Ravenclaw Common Room



  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    Oooooo it so nice reading this blog. Im back for the week and excited to jump into week 3 since it is only tuesday. I had jelly beans today but tomorrow I am getting back on track being out of town has really got me eating like I used to. I missed you guys.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    OK Ravenclaw!! Here are the house results for week 3 October:

    karinane is our top loser with a whopping 2.53% loss! Way to go!
    psb13 earned the most OWLs this week with 20 - and almost perfect score!

    Congratulations to this week's prefects!!

    Prefect Badge: Insert the following link into your signature and change the IMG to img in both places.

    This week, psb13 gets to choose the exercise challenge and karinane gets the food challenge. Please send your ideas to me by Thursday.

    Great job everyone! We had a fantastic week!!


    And - Welcome home Sami!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Hiya Ravenclaws! I took a couple weeks for myself, but I'm back and now the proud owner of a scale! Woot! No more relying on the rec for me!

    So what are the challenges for this week?
    @Bethany - you can always find the challenges on the thread link in my signature if you forget. This week:

    Food: No Junk - just say "no" to junk food
    Exercise: Work on your personal problem area 10 - 15 minutes each day

    Welcome back!

    Awesome. Thank ya Kindly!

    So I have 39 House points for today, and since I jsut found out about the challenges, I wasn't working on either of them, so zero OWLS for me today.

    Glad to be back though. I missed you guys!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Hello All!

    I'm new to MFP, and my friend recommended this community. So I thought I'd drop in and say "hi" while I figure out how this all works.


    Hello Korki!

    Honestly, this group has been my favorite part of mfp so far. Definitely good for keeping you on track and keeping you motivated. If you need any help, just ask! :)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Hello All!

    I'm new to MFP, and my friend recommended this community. So I thought I'd drop in and say "hi" while I figure out how this all works.


    welcome Korki!! this is the BEST group!! keeps me motivated!! i haven't been feeling well the past couple of days and haven't been keeping track of food and haven't been exercising. i'm feeling much better today and back on track.
    i remember thinking the other day "that would make a good exercise challenge"...if only i could remember what it was!!
    sue, i'll put my thinking cap on and get back to you on the exercise challenge.
    hope everyone has a geat day!!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Good evening Ravenclaws, am doing a little bit better this week even though I'm feeling like crap again, I have 2 spirit OWLS, 1 exercise OWL, 1 Food OWL and 280 House Points so far. :) Congrats to this weeks Prefects.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    So I decided to take a week off of running. Between me being sick, the kids being sick, and the weather its just not happening. As I was laying in bed at 445t this morning listening to the rain, trying to decide to get up and run or not, I thgouht maybe my body needs a bit of a rest. I've been kind of in a plateau these last couple of weeks, even though I'm under cal. every day and exercising my *kitten* off, so . . . maybe a week off of running will kick my body into losing again when I start up on Monday. Does that make any sense at all?

    Today's Stats
    Exercise (abs)- +1
    Food (no junk)- +1
    Spirit- +1

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS: 12 HOUSE POINTS: 225
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi Ravenclaws - a quick check in!

    Usually not eating junk food is easy for me, but today our Consultant brought me Quinoa cookies, 2 boxes. They look healthy and they are vegan, which is key. He is so nice. I will do my best to save them for Sunday so I can earn all my owls. So far I have an owl every day in each category.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    So I decided to take a week off of running. Between me being sick, the kids being sick, and the weather its just not happening. As I was laying in bed at 445t this morning listening to the rain, trying to decide to get up and run or not, I thgouht maybe my body needs a bit of a rest. I've been kind of in a plateau these last couple of weeks, even though I'm under cal. every day and exercising my *kitten* off, so . . . maybe a week off of running will kick my body into losing again when I start up on Monday. Does that make any sense at all?

    Today's Stats
    Exercise (abs)- +1
    Food (no junk)- +1
    Spirit- +1

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS: 12 HOUSE POINTS: 225

    Yes, it does make sense, I am learning that you need to change up work out routines and intenisty every 30 days.
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    I am normally 100% junk free, but not this week! I have been good today. I worked my "problem" areas yesterday - arms and abs. OUCH!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ravenclaw!!

