nieme Member


  • Weekly weigh-in: 143 Owls: 11 House Points: 80 Looking forward to having this week off and the semester ending on Wednesday!!!!
  • I will cross my fingers for both of our official ones!!!
  • It's November 30th and the scale said 142 this morning!! That means I hit my November goal!!! WOOOOOOT
  • Started to feel a little better, cold wise, yesterday. Been eating pretty well, lost weight on the scale this morning, so I'm already excited about Saturday's weigh-in. I enjoyed the 4 day weekend, though I spent 80% of my awake time working on a term paper. :)
  • Week 4 results: Weight: 143.5 no change... which is really disappointing since I was sick all week. House Points: 80 Owls: 11 My goal for December, I'm going to go with 140.
  • I didn't go out for Thanskgiving, just made some Trader Joe's turkey, stuffing, gravy, and mashed potatoes. So I was easily able to keep calories under control. :) I have been sick since Tuesday, finally feeling like a human this morning, so exercise has been lax. Walking up and down the stairs feels like a 5k this week.…
  • I worked on a term paper last night, so no exercise. I did get some veggies in though! I have a head cold or something. It sucks. :(
  • Checking in for Tuesday. :) Current weekly update: Exercise: 2 Food: 2 Spirit: 2 House Points: 61! I have felt sick most of today with a head cold. I hope it goes away.
  • Sunday was GORGEOUS up here in the north. We raked leaves (sore arms to prove it). I also hopped on the treadmill for a half hour last night, so already building up the house points!
  • I've been SWAMPED at work and school so I have completely thrown exercise by the wayside. I have kept up with food though. Weekly weigh-in: Weight: 143.5 Owls: 7 House Points: 50 I promise to have more house points next week... it will be much easier since I have no papers due and 2 days off from work!!
  • I agree it's good for your mind to indulge once in a long while! It's Friday already? Where does time go. I seem to have less and less free time to come online during the day.
  • Finished a paper last night which means time for exercise tonight!!!!
  • Checking in! I earned my exercise owl yesterday with a 400 calorie treadmill burn. :) :) :)
  • The seasonal slump does make sense! It has been cold here in New England! My weekly weigh-in: Pounds: 145 (down 1!) House Points: 30 (I know, awful!) Exercise Owls: 5 Food Owls: 3 Spirit Owls: 4
  • I've been a bad Ravenclaw lately about showing up to the common room. I feel like there are not enough hours in the day. The great news is that I haven't gained at all. I need to work harder on getting some exercise time in. I think my goals for next week will be: Exercise: No elevator use and exercise for 20 minutes each…
  • It gets dark at 4:30, so that's my rut. I've been good with the exercise owl and decent with the food one. :) Bad on the house points front though.
  • Another day, I'm behving with the junk thing, so that's good. :) Need to get some exercise in sometime tonight though going out to dinner with coworkers.
  • Checking in for November week one: Weight: 146 Owls: 8 House Points: A pitiful 25 So far this new week, I've already tied my house points from last week. ;)
  • Hanging in there, I think I finally shedded half a pound, the darn 146.5 would not go away on the scale!
  • Checking in - did 1.75 miles on the treadmill AND my exercise owl.
  • 146.5 for a third straight week. It was a very stressful one last week. 45 house points and 5 owls. Bad week all around. It WILL be better this week, stress is lightening already! November goal.... 142 pounds.
  • Sounds like a tough week for many of us. Work is kicking my butt too, and I'm so relieved that my big midterm is done. I have to exercise some more tonight.
  • I am normally 100% junk free, but not this week! I have been good today. I worked my "problem" areas yesterday - arms and abs. OUCH!
  • Checking in. It's already a horrible week. Work is absolutely crazy, and I have a mid-term tomorrow night. As soon as that is over, I can exercise without feeling like I'm going to fail my test by not studying. UGH!
  • Weight: 146.5 (no change) :( Eating wise, I was fine all week, but exercise got by the wayside because of school projects and in-laws visiting. House Points: 131 Exercise Owls: 3 Food Owls: 2 Spirit Owls: 4 ==== Total Owls: 9
  • Work has me about to jump off a bridge as well. haha. I made myself a pizza last night (homemade) and felt horribly guilty after eating it, so I did a mile on the treadmill and a Jillian Michaels workout to feel better.
  • Checking in... I parked far today and carried my laptop, lunch, purse, and all that other crap in heels. Normally that is incentive to park close. haha.
  • Congrats Craft! AWESOME JOB!! Just checking in, yesterday went well, though I tried to take "before" photos and felt crummy all afternoon (I didn't let it lead to snacking though). Then I accidentally deleted the before photos because of the new iPhone OS so I will have to get my husband to take them again! I am going to…
  • Checking in for Sunday. Had to eat out yesterday because there wasn't anywhere on campus (had homework in the library) that was open, so I had Five Guys. I got a burger, no toppings, I did eat some fries though. I have been parking far away whenever I have had to drive anywhere (about a quarter mile from Five Guys!). I…