you know that it's correct for you, you have to train your mind AND body to go with it.

    A few questions to consider:
    -Is it possible that you are not getting enough water, especially on workout days? Sometimes the brain confuses thirst and hunger signals. Regardless, make sure you are hydrating enough. Juice and milk count, but water is best.
    -Are the foods you are eating nutritionally balanced and healthy? Although it may not affect weight loss much, your body will react to 1900 calories of junk differently than it will react to 1900 calories of healthy stuff. If it's 1200 of meals and 700 calories of snacks, think about planning meals better and incorporating small portions of calorie-dense foods (peanut butter is a common fave) to satisfy your hunger.
    -Have you correctly calculated your Basal Metabolic Rate? This site has a decent one, but you may want to check around for a second/third/fourth opinion and then calculate for yourself what kind of deficit you should be at. Remember that your BMR is only how many calories your body needs to exist (as if you were lying in bed all day). Everything you do when you go out and about is using extra calories. If you put "Sedentary" in your MFP profile but you actually run errands for an hour a day and spend 2 hours at work on your feet and walk a mile with your dogs every day (just examples), then MFP will underestimate how many calories you burn in normal activities during the day.

    There are other questions, I'm sure, but these are all the ones I can think of at 6am :-) Best of luck, and enjoy Insanity!
  • Insanity is in an intense program (I am just finishing week 1, of month 2......just wait till you get there!). Your body needs fuel to replace what you have burned off. Shaun T. was on Dr. Oz yesterday and one key thing he sai was that most people aren't eating enough food, which is why they aren't losing weight. Make sure you are eating about 1900 calories of the RIGHT Food. Try having a decent breakfast, followed by a mid morning snack (somewhere around 150-200 calories), and a decent lunch and dinner. Add healthy snacks where needed. That's going to give you the energy to keep going. Good luck with the program! : )
  • jaimelynn91
    jaimelynn91 Posts: 1 Member
    So glad someone else is going through this! Well, not glad you feel hungry but glad that 1900 can still feel like too little to someone other than myself. I was beginning to think I had a tape worm! I have been doing 1900 (which sounds like a lot) and losing weight to the point that my BMI is a bit low which puts me more at risk for osteoporosis which is common among the women in my family. I've cut out a little cardio but still amping up my strength training and purposely trying to go over just a little in calories by adding an additional healthy snack to my day. I'm not even doing the Insanity so I would say that what you are experiencing is pretty normal.