tleonhardt Member


  • Exercised? Yes. Swimmiing Drills/Laps - 45 min Dog walking x 2 Within Calories? Yes, barely Tracked? Yes
  • Exercised? Yes. Cycling 1.5 hrs. and swimming 40 min Logged? Yes Under calorie goal? Yes
  • Stayed within calorie goal: YES Exercised? YES. 25.8 mile indoor cycling; dog walk x 2 (just under 3 miles total) Tracked all food? YES
  • Exercised: Yes. 68 mile endurance bike ride and walking the dog x 3 Under calorie goal? Yes Logged? Yes
  • Exercise: yes: swam 2000 Meters Food: under calorie Goal Tracked:yes
  • Hello. I am Tami. I am excited to join this challenge as I have been missing the accountability and support so crucial for success when trying to make and maintain healthy habits. I am good on the exercise part, but I want to improve my eating.
  • I'm in! I'd like to lose 10-12 pounds and am determined to improve my diet.
  • Perfect timing! I would love to join!
  • I will add forgiveness and compassion for family members who remain stuck in a pattern of abuse and self-destruction. I will also practice self-compassion. I will strive to give up unrealistic ideas of "fixing" or healing anyone's heart but my own. I will add daily reflection and prayer and take responsibility for my…
  • Will there be a group to join tomorrow to be included?
  • Count me in! I need a little motivation to get through the next 8 weeks! It would be so awesome to be slim at Christmas and at goal weight at the beginning of 2016!
  • I also have been MIA but have been working on weight loss over past 9 weeks SW: 159 Cw: 146
  • 5 things I'd like to accomplish today: 1) grocery shop for healthy food 2) work-out 3) have some time with Mark 4) Read at least one chapter of Half Time 5) complete phone calls for work:smile:
  • Congratulations, Martino78 and great overall progress for the group! Wisning everyone a great week filled with good healthy choices!
  • I have done several and helped out with one that was in conjunction with a Run For God program at a local church. The experience was fun. Met lots of people of various ages and levels of fitness and enjoyed the faith-based and educational aspects of the program as well as the camaraderie of the participants. I personally…
  • Starting weight: 154 Goal weight by next week: 151 Goal weight by Christmas: 132 Okay, I am determined to stick with this challenge one day at a time with the weekly weigh-ins, better food choices, regular exercise, and a positive attitude. Can't wait to see what this group can accomplish by Christmas when with…
  • Looking forward to joining you on this journey. Fitting back into my clothes, improving my health, and losing the extra weight will be a great Christmas gift and great way to start the new year ahead!
  • My goal is 24 pounds, which will get me back to my healthy goal weight
  • PW (last weigh-in): 152 CW: 151.8 Not much, but came close to goal of 150 from 158. Let the journey continue! Good luck everyone, and thanks, Pam!:smile:
  • PW: 150 CW: 152 Not surprising....had family in town visiting and ended up eating out and drinking wine at least one meal/day and didn't get to the gym as routine was disrupted during the 4 day visit. Will get back on track today in hopes of getting back to my original goal of 150 by next weigh-in. Good luck to everyone…
  • Keeping you in prayer for a good doctor report this week.
  • Thanks, Pam! I am impressed that you are going strong with such a full plate with moving, etc.! Swimming and yoga are both outside my comfort zone, so I will commit to swim laps at least once this week and do at least 1 yoga video tape session. One of my favorite breakfasts is an egg white omelette:drinker: :drinker:…
  • You are a true inspiration! Congrats!
  • PW: 152.5 CW: 150 This challenge is working and kicking my behind in gear!!!! Thanks everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying this challenge as much as I am. We will all be fitter and stronger!!
  • I don't know if I'll be able to amp up the calorie burn more than I did this past week! (LOL). I am challenging myself to do 2 workouts/day. Usually, the evening workout is walking the dog or power walking with a friend and the morning workout typically occurs at the gym. Push-ups are difficult due to shoulder issues, but…
  • SW: 157.5 CW: 152.5 I am pleased that I finally lost a few pounds after trying so hard all summer. I think that the water consumption, logging, and crunches helped me, especially logging even when I didn't want to. Ready for this next week's challenge, and it will be a challenge as I will be on a 4-night, 3-day camping…
  • Good morning, Hope everyone is having a good week. Hard to believe the first weigh-in is tomorrow. Good day yesterday. Met all goals. Got up a bit late this morning, but managed to get to a spinning class and do my crunches before work. I plan to actually bring my lunch to the office today so that I am not tempted to scoot…
  • I agree that weekends are hard!! Didn't expect to fall off track on a Monday night, but my daughter (a new Freshman in college) invited me to a concert and we didn't have a chance to get something to eat until late, and I was very hungry by that point and parking was terrible, so we ended up at Mellow Mushroom and I caved…
  • Did okay today. Exercised, drank plenty of water, and did my crunches. Ate a bit too much in the evening, however. Need to do better at going to sleep when tired instead of late night mindless snacking! Hope everyone had a good weekend and that the rest of the first week goes great.
  • 08/24/13 Okay, for some unknown reason I did NOT get much sleep last night...seemed like I tossed and turned and checked the clock every hour although I wasn't worrying about anything. Anyway, at 4:30 a.m. I decided to put off my 5:30 spinning class. Still couldn't go back to sleep, but I did get up around 7 and made it to…