No idea what my goal should be!! (pics)

Hey guys, just pondering (because of reading recent posts) that I really have no idea what my goal should be! I'm 5'2" and doing fine losing weight. I'm doing my best to eat all of my exercise cal back, going to the gym between 3-5 times a week plus I have a lightly active job, always on my feet. Generally I'm losing between 300g to a full kilo (only happened twice so far) a week, and it's staying steady.

I've been basing my goal on my weight when I moved overseas to AU (8 years ago now) at 19. I was about 52kg with very low muscle mass. I did no weight training or resistance training and was skinny simply because I did not eat well and was obsessed about staying 'low' on the scale.

Moving out here, I stopped letting myself obsess about it and unfortunately got up to my high weight of 66kg/146lbs which was not good on my body shape. I was tired, unhappy and felt like crap. Got my work permit, lost a few kilos, and have been working to get down from 62kg since the start of the year. I'm at 'around' 55-56kg now (123lbs or so) and feel a tonne better, but I'm still holding a lot of fat around my butt, thighs, calves (while I've gained muscle, there is no definition yet in my stomach or calves)

So long story short, I have no idea where my goals should be! I want to have more muscle mass than I used to, but I'd still like to work to get a BIT more of this BF% down. At last 'test' at the gym (calipers, 3 locations on body) I came in at 23.8%. I'd be happy with that but I've lost fat off my upper body (and boobs, woe is me!) but only a total of a 1/2 inch of my thighs.

Looking for people around the same height that are going for the same sort of goals? Suggestions? I'm happy with a range weight for my maintenance, but I do know I want to look leaner and more toned than I do now and I'm not sure at what point I should flip to maintenance calories rather than loss...

Current pics:


  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I think you look great where you are, just some toning, really. Cardio is a great way to lose BF, pilates is also fantastic for toning, elongating (sp) your muscles and whatnot.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    You need to start weight training. And not little girly 5 lb. dumbbells either.
    Weight. Heavy weight.

    Get yourself a ten and a 15 pound kettlebell, some resistance bands that are adjustable, and some heavier dumbbells, like 10s, 12s, and 15s for now.

    Develop a routine that incorporates these along with bodyweight exercises such as squats, pushups and lunges.

    Lowering your body fat percentage is as easy as increasing your muscle percentage! If you add muscle you will lose fat since muscle burns fat at rest.

    My example. I got down to 103 (at 5'2") and was still unhappy. I started lifting. Now I am 107 (4 pounds MORE) but look way better, same jeans are looser, and I AM happy.

    Edited to add: I LOVE your ink!!!!
  • coderedcoderedjkjk
    We actually have the same body type, and height. I'm only about 9 pounds less than you. My thighs are the worst. I lose everywhere before them. They only started getting smaller when I got around 107
  • rosequoll
    rosequoll Posts: 27
    Thanks guys. Hitting the gym tonight and might see if I can get them to retest bf%. Been over a month and I'd like to see how I've progressed thusfar. I'm definitely putting on more lean muscle and still losing weight steadily.

    Will be nice to see where another month gets me!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I am 5'3", currently around 111. By march, body fat 16.x%. Totally agree on weight training, and lift HARD. At least 2, prefer 3 weight training a week. I will say look for some books or online info to get yourself a program. I recently borrowed a book called maximum strength, something like that, first found on amazon. I am going to take a look. In addition, do not let your body get used to the same routine. Change it, mixed up, shot your body, confuse it to get better result. Make sure you get enough protein to build muscle, at the right time. It will help burn your fat. One more thing, don't forget to workout your core, including abs.
  • rosequoll
    rosequoll Posts: 27
    Weights it is! I have a gym membership, so getting out there and having weights on hand for this isn't a problem. I'm following a program a trainer there put together for me at the moment, but I may talk to him next time I can grab him about putting more of a focus on building muscle at this point.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Your goal should be to move your arm out of the way the next time you take pictures. :laugh:

    I think you look wonderful! Nice work.