Struggling to look past the numbers on the scale

I am approaching 30. For the last 5 or so years, my weight has slowly crept higher. I was depressed when I hit 200 pounds a couple years ago. then my weight climbed and settled at about 215 for quite a while. Now it almost 230.
Any thoughts about how to not only persevere in the battle to be healthy and lose weight sensibly, but also how to overcome the discouraging feelings I always have when the numbers don't drop on the scale?


  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I can only speak for myself, but when I get discouraged I try to think about the fact that this is now my life. I am eating better, working out and making wiser choices for the rest of my life. The weight coming off is just a plus side.

    But sometimes that doesn't work so I go on long *****y rants on my newsfeed lol

    Another thing is really trying to set different metrics like measurements or goals (lifting a certain weight, running a certain length, avoiding certain triggers). Those little things will help you keep positive when the scale is being an *kitten*
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    How about giving up the scale completely? Counter cultural on this site, I know, but what is it that you truly want? A certain number on a scale.......or to feel happy, healthy, confident and free?

    I can tell you I have felt miserable at 140 pounds. It goes way deeper than a number on a scale. I gave up the scale, and instead of focusing on losing weight, started focusing on taking care of myself, treating myself well, LOVING myself. When I focused on how I wanted to feel.....energetic, healthy, alive....the weight took care of itself.

    I know it sounds a bit scary, and definitely NOT the advice most will give you, but I can guarantee it is a much more joyous and freeing process.