what is your fitness routine?

I was wondering what everyone's fitness routine is? Also, what is your goal? Any big weight losses? My routine is hitting the gym 5-6 days a week for 1.5-2 hours! My goal is to lose 162 more lbs!


  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Mine is running 3 times a week and P90X 2-3 days a week and nothing on the 1-2 days. I had a total of 48 pounds to lose, down 15 since about mid-August.
  • ThePartyGoblin
    My routine sounds really dumb next to yours, but I go for an hour long walk every day or every other day. So far I've lost over 15lbs doing that and taking out most of the processed foods from my diet and substituting them for healthier options. If I had the money for a gym membership I'd probably go every day!
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    i do cardio everyday..i walk my dogs at least 30 mins in am and 30 mins pm..i have been alternating the elliptical with c210k....my goal is 25-30 more lbs!!
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    Right now, I workout five days a week (M-F) and take weekends off. I weight train M,T,Th, and Fri and do cardio on Wed. My normal weight sessions are from 60-75 mins and cardio is about 45 mins.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    lifting hard for an hour 5 times a week and 10 min of abs every day
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I am a swimmer. On MWF I swim for an hour doing a combination of freestyle and breaststroke. Usually I walk about 3 miles on 3 out of the other 4 days. Not very varied I know but I like it.
  • Maeiowa
    Maeiowa Posts: 30 Member
    I ride my exercise bike at home for 30 minutes before breakfast - 7 days a week. On the weekdays, I go to the fitness center where I walk in the water resistance pool for 20 minutes and after that I swim laps in the pool for 35-45 minutes. Once I am cleared to lift weights (I had surgery in October), I will workout on the weight machine for 30 minutes 2-3 times a week, too.
  • timvet
    timvet Posts: 114 Member
    :wink: right now I am doing Chalene Extreme, I am on month 3 week 1 and I love it. I have done insanity and turbofire also and I loved them both. I have lost 80+ pounds and now my goal is to get by bodyfat percentage down and get stronger. I like to change it up because I get bored easily
  • kellis155
    The weather has really taken the wind out of my workout sails. I work right next to a 3 mile lake. I usually walk or jog around the lake at lunchtime but with the crap weather and lack of motivation, it's been hard. I also do yoga DVD's 3-4 days a week. I must get more diligent with my Zumba wii game!
  • divincenzo1
    I try to do interval training on the treadmil 3 times a week. Right now I walk at 4.0 for 5 minutes and then jog at 5.0 for 5 minutes for a full hour. Starting next week I'll be walking for 3 minutes and jogging for 7...I'll keep that up until I can jog comfortably for the hour and then work on my speed. Then twice a week (Wed and Sat or Sun) I go to a weight lifting class at my gym so I'm not solely focused on cardio. I try to mix it up on the weekends with step, zumba or spin as well just so I don't get bored of my workouts :)
  • ndearing0501
    ndearing0501 Posts: 145 Member
    I try to workout 4 to 5 times a week. 3 times cardio 2 some sort of strength training. I like to mix them in hour long sessions like circuit training. That's my favorite! I'm not trying to lose weight, I don't need to, but tone and strengthen and stay overall healthy!
  • risenonlytofall
    I do taekwondo 3-4 times a week (classes are 75 minutes each). In the morning I try to get in at least 15 minutes of rope jumping, and in the evening I try to get in least 15 minutes of body weight exercises. I also hike/walk a lot when the weather is nice. Unfortunately it's going to be stormy for a while here.

    I'm not really looking to lose weight (I lost about 15 lbs last year). I just want to clean up my diet and become stronger. I'm going to be getting my black belt relatively soon so that's a huge incentive to keep improving my fitness levels.
  • _Thanatos_
    I just follow the P90X classic schedule.
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    Date night with fiancee 1-2 times a week which includes long walks.
    Daily 3-4 miles jog before work with two days of the week doing a long run.
    Four times a week at the gym for strength and cross training.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    ohhh, I swim and do yoga and play at the jungle gym. yes, I should lift weights but I'm not currently doing so, I just like looking good and being active, able to climb things and such.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Run: M/W/F/Sa 30min - 1hr
    Strength/core/yoga: Su/T/F30 min - 45 min
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Strength Training: Sunday through Friday (a little more than an hour a day).
    Cardio: Saturday (5mi run or a couple hour bike ride).
    HIITRA: Tuesdays, Thursday and every other weekend.
  • Chloe_P78
    Chloe_P78 Posts: 43 Member
    Monday & Friday: Body Pump
    Tuesday & Saturday: Body Step
    Wednesday & Sunday: 5-7km run
    Thursday: Body Combat
    Love it all so much couldn't give a day up if I tried!
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    My typical week is 3-4 5K+ runs, & 2-3 weightlifting sessions involving deadlifts, bench press, glute bridges, push-ups & chin-ups.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Currently I'm doing Round 2 of ChaLEAN Extreme with a little P90X thrown in for fun (or intensity lol). My goals are to continuing maintaining my weight loss from 20 years ago and to build muscle to keep my metabolism up in my 40s.