Activity level and counting exercise

Hey guy, just looking for some clarification on a few things in my food diary and all that.

I've set my activity level as lightly active as I work in a pet and produce store and spend all day on my feet (8 hrs a day). I do spend most of my time standing and cleaning in one spot, or behind a counter, but on most days I range from walking approx 2km worth of distance or higher.

Since I've already listed my activity level as lightly active, which gives me more calories to work with, should I NOT be counting this general walking around? I have been counting it as 1hr worth of slower walking a day but I don't want to take credit for calories I've already accounted for!



  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    No, you dont count that as exercise,,,you have already counted it. Good luck
  • rosequoll
    rosequoll Posts: 27
    Thanks, that's what I've figured. I've gone back and edited old diaries to see what diff it makes and it's no wonder I've only been losing 400gms or less a week on average. Haha, oops!

    I'll make the changes from here on out, and hopefully will see an improvement!
  • RZO42488
    RZO42488 Posts: 64
    The activity level constitutes the "working out" for the credit of walking.