

  • I've been doing Starting Strength for a month and am ADDICTED. I'm doing about 50 carbs per day and losing about a pound a week. I'll send you an add!
  • Oh my gosh- it is so hard to keep calories under control when you're training for a race. Those long weekend runs make you just feel like you're STARVING for the rest of the day! It might be a good time to take a good look at your nutrition. Are you eating a good meal with lots of protein and some complex carbs right after…
  • I lost 40 pounds before I had my two kids by making a big lifestyle change. I had the first and gained the 40 pounds back, but I lost it 6 weeks after the birth by breastfeeding and maintaining the healthy lifestyle. With the second, I only gained 20 pounds (should have gained more) and lost it +10 pounds within a few…
  • Hi, Mary! I'm experimenting with this myself. I'm keeping the carbs under 100 grams a day and have found it easily. My protein is somewhere around 1g/lb of body weight, maybe a little less. I'm a also a recent convert to whole foods. How low are you going? Is it working well for you? Nice to meet you! Shayna
  • I'd like to squeak in- I have nine pounds to go! I've had really good success starting out by lowering carbs to <100 per day and upping my protein. My macros on MFP are 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. Also, are you taking measurements? If you're exercising, you might be starting to put on some muscle, which is denser…
  • I really love mine- I have the Bikila LS and they are my favorite model by far. A couple of caveats- 1) If you're running in them, take a little time to actually run barefoot before running in Vibrams. This will teach you proper form because your bare feet will not allow you to shuffle or plod. You should land midfoot,…
  • I will definitely do that, thank you. The regular ones put a lot of pressure down there.
  • Thank you so much! I have had cysts in the past- that could well be it. What do you do in the meantime? Just lay off the pushups?
  • I'm really interested in what others have to say on this. I really feel for you- I'm going through the same thing. I'm trying to get my weight down as much as possible before considering surgery. Like you, I had two babies via c-section and they stretched me way out. For now the best I can do is wear not-quite-lowrise…
  • Hey guys, I occasionally lurk r/loseit but mostly spend my time in r/fitness. I'm dancingpriest on Reddit and can generally be found asking really dumb questions in Fittit and Runnit. Add me if you want! Would love to have some friends. Shayna