Day one....

babymagic_1980 Posts: 1 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there!

I just found this website! It looks really amazing and I'm so glad I was able to find it! I think this is just what i need to help to keep me accountable for weight loss. I love everything about this website!

So I just wanted to say HI!!!!!

a little bit about me....

I'm 30. Married and have one child. We are currently trying to concieve our second child. (for the past almost 2 years now). I am hopeful that by trying to loose some weight it will help me to get (and stay) pregnant.

that's all for now!!!! :)


  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome and good luck :)
  • Welcome! You have come to the right place. I have had weight issues my whole life and even had the problem of conceiving. Since starting this site, I have discovered just what a serving is and how many calories are in food. I never paid attention before. By seeing the actual number calories each day, I can stay on track. Also, people are very supportive here.
  • 6Pk2Go
    6Pk2Go Posts: 105
    Welcome! Hopefully you'll find this site as useful as I do.
  • snish
    snish Posts: 1
    I also just started (a couple of days ago). I have one child, and I'd like to have another as well, though we haven't started trying. I'd like to get some weight off first!

    I'm way off track, so I'm trying to celebrate every success. Even just being honest with myself and tracking my food for the last two days is a huge success for me. This morning, I ran to Dunkin' Donuts for coffee and didn't order a donut....which I REALLY wanted to do.

    Good luck to you with the weight loss and the baby!
  • helenlpn
    helenlpn Posts: 7
    Good Luck on and weight loss....I am new too...have gained so much since I quit smoking....looking to get back down where I can fit into my clothes again....wearing my fat clothes now
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