Working from 8-5 with 2 hour commute, too tired to do this



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    OP it helps me to keep my lunch light and think of it as fuel. I love vegetables so I just literally bring a tomato, cucumber, some laughing cow cheese and tuna, mix it with hot sauce...200 calorie high volume/filling lunch. Then there's more room for me to screw around with calories when at home/crying myself to sleep lol.
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    I work from 10p to 6a, have to go home and get my lil boy ready for school, as soon as I drop him off I go home, sleep from about 8:30a to 2:30p, get up, get ready, pick him up, clean house, help him with his homework, make dinner, get him ready for bed, get ready for work and start all just gotta find the time.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited September 2016
    arditarose wrote: »
    I work 6:30 am to 5:30 pm at an under-resourced failing elementary school in Brooklyn. I have cried every single day since August 28 I believe. I broke up with my boyfriend prior to this and left a job I was in for 8 years. I feel alone and sad...but I am still not going off the rails. Maintenance mode for a bit.

    And I still haven't missed a workout/training session!

    You rock @arditarose <3 Sorry to hear about your troubles.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,683 Member
    Out of a 16 hour day (that's 8 hours of sleep) you lose 2 hours of commuting (14 hours) then 9 hours of work/lunch. That's still 5 hours to do something. Even if you took an hour to cook and another hour to clean up, that still leaves 3 hours. And you don't need to exercise for 3 hours. Or even 1 for that matter.
    So really it's up to YOU if you want to do it or not. Lots of people have the same schedule you do (and even less time), and still get it done because it's a priority. If you're NOT doing it, it's because it's not that important to you right now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • lilac_bunny
    lilac_bunny Posts: 137 Member
    I am the same so I've handed my notice in. Gonna start a new job instead.
  • Sillybee727
    Sillybee727 Posts: 131 Member
    My schedule varies a lot day to day and commute can be 45 min-1.5 hrs each way depending on traffic. I try to keep from breaking down and getting junk on the way by leaving all of the following in my car at all times to deal with any possible craving/hunger need: gum, protein bars, nuts, crackers, Apple, water. I have a very full glove box!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    I don't have your schedule problem but thought I'd throw out a few suggestions.

    Cooking can be faster and cheaper than take out food. Maybe eat out just once or twice a week.
    Get food that you can get more than 1 meal out of when you do get take out.
    Plan a limited rotating menu during the week. You don't have to eat something different every meal every day.
    There is nothing wrong with oatmeal, a sandwich, big salad or eggs for dinner if you are too tired to cook. Pasta and salad is quick too. You can make a fast thin crust pizza with a tortilla.
    Prelog your food for the day and just eat what you logged.
    Cook double when you do cook so you have leftovers for other dinners or lunches. Freeze it in individual portions. A big pot of soup reheats and freezes well.
    Fruit and veggies for low/no prep snacks.
    Use a slow cooker. Most slow cooker recipes you just dump stuff in and walk away for 8-10 hours.
    You and your boyfriend can eat different foods in different amounts. Have more vegetables with yours.
    Some grocery stores offer online ordering and you just pick up your groceries. I've done this and it was about $5 and saved a ton of time. I made better choices too.
    Try shopping for 2 weeks at a time so you go to the store less often.
    Lots of free 20 minute or less workouts on You Tube. I like Jessica Smith tv. Walk briskly for 15-30 minutes at some point in your day.
    Cut down on alcohol and use your calories for food.
    Try to get enough sleep. If you get 8 hours and are still dead tired maybe see a doctor.
    If you are really depressed get some professional help/medication. It can make a big difference.

    I want to do a slow cooker so bad but every time I pick out things in the book he says no so you know what your not the first person to tell me to just make what I want. I know I'm going to feel bad when he's eating toast and giving me that sad look but I need to do this for myself!

