lalepepper Member


  • I haven't had one in a while, but I really liked my Garmin Vivofits. I had a couple different models over several years before moving on to an Apple Watch. You may be able to find some of the older models for under $99. As far as I recall the later models did have sleep tracking. Worth a look to see if they have anything…
  • I don't overthink it with fruits/veggies and I defer to the raw or frozen weights. I agree that there are too many variables with cooked vegetables for it to be my first choice. Raw accounts for the typical amounts of water in the fruit/vegetable and after cooking this can drastically change from chef to chef depending on…
  • Welcome! I typically do 20/4 IF, without being too strict on it - sometimes its more like 19/5, other times 21/3. Rarely I eat a late breakfast or lunch at typical times, but that's generally only for social occasions and I account for it in my calories. I was always someone who felt nauseous if I tried to eat first thing…
  • Recipes have been quite a source of annoyance for me recently. I've just been breaking down the ingredients in to the amount I actually have and logging them individually to save myself the frustration of adding one too many ingredients (it just gives up and starts over) or accidentally adding something twice and not being…
  • You are right that Propel does not have aspartame, but any beverage with 0 calories that tastes sweeter than unsweetened seltzer has some sort of non-caloric sweetener added. Propel does use non-caloric sweeteners - 2 to be precise: Acesulfame Potassium and sucralose
  • It really depends on what exercise I did and how I feel. If my exercise was relatively slow-paced and easy, I might just let those calories stay with my deficit. Many calculated calorie burns can be overinflated, so for low-burn exercise, eating it all back could negatively impact your deficit. If I've been cycling or…
  • We also tend to be a bit taller first thing in the morning than at the end of the day. Natural compression in the spinal column occurs as we stand/sit throughout the day, but it's not typically enough to result in a full inch!
  • I've never been that keen on donuts. I like sweet things, but they feel very underwhelming and not worth the calories. Given a choice of pretty much any other sweet vs. a donut I'll probably choose the alternative. I love bagels though. I like dense breads and they definitely hit the spot. Definitely miss the bagels and…
  • I hear you. I've run in to a lot of this myself. I think a lot of it comes down to it seems too "simple" to people. The reality is that counting is hard to do correctly, day in, day out, for long enough to make a meaningful loss. I don't think the average person has much of a concept of what a calorie is, beyond the food…
  • I have found using a long fasting window works best for me. I like to feel full, have never been keen on eating in the morning, and have a very busy job. Limiting my window helps me stay on track and I make much better decisions about what I eat. I break my fast before dinner time with veggies and sometimes a little fruit.…
  • No one seems to have mentioned that this also cuts out people who have quit smoking but are using NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) or vaping to quit or stay off cigarettes. The huge net cast by these policies does not take that in to consideration. Assuming anyone with nicotine in their system is a smoker is ridiculous…
  • Depends on how the meat is prepared and the type of meat. Coarsely chopped vs strips vs ground will be very different, as will be cooked vs. raw. The only real reliable way is an actual good scale.
  • Nope. Losing is a matter of balancing life with my goals. If having a good time on my birthday is going to make me feel badly about my goals, it is a lose/lose. My anniversary, birthday and fourth of July all fall within a couple weeks. I don't stress that time of year. I have been working on weight loss for a few years…
  • I'm no expert, but I am kind of a dental geek. I went to college planning to be an orthodontist, and still find dental science very interesting despite ending up a social worker. Our teeth are a good indicator of our "true" dietary intent. We have the flat, grinding molars that allow for efficient masticating of plant…
  • I am 6', 270 and my husband is 5'10, 135. I don't feel the height difference nearly as much as I do the weight difference. When I was in HS I felt self-conscious about my height. I dated guys shorter than myself but really wanted to date someone taller. After a couple really crappy experiences I realized it's more…
  • I also find the IBW calculation to be pretty accurate for me, as a 6' female. It says my ideal weight is 176 - my goal for now is 180 and I plan to adjust from there. Lowest I have been was 193 and losing 15-20 from there seems spot on.
  • If you are concerned about a deficiency, blood testing is the best way to see if you are actually missing out on enough nutrients to make a difference.
  • Packaged items tend to have accurate calorie counts when they are presented in grams. I have found since weighing food that it is less reliable when measured by item, as some prepackaged items are heavier/lighter than their listed package weight.
  • Fat in and of itself is not toxic - storing fat is a normal physiological process in reaction to a caloric surplus. Our other organs, such as skin, kidneys, lymphatic system, and colon help us excrete or serve as a barrier to toxic substances. Having too much fat can negatively influence our organs and overall health, as…
  • I guess I missed the reference to waist size in the initial post or follow up posts - if that is the case I agree with you - using size guidelines for both sexes to help people determine if they will fit is reasonable. That is what I thought was funny.
  • I eat 20/4 and find the smaller eating window makes it easier to feel satisfied on a limited amount of calories.
  • No, because I've never been to a club XD. Have you ever gone in to the opposite gendered bathroom at the bar, either by necessity or by accident?
  • What comes to mind starts at my own frame of reference. While I logically know that the average height woman will be more significantly overweight at 200 lbs than I would be, I still tend to assume from my perspective, as a 6' woman who would be under 20 lbs overweight at 200, because that is my reality. Folks shorter than…
  • Nah - I don't swing that way!
  • The Stand by Stephen King
  • As I clarified above, I meant having a cut off weight specifically for women. I see how my original post could be construed as dismissing weight limits all together. I completely agree that weight limits are reasonable, but having a particular one for women that is different than men does not make sense.
  • Then make it a hardline weight restriction for everyone, rather than singling out women based on the weight. That's what I was getting at - as I said, I think size restrictions are completely understandable. Size includes height and weight. But saying women over 200 not allowed but allowing men over 200 is silly. If you're…
  • I agree with prior posters who indicate that many entries here lack iron information. In addition to the recommendations already, here are some more foods rich in heme iron, which is more readily absorbed by our bodies than that in veggies/lentils and fortified foods: clams, oysters, mussels, and other mollusks liver…
  • I think that size restrictions for rides are completely understandable, but I don't agree with their method. That said, I think setting a cut off weight is silly. I'm a 6' woman. The upper end of healthy weight tops out at 183. If I were 200 lbs I would be under 20 lbs into overweight. I think having a tester seat is a…