

  • Lunges are great. I use a treadmill and The Biggest Loser game to workout.
  • I can understand that feeling of everyone looking at you in public, thinking that everyone is laughing at me. I have been on a yoyo of weight loss and gain since I was a little kid. I was doing really well last year, but for some reason, I started out this year very badly. I didn't see the gain as fast as in the past,…
  • I only weigh in once a week, but if you see a loss, you should be able to add that as often as you like.
  • Welcome! You have come to the right place. I have had weight issues my whole life and even had the problem of conceiving. Since starting this site, I have discovered just what a serving is and how many calories are in food. I never paid attention before. By seeing the actual number calories each day, I can stay on track.…
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey! You have definitely come to the right place.
    in Hello! Comment by luv2teach32 April 2010
  • Welcome Amanda! You have definitely come to the right place. I was a skeptic at first, but not any more. I have lost 14 pounds and 22 inches since joining. So good luck on your journey.
    in Helloo Comment by luv2teach32 March 2010
  • I began using this site about 2 months ago, and I can tell you that it makes a huge difference. By having a place to actual see what I have been putting in my body, I can't lie to myself that I wasn't eating that much. It has helped with portion control and choosing alternative foods to the ones I used to eat. Also, the…
  • Sounds like it's time for good things to happen to you. I can feel your pain because I have always been bigger since my parents' divorce when I was 7. That and my mother used to force food down my throat, which didn't help. I have had some major issues in my life that I just don't discuss with others, but I know how you…
  • Welcome to the website. Like you, I need to lose about the same amount of weight and love to eat sweets. I have found that by being honest about the food that I eat helps me not overeat. I used to just think I want cookies or cake and I would eat it. Now, I think about what the calories are in each and decide to eat…
  • Hello. I thought I would share as well. I am a teacher of students with special needs. I have worked in the same district for 6 years and have taught all grade levels between 4th and 12th. It is definitely not a boring job, but it is rewarding to know that I am helping kids grow and learn. There's nothing as great as…
  • Hi Erin. Welcome and good luck with your journey. I have used this site for 36 days, and it has helped me stay on track and be honest to myself.
  • I found this website that allows you to put in your weight, amount of time spent exercising, and the exercise type, including trampoline jumping. It is Hope this helps.
  • Welcome and good luck!
  • Good luck with your journey!
  • They are really good. Just a note though. The mini ones are the lower calorie ones while the regular size go into the 300 calorie range.
  • I think what has helped me is seeing pictures of myself because I can't deny what size I am. When in the mirror, I can fool myself into thinking I'm not that big, but pictures don't lie. Also I have been looking at the calorie content of food and serving sizes to see just what I would have shoved in my mouth. When I see…