    He is an adult. Giving you sad eyes and eating toast is childish. Don't feel bad over his dumb choices.
    Compromise on a meal plan that gives both of you foods you like. Cook a basic main item in the slow cook like chicken to share but have different sides.
    If you really can't compromise on a meal plan then he can feed himself while you feed yourself and don't feel bad. You don't have to pool your money for everything. You can choose to spend your money on stuff you like.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    4:27am and made a coffee for Missus Cutaway. Checked in to the gym.

    Teaching is a tough, thankless, yet noble profession. Your students will remember you for the rest of their lives. That is something to be proud of. Bad patches of life are just passing clouds. Time to find a new boyfriend. And my theory is that one should change jobs every 5 years to disrupt monotony in profession.

    Thank you. But now you made me cry again. I just wonder when the crying will stop and the teaching can begin!
  • GinaMarieG27
    GinaMarieG27 Posts: 29 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I work 6:30 am to 5:30 pm at an under-resourced failing elementary school in Brooklyn. I have cried every single day since August 28 I believe. I broke up with my boyfriend prior to this and left a job I was in for 8 years. I feel alone and sad...but I am still not going off the rails. Maintenance mode for a bit.

    And I still haven't missed a workout/training session!

    I'm sorry for what your going through! That is not easy. I can feel your pain. I can't say how to overcome it because I myself do not know. I work with a bully who is constantly trying to make me look bad by yelling things out that are not true for everyone in the office to hear about work stuff. And he accuses me of working on things that he did all himself when it goes wrong. I tend to only cry on my way to work because I'm dreading it and then I spend the whole day at work angry inside every time he starts with his crap. But it takes a huge toll on me. I think I'm becoming depressed definitely because of this job!
  • nehaad88
    nehaad88 Posts: 159 Member
    I want to do a slow cooker so bad but every time I pick out things in the book he says no so you know what your not the first person to tell me to just make what I want. I know I'm going to feel bad when he's eating toast and giving me that sad look but I need to do this for myself![/quote]

    Why dont you try to make him a partner in your journey? Try explaining him how important this is for you and that you would expect his support in this. My husband is a real foodie and his idea of romance (unfortunately for me) is taking me out for lavish dinners. This made me gain 8KG just before we were about to get married. So I made a game out of it. Every time we were eating something outrageously hi cal, I would tell him how long I will have to workout to make it even. Or point at a body part and say "those calories went here". It has totally stopped now and we eat at home most days (28 days of the month). Try it. It might help you. Good luck :smiley:
  • newereveryday
    newereveryday Posts: 222 Member
    I found the only thing that helped me handle not having enough time for eating the way I knew I should was using a George Foreman grill (though any countertop grill could probably work the same). I just throw some kind of spice blend on a protein or pull it out of a marinade I'd put it in the night before, throw it on the grill, and wait. From turning the grill on to having fully cooked food, it takes no more than 15 minutes.

    It's also nice because I can season my piece of protein one way and my husband's another way (or make two pieces for him) so it gives versatility without adding any additional time or dishes to the routine. I do steamed microwave veggies as our side most of the time, which can be done while the protein is on the grill, but that's also versatile - your husband could make himself fries or a baked potato instead if he wants.
  • GinaMarieG27
    GinaMarieG27 Posts: 29 Member

    Why dont you try to make him a partner in your journey? Try explaining him how important this is for you and that you would expect his support in this. My husband is a real foodie and his idea of romance (unfortunately for me) is taking me out for lavish dinners. This made me gain 8KG just before we were about to get married. So I made a game out of it. Every time we were eating something outrageously hi cal, I would tell him how long I will have to workout to make it even. Or point at a body part and say "those calories went here". It has totally stopped now and we eat at home most days (28 days of the month). Try it. It might help you. Good luck :smiley: [/quote]

    He's so not on board with me! He refused to go for a walk with me when I got home. He also is very picky eater. So I guess I will have to just bite the bullet and do my own thing!
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member

    He's so not on board with me! He refused to go for a walk with me when I got home. He also is very picky eater. So I guess I will have to just bite the bullet and do my own thing!

    Wow. I am sorry. I hope that he is at least supportive of you doing your own thing. Good luck! Do your own thing and be happy! You can do it!