Working from 8-5 with 2 hour commute, too tired to do this



  • newereveryday
    newereveryday Posts: 222 Member
    I found the only thing that helped me handle not having enough time for eating the way I knew I should was using a George Foreman grill (though any countertop grill could probably work the same). I just throw some kind of spice blend on a protein or pull it out of a marinade I'd put it in the night before, throw it on the grill, and wait. From turning the grill on to having fully cooked food, it takes no more than 15 minutes.

    It's also nice because I can season my piece of protein one way and my husband's another way (or make two pieces for him) so it gives versatility without adding any additional time or dishes to the routine. I do steamed microwave veggies as our side most of the time, which can be done while the protein is on the grill, but that's also versatile - your husband could make himself fries or a baked potato instead if he wants.
  • GinaMarieG27
    GinaMarieG27 Posts: 29 Member

    Why dont you try to make him a partner in your journey? Try explaining him how important this is for you and that you would expect his support in this. My husband is a real foodie and his idea of romance (unfortunately for me) is taking me out for lavish dinners. This made me gain 8KG just before we were about to get married. So I made a game out of it. Every time we were eating something outrageously hi cal, I would tell him how long I will have to workout to make it even. Or point at a body part and say "those calories went here". It has totally stopped now and we eat at home most days (28 days of the month). Try it. It might help you. Good luck :smiley: [/quote]

    He's so not on board with me! He refused to go for a walk with me when I got home. He also is very picky eater. So I guess I will have to just bite the bullet and do my own thing!
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member

    He's so not on board with me! He refused to go for a walk with me when I got home. He also is very picky eater. So I guess I will have to just bite the bullet and do my own thing!

    Wow. I am sorry. I hope that he is at least supportive of you doing your own thing. Good luck! Do your own thing and be happy! You can do it!