

  • I was down with the flu about a month ago, for about a week (real bad) and a second week at a 'sort of sick' level. I upped my calories to maintenance level, and still dropped over a KG in that week. More than I normally ever lost, and I didn't put it back on after. I'd say you burn more because your body is fighting off…
  • Augh noooooooooooo. =( Fine. I'll just eat normal PB. Haha! I can't put on THAT much weight in 10 days anyways, and I'm technically at maintenance now anyways. =)
  • I'm more excited than a normal person should be about that. I've given myself permission to go TOTALLY off diet while on holidays (it's only 10 days, whatever) but I'd still like to make 'smarter' choices while there. =)
  • 5'2" here as well (of course). At my highest (ever) I was about 145lbs and felt horrible. My back hurt, I wasn't happy. Breaking point was trying to jog to catch up with a friend one day while holding a grocery bag in each hand and I realised I could FEEL my tummy fat and boobs bouncing around. Horrifying. I was up to a…
  • 5'2" or 157cm. Shorty short. *waves across to you*
  • Thanks guys! I'm hoping to be able to get my BF% checked at my gym in the next week or two and have a better idea of how close I am to my goal. ^_^
  • Protein is NOT a problem for me, I'm a massive carnivore and prettymuch eat a decent amount of protein everyday. Standard meats are chicken, salmon, kangaroo, venison when I can get it, duck, turkey. I'm a huge fan of lean protein and not so much a fan of lamb, pork, and only occasionally steak. It's a good idea though!…
  • Makes sense. My initial goal was 52kg/115lbs. Depending on how fast I get to 53kg, I may continue 'low cal' for a few more weeks, then up cals to 1500 to see how I go. I'm happy with how I look now, honestly, but still could stand to lose a few kg of fat here and there.
  • Weights it is! I have a gym membership, so getting out there and having weights on hand for this isn't a problem. I'm following a program a trainer there put together for me at the moment, but I may talk to him next time I can grab him about putting more of a focus on building muscle at this point.
  • Thanks guys. Hitting the gym tonight and might see if I can get them to retest bf%. Been over a month and I'd like to see how I've progressed thusfar. I'm definitely putting on more lean muscle and still losing weight steadily. Will be nice to see where another month gets me!
  • I think compared to before diet changes, I'm still doing awesome. I went from 2-3 cans of soda a DAY to 2-3 a week. Lean meats, smaller portions, salads for lunch, cut down bread intake by almost 3/4 and only whole grain breads. Definitely made a big change, and I don't think a few days of snacking on treats will kill…
  • Love it! I bought little tablets. Each one is equal to a heaped teaspoon of sugar. I keep the container in my purse and use it when I get a coffee when out at the shops. half tab and coffee or tea is perfect. No headaches for me! =)
  • I'm with you. Going to try it with half next time. If still good, I'll drop it down again on the next go and see how it tastes.
  • For anyone interested, here's the recipe: 2 medium carrots 2 onions (red) 1/2 teaspoon majoram/oregano 1/2 teaspoon thyme 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 3 cups water 2 cups chicken broth/stock (okay to replace with low sodium or vegetable stock if wanted) 1/2 cup olive oil 1 cup lentil chop carrots, onion, majoram…
  • I love olive oil, I use it sparingly, often. But when a recipe calls for a 1/2 CUP of it and that adds over 1000 calories to a recipe I'm happy to look for other good oil alternatives that may be a bit better? Alternately I'll try it next time with 1/2 the oil. It just seems excessive. =)
  • Thanks, that's what I've figured. I've gone back and edited old diaries to see what diff it makes and it's no wonder I've only been losing 400gms or less a week on average. Haha, oops! I'll make the changes from here on out, and hopefully will see an improvement!