hearthwood Member


  • Mississippi still ranks the highest obesity rate-& Colorado being the lowest--but regardless obesity rates are skyrocketing all across the U.S. You're right it is more the portion size than anything else. A scale, MFP and a fitbit or Apple watch are solutions to all of this, it's just that you have to grab the bull by the…
  • Congratulations on your start! Depending on your current weight 20 lbs. in 2-1/2 months may be a real challenge. MFP is set up for 2 pounds per week, and the more weight you lose (usually at first) slows down a little with the more weight you lose, so whatever you do don't get discouraged with it, just hang in there and…
  • Everyday is a new day. Just make certain you're within in your calorie range on most days and you'll do fine. I think we all overdo it every now and then, I know I do.
  • Don't let looks deceive you. Here is a woman that is 300 pounds plus, that does ultra marathons and is also a high school running coach. http://dailyburn.com/life/fitness/news-ultramarathons-obesity-072415/
  • I maintain just by logging in on MFP. I weigh myself once a week, if I eat too much one day, I cut back the next. That's what works for me.
  • There's no such thing as low calorie pizza. And the toppings don't matter. It's how much of it you eat that matters. Portion control works great in these type of instances.
  • Well you've got a very strict plan--and you've set up weight goals and times to meet those goals. My worry is if you miss one of your goals, you'll get discouraged and quit. 65 minutes of exercise per day, in my opinion, spells failure. There are going to be days where you don't feel like exercising and or other…
  • One week is nothing with weight loss. First of all no one needs to exercise to lose weight. Exercise simply helps you lose it faster than normal, (if you're not eating back all your burned calories.) 1600 is high for most women. I believe most women on this board are around 1200 calories a day. You might want to check your…
  • Congratulations--just keep going, and once you're there, stay there.
  • Congratulations: MFP can be addicting. Me too, I have been on here a long time, and find I prefer fruit over a lot of things that I used to eat a lot of, that wasn't very healthy and loaded with empty calories. I am at goal weight now, but I keep checking in.
  • Nice going--keep it up, don't overdo it, you don't want to injure your back. Remember "listen" to your body when exercising. If it doesn't feel right, move onto something else. Weight loss is just calories in versus calories out.
    in Hi all Comment by hearthwood August 2015
  • Congrats--just keep going!
  • Smoothies never filled me up. When I get hungry a tablespoon of Skippy's all natural peanut butter with honey works for me. If I have a chocolate craving then a small candy bar--like Snicker's works the cure.
  • You're never going to completely get away from junk food, especially if your husband likes to eat it. Why should he suffer because you're losing weight? This is about YOU, not your husband. You're going to have to put it away, (out of site out of mind) and learn to deal with it being in the house, and frankly, all over the…
  • Have your husband go to the grocery store to get his own stuff, either that or make a list for you. Your weight loss is for you, not your husband, so you don't have to include him in it.
  • Keep logging in your calories on MFP
  • Great Job--Congratulations you look fantastic!
  • You need to give a little more information for help. Like your current weight--height, etc. and how much you want to lose--then you'll get some answers.
  • A good rule of thumb is to never eat back more than 1/2 calories burned. The reason--MFP--electronic devices and machines have a real history of overestimating calories burned, which means you could easily be overeating your workouts, and actually gain weight.
  • I never cared for running, my husband is a marathon runner, but not me. I prefer walking--so I like to hike which burns mega calories. Don't try to compete with friends who run, especially regarding the number of calories they burn compared to you. The important thing is you're burning calories just by moving. We all learn…
  • Yep, I save calories every day, especially if I want my snacks. So I usually skip breakfast--(and yes I know I am not supposed to do that)--but I am never hungry in the morning, and I am not going to force myself to eat. I'll get hungry around 11 a.m.--and then it's lunch to me. Then I love my snacks at night, which is a…
  • 3500 calories = 1 pound. That's fairly well documented.
  • Hiking--I live in the mountains--so it works out great for me and it's a real calorie burner.
  • I eat a lot more fruit. I really haven't eliminated anything, but I eat a lot less of French Fries and very little potato chips. A piece of cake is now a sliver, and I still go for ice cream, but it's a very light dinner when I do that. I am at goal weight now. Calories in versus calories out worked for me.
  • Not that I have seen. MFP recommends that everyone eat no less than 1200 calories a day.
  • Long term weight loss success is spelled long term. There are people who are capable of taking off weight fast, but then the next time you see them, they have exploded in pounds with about 20 extra. It's silly to even think of weight loss as a speed process. It just says you haven't changed your life style at all. Most…
  • Nope--don't do that. It's a good rule of thumb to never eat back more than 1/2 of calories burned. MFP, and most electronic devices, including machines have a history of overestimating calories burned. Plus there's no harm in losing a couple of more pounds if you are exercising.
  • Weight loss is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Unless you're in the super obese category (400 to 700) pounds there is no way to realistically expect to lose 100 pounds in 6 months. It's just the math--3500 calories = 1 pound. If you're consuming less than 1500 calories a day now, how do you cut out another 500 calories a…
  • 1650 for a sedentary women is high on MFP. Most of the women on this board are at 1200 calories a day. If you're eating back calories burned, it's a good rule of thumb to never eat more than 1/2 of calories burned, as electronic devices, machines and MFP have a history of overestimating calories burned, and you could be…
  • Yes, you ate and drank too much before you went swimming. If your stomach is full and you try and exercise you will have blood competing with digesting food, and pumping blood to your heart and organs to satisfy them. At some point something is going to give, and this caused you to throw the food up, so your body could…