spaingirl2011 Member


  • I make Tuesdays and Saturdays my rest days. I find that the day after a rest day produces great running and lifting. I can actually give 100% on the days after rest days and I'm not lagging. I still take walks after dinner on my rest days, but I don't run or lift.
  • Meal plan for the week. That way you know exactly what you're going to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Yes, it takes maybe 30 minutes once a week, but then you go into the store knowing exactly what you should buy and what you're going to do with it. As an added plus, people who meal plan before they shop…
  • I'll do a serious gym workout (lifting weights, cardio,etc) in the morning and then take a 45-60 minute walk after dinner once it's cooled off a bit outside. I see the second part as staying active rather than exercise. Getting a fitbit or pedometer helps encourage you to get more activity (I have a fitbit and I find that…
  • I like to add it in place of spinach in crockpot recipes--it's holds up better and cooks down nicely. I'll also pulse it in the food processor and add it to lowfat ricotta for stuffed shells/lasagna.
    in Kale Comment by spaingirl2011 July 2014
  • Think about where you've come from. You have already lost 20lbs! If you can't appreciate your hard work now, what's to say that you'll appreciate yourself when you get to goal. Make exercising and eating well a labor of love. That's what it is: a way to show love to your body. The best thing you can do is to say, "what…
  • Hi there! I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian--feel free to friend me!
  • Last night was my birthday and I ate several pieces of garlic bread, most of my cheesy-creamy pasta and two pieces of cake. I was definitely bloated by the end of that. That was a binge for me--a planned binge--but a binge as I ate way more than I normally considered reasonable. Sometimes, I have days where I can't seem to…
  • ^ This, right here. I'm exactly where you are OP and I find that my WL slows down when I start fudging calorie counts or using my food scale sparingly.
  • Feel free to add me! I'm lesbian. :smile:
  • Whole wheat pasta and breads are a great option because: a) they don't spike your blood sugar quite so much (which is probably why you were told to stay away from white, refined starches) and b) have more nutrients because they aren't as refined as standard semolina pasta and white bread. There's also the possibility of…
  • I'm 5'4 SW: 168 CW: 136 GW: 122-125 (but really it's about what I can maintain and what I feel good in)
  • That is something I've been noticing with my erratic calorie intake. I think I will try to up my calorie intake slightly but make it consistent throughout the week and see if that helps with the binge-y feeling I sometimes get.
  • THanks for your thoughts! My fear is that by using the TDEE method, I'd be overestimating calories burned weekly. I have changed my daily intake on MFP to reflect the new deficit based off my TDEE. I guess it's trial and error?
  • My advice is to let it go and just keep doing what you're doing--because you're obviously doing something right. Your body does not care what a calculator says and will not always lose on cue. Some weeks I lose a lot, some weeks I lose a little, and some weeks I don't lose anything at all. You may find that you have a good…
  • If you're already eating things like yogurt or drinking milk, maybe switch to higher calorie versions of that item (as well as eating more nuts, nut butter, olive oil, etc.) That way, you're stepping out of the "diet" mindset, but still eating for healthy living.
  • It might just be that patience is required. I'm in the high 130s (also 5'4) and I still have a belly pooch. It's just about keeping at and losing for awhile.
  • An idea I got from Trader Joe's was a lentil salad: Their steamed lentils (I usually do about a cup; you can also steam/cook them on your own) 1-2cups of baby spinach. 2-4tbsp of Bruschetta topping (for the dressing) 1 oz of feta. Add all ingredients to a tupperware container, close and shake! Viola!
  • The best way to get started is just to keep it simple. If the idea of doing some insane workout in your living room makes you not want to exercise at all, then don't do it. Try 45 minute walks 3 times a week. While it may not seem like a lot, you are moving more than you usually would and that will count for something. Do…
  • To track what you eat and how much you work out to help you lose weight? You'd be surprised how much outside research lots of people on this site do to be informed. You get as much as you put in.
  • You can start by doing an internet search on what portions sizes for different foods are. Once you know that, you can start by weighing food according to that. But ultimately, if you want more and have the calories allotment for it, then you can go ahead and do that instead. But if it helps search for portion sizes to get…
  • I third (or fourth?) the accuracy. Here's an example: The package of ham that I buy says a serving is 2 oz, I weighed my servings out for a couple of days and 2oz came to about 3 slices of ham. Well, one day, I went to weigh my ham and I guess I got a slice that was slightly thicker than the rest, so 2 slices ended up…
  • Start preparing yourself mentally. Starting now don't do anything you wouldn't do if you were maintaining (don't cut out foods you plan on eating when you maintain, don't add exercise that you won't keep up when you maintain, etc.). Lose weight while building habits that will last you through the rest of your life. You can…
  • Currently 145ish and want to get to between 125-130!
  • ^This. I've been eyeballing it for three years, and eating much more than I needed. I was reluctant to weigh food for a very, very long time. Now that I am weighing food, I'm learning that I can eat more than I thought I could in some cases and in other cases, I was eating too much. If I could change anything about my…
  • I have my baseline calorie goal set at 1230.... but I end up eating substantially more than that to account for my exercise (I like doing it this way so that I can see how much I have to eat and can account for unusual days) calories. There is no way I could run and lift if I only ate 1230 calories a day (I also wear a…
  • I'm 5'4, started at 168, currently at 145 and want to get somewhere between 125-130 and see how I feel!