Scared I will gain back the Weight I am losing

So for the past 6 months now, I've been eating around 1000 calories a day (1200 but with exercise I burn off 200-calories a day) I've lost around 30 pounds now and I weigh 149 pounds (sometimes I eat more than my calorie deficit but I haven't put on a single pound since I've began to lost weight)

Every time I log my calories, MFP tells me that I am putting my body into starvation mode. This makes me really worried because I know that a lot of people that have lost their weight tend to gain it back.

My goal weight is around 110 pounds which for my height is normal weight (I am 5'2")

If when I reach my goal weight - I use MPF every day and work on maintaining my weight by putting in my calories every day and working out, will I gain the weight that I have lost back?

People keep saying that I am lowering my metabolism and so when I start to eat even a little more than what I eat now, I will gain all of my weight back and I just really need advice.


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Well for starters start eating back your exercise calories. MFP is telling you you're putting your body into starvation mode for a reason - you're not eating enough! MFP is designed so that you eat back your exercise calories. You're meant to NET 1200 a day, meaning if you burn of 200 cals though exercise, you should be eating 1400 in total.

    If you continue to count calories and eat the right amount when you get to your goal weight you won't put the weight back on. But you'll have to do some experimenting with what amount you need to eat once you get there. Most people usually up their calories slowly - usually around 100 a week - until they stop losing weight. It's a matter of trial and error. If you do that and properly keep track of your weight while you're doing it, you'll be fine. Just remember that when you start eating more you'll put on a few pounds as your glycogen supply recovers, but it's not fat, so don't worry about that.
  • Paleocat2013
    For those of us who have to ACTIVELY watch our weight and what we eat... this will be a lifelong habit. And I bet once you've kept your weight normal you will know what to NOT change to stay there. I'm looking forward to that, but I remember when I was at goal weight that I kept up the exercise, made it fun, invited others to join me when they can to keep it social AND a normal part of your routine.

    Remove the fear by staying in control. Good luck!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Start preparing yourself mentally. Starting now don't do anything you wouldn't do if you were maintaining (don't cut out foods you plan on eating when you maintain, don't add exercise that you won't keep up when you maintain, etc.). Lose weight while building habits that will last you through the rest of your life. You can do this!