Just joined!

Hi, i have just found MFP and thought that id better sign up in the hope of getting some advice and support from like minded people. On Monday I start my first session with my fitness trainer and new healthy eating plan. My aim is to finally lose weight and look fantastic in my bikini in the summer (not that english summers are that great, but hey we live in hope!) I have always found it easy to convince myself that if no one knows what iv eaten when im dieting then it wont count. How come my brain is so quick to go for the easy option of crisps or chocolate but its such a major deal to eat healthily which i know can be just as quick and convenient!! Any advice about dealin with the doubts and fears of starting off the rest of my new healthy life would be most appreciated!! Thanx


  • rkascak
    rkascak Posts: 224 Member
    dont doubt yourself and have no fear for I am here haha Jk
    once you see the pounds coming off its gets easier to stay on track and you end up motivating yourself!!!
  • luv2teach32
    I think what has helped me is seeing pictures of myself because I can't deny what size I am. When in the mirror, I can fool myself into thinking I'm not that big, but pictures don't lie. Also I have been looking at the calorie content of food and serving sizes to see just what I would have shoved in my mouth. When I see that one cookie is 200 calories, I cringe and decide to eat something else. Also, you need to find activities that you like to do so that you aren't dreading exercise. I wish you good luck. Just believe in yourself.
  • mrsb1076
    thanks for the welcome :smile: