Looking for friends who are in a similar boat!

I'm 300+ lbs and I'm looking to make friends with people who have had struggles with weight their entire lives. I would like to build a support system where we can encourage each other and be able to honestly talk about when we do well, and when we don't. Part of my problem is not admitting to people when I fail, because I feel ashamed. I want to meet people whom can talk freely about success and failures alike.

Feel free to send me a friend request!


  • notyetfoxykit
    notyetfoxykit Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm in a pretty similar situation. I joined MFP at 310 and have lost 12 lbs so far. I've been overweight literally my entire life (9 lbs as a premature baby). I'm not the most talkative person, but I don't actually mind chatting, I just don't initiate. Add me if you like, we can encourage each other.

    Oh and it's okay to fail sometimes. The key is not letting it hold you back. Just start right back up again. It's also a good idea to identify why you failed. Eating your emotions? Eating your boredom? Once you identify the issue you can address it and work to prevent it from happening again.
  • newereveryday
    newereveryday Posts: 222 Member
    I'm in the 260s at 5'1 and have struggled with my weight since middle school. Having a support system was a big part of my success in the past so I'm definitely interested in friends with similar goals and challenges.
  • Bradley_J84
    Bradley_J84 Posts: 110 Member
    I've always struggled and I started mfp at 310. I'm currently 225 in 6 months.