

  • I am so thankful for this thread! I am in the middle of week 3, and have had zero weight loss. But my body fat % is down and clothes are a bit looser. But the scale number is so depressing. And holy smokes, week 3 is HARD. I am so, so sore.
  • I let it soak, and add 1 tbsp of spicy salsa to it (I like Casa Sanchez Salsa Rojo). Or add some sirracha. I really like the mac that way. (But I can also eat it plain, tho it is kind of bland.)
  • I am totally lazy. I take a protein (chicken breast, pork chop, tilapia, salmon) and sprinkle it with Mrs Dash and bake it. Then I just do 1 1/2 cup of microwaved vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower). If I'm feeling really ambitious, I'll roast the veggies in the oven (and diversify with green beans, asparagus, etc).…
  • Nah, like everyone else has said, it's not really like pasta/spaghetti. I am not a giant squash fan either, but if I cover the squash "noodles" with marinara, it totally hides the "squash" flavor. And you can eat a giant plate for like 20% of the calories compared to pasta. Give it a whirl to see if you like it. I totally…
  • That is THE BEST photo!! hahaha
  • The weather has really taken the wind out of my workout sails. I work right next to a 3 mile lake. I usually walk or jog around the lake at lunchtime but with the crap weather and lack of motivation, it's been hard. I also do yoga DVD's 3-4 days a week. I must get more diligent with my Zumba wii game!
  • Why are you keeping your fat % so low? Is there a medical reason?
  • I did "okay" at Thanksgiving. I did eat a lot, but it was essentially my only meal that day. We did not host, so I didn't eat any leftovers. Woohoo! On Friday, the scale was exactly the same. Total win. I will say, I was totally STUFFED and felt so gross after eating all that food. I forced myself to do some yoga (and…
  • Amazing. Great, job... and so motivational! You look fantastic.
  • I wear running shorts. They work out really well for me.
  • You look amazing! WOWOWOW! Hot Momma!
  • Mine are 18".... take comfort. I'd kill for 13 inches!! I just have super big legs... I will probably never be able to wear normal high boots, I'll probably always have to get the wide calf size. :( Boo.
  • I had good luck with Lipodrene. It completely takes the hunger away and gives you an energy boost. I saw good scale movement each day too. However, results slowed after about 2 weeks. So now I'm going to just take it every once in awhile. I KNOW diet pills are not great for you, but think you can use them sparingly to give…
  • I log everything separately. Yeah, it's a pain but at least you know you've got accurate calorie counts.
  • Love Zumba Fitness for Wii. I use it like 3 times a week.
  • Congratulations! That is an AMAZING feeling! :))
  • I love my 2 cats!! However, just be careful, most cats are pretty obvious when they are displeased. My girl will pee on the carpet when she is upset with us. My aunt has a cat that will leave 1 small poop nugget on her pillow if the litter box isn't kept up to his satisfaction. heh. But the pro's greatly outweigh the…
  • I'm 5"1... currently 197. I haven't weighed less than 150 in over a decade, so I honestly have no idea what my goal weight is. I'm shooting for 130 but reserve the right to change my mind based on how I look. I feel like the bmi range for my height (115 - 132) may be unrealistic based on my frame. I am super solid, with…
  • This is such an amazing story. I can totally relate to your feelings. Best of luck in your "new life". Thanks to all for continuing to bump the thread.
  • The easiest way (unfortunately) is to cut out boxed/packaged food and eating meals out. Eating fresh, whole foods that you prepare make it pretty easy to keep your sodium low. But so much easier said than done, I know... ;)
  • I am mostly vegetarian (I eat meat sparingly). I usually do breakfast smoothies or greek yogurt with fruit for breakfast and a big salad for lunch with garbonzo beans. I try to limit starchy carbs to 1 meal a day. I usually don't have problems with my calorie limits (and I'm at 1200-1300 per day). Essentially if you…
  • Do legs play into shape at all? I have giant tree trunk legs. Otherwise, I'd say I'm an apple but they say you're supposed to have small legs. It's so confusing.
  • My answer is kind of two fold. I am only 5'1... so really, I should be eating a pretty low calorie diet. I don't eat horrifically, but ultimately, I eat TOO MUCH food. I've gained and lost about 5 times now (since I was 20 until now)... and I think I've always gained the weight because I stopped counting calories and…
  • I have an ultra and recently upgraded to the one. I LOVE IT. I love how it interfaces with MFP as well. If you have the budget, I'd buy the newest model. It will synch with your phone via bluetooth (if you have 4.0 or higher... my iphone 5 works great) and the vibrating alarm is pretty cool. If your short on cash, the…