newereveryday Member


  • I'm also in the 100+ pounds to lose group and newly starting (again) on this journey. Sending friend requests!
  • I also hate breakfast and after battling with that fact for a while, I've accepted that a mid-morning snack is what works best for me. Yogurt and/or a cheese stick and I can make it to and through lunch without craving more than the sensible lunch that I packed (that is, no sneaking off to the vending machine for M&Ms or…
  • I'm in the 260s at 5'1 and have struggled with my weight since middle school. Having a support system was a big part of my success in the past so I'm definitely interested in friends with similar goals and challenges.
  • I'm also someone who likes to end the day with something sweet and I account for that in the way I consume calories through the day so I have room for it in the end. Since it's also my weakness, I go for something pre-portioned, like an ice cream sandwich or packaged dessert cake, so I can't ruin my day going overboard.
  • I found the only thing that helped me handle not having enough time for eating the way I knew I should was using a George Foreman grill (though any countertop grill could probably work the same). I just throw some kind of spice blend on a protein or pull it out of a marinade I'd put it in the night before, throw it on the…
  • My husband follows a low FODMAP diet and his life is radically changed. There's still the occasional incident or discomfort, but it's no longer multiple times a day, almost every day. He skipped the step of eliminating all high FODMAP foods and then slowly adding them back and just personally noted his reaction when he ate…
  • Roasted garbanzo beans. Rinse and then dry roast for 20-30 minutes at 425°, take out and toss in just enough olive oil to lightly coat, add whatever seasoning/spices that you like (taco seasoning, salt/pepper/garlic powder, cumin, dry ranch seasoning, etc), and then back in the oven for another 20-30 minutes. Sunflower…
  • These use few spices (mostly just salt and pepper) and largely canned ingredients or other things that will keep for a while in the refrigerator or freezer, plus make multiple servings each. They all reheat well for being multiple dinners/lunches.…
  • I had to stop focusing on the scale. It was absolutely killing my motivation to be doing everything so much better and yet not seeing results (or worse, seeing the dreaded gain)! Now, I look at all the signs that this is a true lifestyle change as my indicators of progress. Did I accept a smaller portion more easily? Did I…
  • Turning 29 this weekend with about 130 to lose! I'd love more friends along this journey!
  • I second the suggestions of trying to be inefficient in your daily tasks if you're concerned with getting steps. There's also the option of shifting your thinking. Steps are a means to an end and that end is burning calories. Steps are one way to burn, and I've never fallen short on my burn goal if I hit my step goal, but…
  • Also give yourself a ton of credit for being able to do P90 as a total beginner! I haven't tried it, but I'm doubtful that anything from the BeachBody folks is easy even if it's geared to beginners so that's an accomplishment in an of itself!
  • What people say about you is more a reflection of them than it is of you. If you recall their names (or still have receipts that might identify them), I would contact the managers of both stores and let them know about your experience.
  • Also in Texas and I cannot imagine doing any exercise without a tank top. I actually have decent luck with Ross finding good leggings that prevent chaff, but tank tops have primarily been from Walmart. Danskin mesh back tanks are super breathable and not actually see through in back. I'm a size 20/22 currently and…
  • Ken's Lite Apple Cider Vinaigrette. It's low calorie AND pretty low sodium, 80 cal/125mg sodium per 2 Tbsp.
  • I don't have a particular bread of choice at the moment, but back when I ate a sandwich almost every day, I started doing half sandwiches (using just one slice of bread, folded in half) instead with an additional low-cal side. It let me still have the sandwich I wanted, but helped keep my calories down and I discovered a…
  • Every day is is a fresh start. If you just keep at it, you'll get there eventually. One of my favorite motivational quotes is "Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard."
  • Just moved to Austin two months ago!
  • I've been there, too. Five years ago, I went from 275 to 145. I gained all but 15 pounds of that back and it took me a long, long time to let go of the guilt and shame associated with the re-gain. Now, I live my user name. I'm newer every day. What happened in the past doesn't matter. Each day is a fresh start. You can do…
  • I'm all of 5'1.5" and get so frustrated on the treadmill! While 2.7 may not seem like a fast pace, it takes a lot for short legs to keep up with that!
  • OMG! Where has this been all my life? It's such a helpful perspective.
  • My diary is open and even though I'm not a parent, I make a lot of meals that are ready in 30 minutes or less which could be helpful for a busy mom, I think. I'm also on here multiple times a day so I can be very supportive!
  • Maybe make after dinner your exercise time? I completely forget about being hungry if I'm reading, personally, and reading before bed is relaxing.
  • I think putting him in the donation bin is generous! Straight to the compost heap in my opinion!
  • Ditto! When I started getting winded just putting away laundry, I realized I needed to get back at it trying to lose weight. While I want to lose 2lb/week, realistically I think I'm going to wind up in the .5-1lb/week range.
  • I'd be happy to be buddies! I'm pretty good at sticking to my calorie limit, but I have a harder time with exercise.
  • I haven't been back at this very long, but I do log everything every day!
  • The bigger the support system the better! Trying to lose half my body weight, personally, and it's HARD! A little easier with the encouragement of MFP friends.
  • My story is very similar. I got with 15 pounds of goal five years ago, and now I'm literally back to square one trying to lose half my body weight again. Ideally, I'd like to do it before turning 30 (just over a year), but really I'd be happy to just be in shape in general in my 30s and have the life I never had in my 20s.
  • I'm also 28 and working on losing over 100 pounds. Friend request sent!