

  • of course I have...for over 10 years... I just want to be healthy.. emotionally and physically
  • Yes I am mimicking her for the week I think to prove to myself that it is I might not be doing anything ''wrong''- I just have a different body type and being "'weight challenged" doesn't mean I don't try my damndest!! thanks for the thoughts..! We are kayaking tomorrow and mountain climbing this weekend, I hoping the…
  • My maiden name is Loveless. When I got divorced even the judge asked me if I would be going back to my maiden name in which I replied "Yes", (upon realizing what it was) He then followed with "Alright so you will be 'Loveless' once again" -THEN HE SNICKERED! I had so many pickup lines with that name. Glad to be married and…
  • Cheesecake! Uhhckkkkk!!:sick:
  • I have hypoglycemia so I have to eat no carbs no sugar (or as little as possible) Until I knew what was wrong with me for 26 years. I cudn't think straight. I would go into extreme highs and lows of mental and physical energy. I think everyone shud eat this way if you they want to stay thin and healthy. I have never…
  • Umm is this called the Atkins Diet? Basically eat whatever you want but bread, starch, or sugar carbs higher than 5gms. Just be careful Make sure you are taking in complex carbs! Your body needs carbs or your nervous system will go crazy and you will be restless.. cranky, brain foggy, panic.. Whole wheat and fiber rich
  • I have just begun this site... and I am a deficit of calories as well. I don't eat anything at the end of the day to make up for it, so am I supposed to>? I would like to know if you are losing weight doing the pb at nite? That would seem shocking to me- !
  • Red wines and alcohol that are clear are the least sugar caloric. aka vodka, tequilla, and with red wines- only the bolder bitter sweet (not the fruity zinfandel's) aka merlot, shiraz. Alcohol is tricky. It messes up your blood sugars. Red wine is actually sorta healthy for your heart and very low on the glycemic index…
  • WELL I found that the proteins that you mix with water are all most that way. The ones you mix w/milk seem to dissolve better. I used to work at a gym and we sold these protein shaker's. They were specially made to mix ALL protein nutritional shakes. You should be able to find them still at local health stores. THEY WORK…
  • I had the bloating problem in February when I upped my water to about 80oz. a day.. I gained about 8lbs. I had previously been drinking NO WATER. MOSTLY WINE... (BAD PLACE I WAS IN).. :grumble: So actually I did a natural cleanse I dropped the 8lbs within the week and then some... So the kind of cleanse I did- worked for…
  • I had the bloating problem in February when I upped my water to about 80oz. a day.. I gained about 8lbs. I had previously been drinking NO WATER. MOSTLY WINE... (BAD PLACE I WAS IN).. :grumble: So actually I did a natural cleanse I dropped the 8lbs within the week and then some... So the kind of cleanse I did- worked for…
  • I have been on both ends. Where I felt good and confident because I was maintaining my skinny weight- Not like now where I am in the baggy clothes and admiring the fit ppl at the gym. Everyone is different. I know when I put a picture of myself thin on the refrigerator IT MOTIVATES ME MORE than when I put a picture of…
  • No doubt I believe my body is stressing out! I have a very strict hypoglycemic diet. No or low sugars only complex carbs and protein/fiber. I can only eat fiber rich fruits. I have recently stopped all wheat and gluten and only eggs are allowed for dairy. I have almond milk for my oatmeal. I eat sweet potatoes and…
  • I know I shudn't expect miracles. I have to work on loving my body as is and stop berating it all the time. I know that being healthy and FIT is more important than necessarily dropping lbs. or looking skinny-minny. I think my 'muscle memory' is strong becuz i used to work out soooo much. So You think I shud work out less?…