Fasting newbie

I have started Fasting. I'm currently doing 16 hours fasts. I'm only on day 2 but my first day was a success. I'm hoping to find some friends who are also doing fasting. My biggest struggle I need to over come in my journey is Learning not to eat just because I am board. I'm hoping that fasting is a good start in the right direction. Feel free to add me 😊


  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    edited August 2020
    Welcome! I typically do 20/4 IF, without being too strict on it - sometimes its more like 19/5, other times 21/3. Rarely I eat a late breakfast or lunch at typical times, but that's generally only for social occasions and I account for it in my calories. I was always someone who felt nauseous if I tried to eat first thing in the morning, so I was inadvertently fasting longer but was not watching what I ate when I was eating. I had no idea how many calories really were in food because my perception of portion sizes was distorted, and I ate my feelings as a bullied kid - the consequence was rapid weight gain and development of poor coping skills I've had to work hard to correct.

    I am 70 lbs down using IF to help me stick to my calorie goals. I have a very busy work day in the field as a social worker, and not having to worry about eating during my work day makes it infinitely easier to make good food choices and avoid unpleasant side effects from not having a gallbladder. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    I started IF (16:8) a little over a month ago and didn't notice a change in weight until I got back onto MFP and got serious about logging again. So, I think it's more about the tracking (for me anyway) but the smaller eating window does make it easier for me to stay at/under my calories :)

    I also pre-log everything so I know exactly what I *can* have if I need a snack - whether that's because I'm legit hungry or just bored.