Discouraged - self esteem/Overeating - forever?



  • acb2144
    acb2144 Posts: 34
  • ally_land
    ally_land Posts: 28 Member
    hi notanna,

    there is a way to break free from the struggle.

    first is to learn to eat only for physical hunger. i dare say that you can eat whatever you want at first, as long as you are hungry. stop eating when you are no longer physically hungry. when you develop this trusting relationship with your body, you know that food is safe with you, you can then focus on what foods make you feel good and energetic and which foods make you feel sick and unhealthy. choose the ones that make you feel alive and energetic.

    the second step is to find ways to fill your emotional hungers apart from food. when you want to eat when your body is not physically hungry, that is a cue from your spirit/soul/whatever you would like to call it......that you are craving self-love or joy. learn to give yourself this kind of love and joy, and you will no longer need food to fill that void.

    exercise or movement can come in later, if you'd like. again, approach it from a place of wanting to take care of yourself, wanting to feel better, wanting to have energy and feeling alive. this positive motivation takes away all drudgery and obligation. eventually, you will want to move your body because you want to take such great care of yourself.

    in short, eat for physical hunger, fill yourself with love when you have emotional hungers, and exercise when you want to feel good and have more energy. i promise it will no longer feel like a struggle.
