skinny friends!!

Okay so I am in Hawaii visiting my best friend who moved here last fall...
and for the past 5 years she was not only perfect body but I told her numerous times she should try out for America's Next Top Model.. I did not think she cud get any better looking~~
I love her to death and she inspires me a lot I was in better shape when she was here.. We did a physical activity every week and explore new places..
Well I guess she has plenty of new places to explore here compared to Wisconsin,,
Anyways... I have been here and though since I am with her for the next 7 days I shud mimick her eating and exercise ... see if it makes a difference? .. I mean she is 5'10 and never gone hungry... she eats healthy... but she eats a lot~ Her body fat for a woman is under actually! I told her we need to get a few burgers cuz she looks like skin and bones! So I am going to follow her to the ''T'' for the next week and see if skinny friends really have the answrs ? Or they just born with great genes?
I have been trying to prepare for beach body wear for ths trip for over a month and NOT 6 DAYS A WEEK IN THE GYM AND A LOW CARB DIABETIC DIET OF 1300 CALORIES ....!!!!~~ i HAVE NOT LOST MORE THAN A POUND..
I feel it is so unfair.
O f course I barely mention this to my Best Friend~ I just tell her much i admire her figure.. But never exprees how much pain ,my whole life of body image has effected my life...
Any one else have skinny friends that need to vent?

Please share! =0}



  • SandyLee1961
    SandyLee1961 Posts: 133 Member
    Hiya! I understand your pain. But, if she is your best friend, don't you think you should share with her? You may find that she has a lot of support to give and maybe even some great advice! And yes, it's great that you are using her as a role model, but remember, we are all different shapes and what works for her may not work for you! If you feel you can't discuss the issues with her, this is a great place to vent :) and I truly understand your pain. I have friends who can eat anything, anytime, anywhere and not gain even a smidgen! Me, I look at ice cream and it goes straight to my but or thighs! Sometimes I want to strangle them :) Luckily for them I keep a reign on those inclinations! :laugh: Back to you though - keep up your hard work. I know it's a cliche, but you WILL see results - time is all it's going to take it sounds like to me! Enjoy your vacation! Remember to live each day as if it was your last and enjoy your time with your best friend! I'm sure she's not looking at your but or thighs - but at your heart!
  • jade3599
    jade3599 Posts: 22
    Yes I am mimicking her for the week I think to prove to myself that it is I might not be doing anything ''wrong''- I just have a different body type and being "'weight challenged" doesn't mean I don't try my damndest!! thanks for the thoughts..! We are kayaking tomorrow and mountain climbing this weekend, I hoping the variety of challenges will finally break my 1 lb lost barrier! LOL
  • SandyLee1961
    SandyLee1961 Posts: 133 Member
    If you like kayaking and mountain climbing, come to visit us here in backyard is the mountains and my front yard is the ocean :)
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I know what you mean, but I just want to say, be careful not to go overboard with the whole comparison thing. Try to enjoy your time there, with your friend, don't focus too much on the weight, you're there for a nice trip and to enjoy your friendship.

    I would hate it if I had a friend over who would only be interested in being the same weight as me and wants to know all about my diet, if you know what I mean. I'm not saying that you do, you're probably just venting here, but try not to "bore" her too much with this now!

    Hope you don't take this the wrong way now, but it nearly seems like you're spoiling your holiday a little by being so occupied by her and your weight.