seismicmuffin Member


  • I have been using Graze for a few months (I've gotten about 4 boxes) and I really like the variety but I think I might check this company out.
  • I like it. Its not really a genre I steer towards either. I heard a lot of good things about so I got it for my Kindle. I enjoyed it, the twist about halfway through was pretty awesome. Looking forward to the movie so I want to read it again.
  • Personal opinion. I enjoy them very much, you get a lot more details about all the characters because you are inside their head. To me, they are easier than Lord of the Rings. But my friend, who is huge into LOTR couldn't get into the GoT books OR the show. You can get a paperback at Walmart for like $6, try reading the…
  • I prefer the new Daario. Obvious pretty boys are not my thing. Neither live up to the book though (yes I'm one of those people).
  • When I go out to restaurants I make sure to drink a lot of water. Typically I will finish at least 2 glasses before the food arrives. This helps to keep me full. Then I eat my food slowly (I always used to be the first to clear my plate and then feel horribly bloated the rest of the night). If you eat slowly it will be…
  • Well I finished TFIOS and, as expected, I cried my way through the last 1/3rd. Now I think I'll start reading Gone Girl again. Also in the middle of A Dance with Dragons.
  • I made my own category titled "Focus T25". I wear a HRM and I typically burn between 250-280 calories depending which dvd I'm on. HRM = heart rate monitor. I use a Polar FT4. I got it on Amazon for about $60. Definitely worth the price.
  • saving this thanks! pancakes sound amazing. I love having breakfast for dinner.
  • I'm a pear. Even when I was in high school weighing 120 lbs I had the hardest time finding pants that fit comfortably! Either my butt would fall out when I bent over or they were baggy everywhere except my hips. I gained all my weight in my hips and thighs until recently, when I started noticing my belly beginning to…
  • Fresh raspberries, blueberries, blackberries etc. Frozen are just as bad. I always have to shop around and wait until avocados and mangos are 2 for $1. $1.50 for one mango? Crazy. ETA: ALMONDS. Love chocolate flavored almonds but they are almost $10 a bag. I can go through one in a week. Also, pistachios.
  • I have been doing Focus T25 for 3 weeks. 25 minutes no breaks and like a 2 min cooldown. It works up a great sweat! I'm on Alpha right now and kinda scared to start Beta lol.
  • I have Just Dance and Zumba core for the Wii. I enjoy Zumba more bc I can just select a short-med-full length class with different intensity. My favorite is either the 20 or 50 min high intensity. Burn loads of calories! I have mostly stopped due to beginning T25 but I think Zumba is more fun.
  • Bump because I need an answer to this too!!
  • I love Zumba! I have Zumba Core for the Wii. When I first started losing weight I was doing either the 20 min high intensity or 60 min med intensity 5 days a week. I've started another program the past 3 weeks so I haven't been doing it as often but it sure is a lot of fun. I work up a great sweat.
  • I strive to do it first thing in the morning. It's not that I'm not a morning person but I LOVE sleep. Whether I'm waking up at 4pm or 4am I don't like leaving my warm, soft bed lol. I set my alarm every night and get things ready the night before (set out my workout clothes, HRM, shoes etc and get the DVD ready). Even…
  • I just started reading The Fault in Our Stars for the 2nd time. Preparing to see the movie next month. I'll be taking tissues with me lol.
  • My boyfriend puts salt in the water when boiling. Not sure where he got the info but it works for him lol.
  • I started taking an iron supplement about 4 months ago. The only significant change I've noticed is during my TOM. I'm no longer completely useless during it and I generally feel better.
  • I have this site bookmarked for when I need to look up a quick protein snack.
  • Netflix: House of Cards Orange is the New Black American Horror Story Supernatural Firefly Sons of Anarchy Sherlock Doctor Who The Walking Dead Arrested Development HBO: Game of Thrones True Detective Silicon Valley
  • Pearl Harbor, Armageddon, The Village, Dogma, Spaceballs, The Big Lebowski, Heavy Weights
  • Let's see.. I love video games (Kingdom Hearts, SWTOR, Skyrim, WoW, Pokemon - games on PC or DS or XBOX etc) I like to play Magic: the Gathering with my boyfriend and his friends (and kick their butts!) My favorite movies tend to be fantasy involved or superhero or based on a book/comic. Same with TV shows, Game of…
  • I would love to join! Pottermore put me in Gryffindor just fyi :P
  • I'm a Registered Dental Assistant at a surgical office. I usually prepare my morning protein shake before work and it keeps me going for about 4 hours. If I feel like breakfast type foods I like hard boiled eggs, oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar. For lunch I like fruit, a veggie burger, or leftovers from dinner the…
  • I'm on almost 40 days straight! feel free to add :)
  • "S'cuse me while I kiss the sky" -- Jimi Hendrix song Purple Haze. :)
  • Stay with it! I used to hate water too but now I love it. Last week my water intake was about 1/2 of my normal and I noticed a big difference. I was bloated (water retention thanks to sodium in my diet--about 3-4 lbs of it). When I drink water all day I feel much better. At first, you pee a lot but then your body gets used…
  • Not as much as I used to. There are better, family owned sandwich joints where I live. The people are nicer and the food tastes more fresh.
  • I started at about 210 (I managed to keep at that weight for about 3 years). After 1 month on MFP (and 1 month before of mostly clean eating) I've lost a little over 12 lbs and I'm finally under the 200 mark. I jumped off my scale and did a little dance :)