    I felt so crappy when I left work yesterday that I forgot to drop off my new prescriptions on the way home, did no exercise whatsoever and totally blew off my homework. I wonder if it was that muffin I ate....

    Anyway, I seem to be back on track today. Hope I get some exercise in tonight - I don't have any house points to report yet this week! :noway:

    So, on Monday (31st) I am going to have a redo on some eye surgery I had done 2 years ago. I hope everything heals as quickly as it did then because I have a mid-term coming up the following Saturday! And then the second eye will be done on Nov. 21 (my birthday :ohwell: ) - right before my final in another class!! This is going to be one crazy month! If I go missing for a few days, you'll know where I am and I won't be gone long!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    Hello All!

    I'm new to MFP, and my friend recommended this community. So I thought I'd drop in and say "hi" while I figure out how this all works.


    Ooh, ooh!!! That friend is ME!! welcome to Ravenclaw, Korki!!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Evening Ravelclaws! Just got back from seeing Joseph Gordon-Levitt (he's an actor, was in Inception, 500 Days of Summer, 10 Things I Hate About You, Angels in the Outfield, 3rd Rock from the Sun...). He did a presentation at my school about his company hitRECord, and it was AWESOME. I got there four hours early so I could get front row seats... which I got.

    So because I was standing in a line all evening, no exercise for me. On the upside, no Junkfood, so +1!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Evening Ravelclaws! Just got back from seeing Joseph Gordon-Levitt (he's an actor, was in Inception, 500 Days of Summer, 10 Things I Hate About You, Angels in the Outfield, 3rd Rock from the Sun...). He did a presentation at my school about his company hitRECord, and it was AWESOME. I got there four hours early so I could get front row seats... which I got.

    So because I was standing in a line all evening, no exercise for me. On the upside, no Junkfood, so +1!

    You meet the coolest people! I really like Joseph Gordon-Levitt. How do you get so lucky??
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ravenclaw!!

    I felt so crappy when I left work yesterday that I forgot to drop off my new prescriptions on the way home, did no exercise whatsoever and totally blew off my homework. I wonder if it was that muffin I ate....

    Since starting paleo that carby stuff really knocks me on my *kitten*.

    Good luck on your sugury
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    hhaha sugary oops.

    anyways does those tiny chocolate booze bottles count as junk food cuz they are paleo if you dont count the sugar.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw! seem to be having trouble getting back into the swing-still not feeling great. sounds like several of us are struggling this week. i'm setting my mind to getting in at least a lame workout tonight!! don't wanna get too far out of things and never find my way back!! COME ON RAVENCLAW!!!!
    have a great thursday everyone...the weekend is ssssssoooooooo close :happy:
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Good evening Ravenclaws, am feeling so crappy lately, don't know if it's related to my hormones or not so I have another doctors appointment coming up. Am doing ok on the OWLS and House Points this week.
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Ok, didn't check in yesterday. Had a bit of a personal crisis. Work hours are getting overwhelming (I'm working 50-60 a week). When I'm home all I'm doing is either working out, cleaning, or making dinner. I overindulged this weekend and introduced toxins into my system that haven't been there for a long time. At work last night it finally all caught up with me.....I got dehydrated and just about passed out. I am exhausted physically, and I need to take a few days off of the exercise to let my body recover. I'm trying to get extra sleep and skip on the things I normally might cheat on so I can get the bad stuff out of my system again and don't just collapse at work. My workload this week is even more demanding than usual. So, I probably won't have any exercise OWLs (or not many). I hope to get back on track beginning of the week with some workouts, but not overdoing it like I was.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    GUESS WHAT!!!! Remember that trail race I was complaing about earlier in the week (I ran it Sunday, had what I thought was a terrible time, hills killed me) well I didn't stay for the results and handing out of trophies because thought I did terrible and had the kids with me- well turns out I came in 2nd for my age group!!!! Guess I did better than I thought

    Today's Stats
    Exercise (abs)- +1
    Food (no junk)- +1
    Spirit- +1

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS: 15 HOUSE POINTS: 265