ally_land Member


  • Hi Diva, I did a quick check in on your Beachbody thread.....thought I'd stop by here too and let Skill know I'm still going strong.....I'm on week 8 of X3....that would be transition week of Block 2. Only one block left. It's going by fast. I'm sure I'll do another round when I'm done....I really like feeling fit again.…
  • Hi Diva, I started week 2 of X3 today. Love it. Of course. :) Body Beast??? Just the commercial freaks me out! Let me know what you think.....
  • Hi Diva! Feeling good feels good, doesn't it??! heh. I've been eating a little more sugar lately and THAT doesn't feel good! It affects my joints....and my moods FOR SURE. Where did I leave off? Tuesday was sculpt. Wed was sweat and abs. Sculpt again Thursday. Friday I did Cardio X instead of sweat and abs. WOW. I remember…
  • Here is one of my blog posts. Not sure if it will help, but I am a fully recovered binge eater and no longer struggle with food at all. Human nature is to avoid pain and seek pleasure. When we restrict food and become doesn't feel good. By nature....we then move towards pleasure. This is where the binge comes…
  • Sculpt 1-2 last night. Sweat and abs done for today. Just keepin accountable. :)
  • After one whole week.....I'm back among the living. Feels good!! Eased back in with Yoga X on Sunday.....back at Power 90 with Sweat 1-2 and Ab 100 last night. I guess the week off did the trick with the boredom factor. Think I'll do another few weeks of Power 90 until I receive X3. Good to see you back, Skilly. How did it…
  • Still down for the count. 5 days and counting...... I won't go into the details.....if you've ever had a food-born illness, you know exactly what is happening. ;-) Skill, I see you've been pretty active the last few days. Good for you! Diva, I'm glad you're still popping in here. I think I'll start X3 in about 3 weeks.…
  • Ok, let's see. Sculpt on Thursday.....back to Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100 on Friday. Rest on Saturday. 25 minutes of Yoga X on Sunday. Then went to lunch with a friend and have been sick ever since. Haven't had food poisoning since a Mexico trip 5 years ago. Guess I'm sitting it out today. Back in my extremist days, I…
  • How about giving up the scale completely? Counter cultural on this site, I know, but what is it that you truly want? A certain number on a scale.......or to feel happy, healthy, confident and free? I can tell you I have felt miserable at 140 pounds. It goes way deeper than a number on a scale. I gave up the scale, and…
  • Glad you're feeling better Skill! Sounds like you're listening to your body. :) Was starting to go through the motions a bit so did about 50 min of treadmill & rowing machine yesterday instead of Sweat 1-2. Will go back to Sculpt tonight. Sliced my finger open during lunch today so hopefully wont slow me up at all....
  • Sculpt 1-2 done. Added a little weight this time. Feelin good and strong.
  • Funny....I haven't been very sore during the first 2 weeks of Power 90......over the weekend I did 30 minutes of Yoga X and now I am sore! Back at it again today.....Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper 100. Probably do another week or two of this and then switch it up a bit......maybe Slim in 6 or Power Half Hour. I am really going…
  • Hi, I overcame years of emotional eating by: 1. Learn to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional hunger. 2. Choose to eat only for physical hunger. Eat anything you truly desire, as long as you are physically hungry. Stop eating when you are no longer physically hungry. In time, you will develop a trusting…
  • Sweat and Ab 100 done. Jen - It's still 4 workouts in a week. That's pretty darn good considering you work 60 hours a week and have kids! I'd say you should pat yourself on the back! Diva - Thank you for the insights on X3. Think I may have to get it. Sounds perfect for my schedule. Your exercise schedule still amazes me,…
  • "The bigger mystery is why we choose to ignore the need for proper diet and exercise in the face of obvious requirement." Hmmm....some good points in the original post. I didn't read all of the 300+ responses but it seems the overall consensus is agreement with the 'try harder, do better' philosophy. I know this approach…
  • Sculpt 1-2 done. Just lettin ya know... Diva, I read reviews about X3 a while ago and some were complaining that Tony was goofy and talked too much (totally used to that by now).....and that everything seemed rushed. Now that I dusted off the Power 90 seems like he was the same back then. Sculpt 1-2 is pretty…
  • Diva, I have 3 boys. Oldest is 17 and the two little guys are 4 and almost 3. I had a nice little break in between. ;-)
  • Yippee Doodah.....Sweat 1-2 done. I've noticed that this regular exercise for the past 2 weeks is kicking up my endorphins. My mood is significantly better. My household is thankful. ;-) Diva....what do you think of P90X3? I've been debating on whether to try it. I still love the X but wouldn't mind shorter workouts. Hi…
  • Hi, Thanks for sharing. There is a way to end the struggle with binge eating. First, learn to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional hunger. Second, decide to only eat for physical hunger. Third, when you crave food when you are not physically hungry, you are really craving joy or love. Learn to fill this…
  • Sculpt 1-2 done. Feels so good to be lifting heavy things other than kiddies. ;-) Hi Jen....glad you posted here. Several Power 90 veterans in this group so feel free to ask any questions or stop by for encouragement. :) up. Don't happy. Look for ways to feel happy and feel joy apart from food and…
  • Hi Rachel, Thanks for sharing. I used to think that when I had the "perfect" body, that I would be happy. Silly really, when I was a size 8 and had a very beautiful body. But all I could see was my pooch on my lower abs, stretch marks from pregnancy, etc. I exercised like a fanatic, obsessed about what I ate, and even…
  • Hi Jen.....welcome! I hope you post your updates and anything else you'd like to share on the chit-chat thread. I am also doing Power 90 and it would be nice to share the fun with someone. ;-)
  • Oh no Skilly!! That stinks! I'll be thinking about you and sending healing vibes your way. I was really looking forward to doing P90 with you. Maybe you'll be up for it again when you are recovered. I'll still be here. :) Sweat 1-2 tonight. I've learned that my feet don't like a lot of I modify. Sometimes I…
  • hi notanna, there is a way to break free from the struggle. first is to learn to eat only for physical hunger. i dare say that you can eat whatever you want at first, as long as you are hungry. stop eating when you are no longer physically hungry. when you develop this trusting relationship with your body, you know that…
  • Sculpt 1-2 done. Feels great. Empowering! Think I'll do some yoga or stretch tomorrow. Rest Sunday. Back at it again next week. Skilly, hope your first day tomorrow leaves you feeling energetic and excited to get back into a healthy lifestyle. Best wishes my friend!
  • Sweat 1-2 last night. Funny how tough it is for me. Hard to believe I used to be one of those Xtreme fitness type people. ;-) Diva, I remember you from the original Agents. I was 'lawgirl' back then. Good to see you again. That's amazing that you have made such a commitment to your fitness all these years. :) Happy…
  • Did Sculpt 1-2 last night. Had to break out the "lite" weights.....5's, 8's, 10's and 12 lbs. I'm definitely back to square one on that front....but I know from past experience that it doesn't take long to build back strength once you've had it. So after cardio 1-2 and sculpt 1-2, I'm not too sore. That's good news. :)
  • My name is Ally. I met Skill (the moderator) about 6? years ago via an online fitness website. We were both hardcore P90X'ers at the time. We've remained online friends since then so I am here to offer my support......I guess I may as well get into shape while I'm at it. ;-) Health and wellness is definitely a priority for…