Jessyrabbit Member


  • mine are set according to MFP standards. for my height and weight I can only eat 1220 caolories a day! I'm 5'3 and 143lbs trying to get down to 140. and thats set ate one lb a week!
  • I have been for years. The change that has caused me to lose weight is that I have started to NOT eat breaksfast.
  • LOVE IT!!!! hahahahah! I would so wear a shirt that says I'm your gym crush!
  • Hes actually one of the trainers :) If only I could get some free training sessions w/ out getting in trouble w/ my fiance... hahahha
  • What do you already have? I took my lip ring out just recently and I miss it :( I had my nipples pierced for a few years. they ended up getting rejected. But the only reason I have not had them repierced is cause i'm afraid it would be pointless if they just got rejected again!
  • a calorie is a calorie. no matter where it comes from!
  • You know that thing on you stomach where your umbillical cord was.... I don't even like the word! But I'm afraid of those! When I was a kid someone told me mine would become an outie if i ever got any fatter and for some reason now i am still massively scared about that happening. I know its completely idiotic. but i hate…
  • I only have 1220 calories a day. On days I DO NOT workout I do NOT go over that! but on a day I work out i give myself a 50- 100 calorie window cause you need to replenish the energy you burned. I don't think you should eat back ALL your calories or use it as an excuse to splurge on somehting bad for you. But If you want a…
  • HA! My boyfriend would be down for the beer seasoning! haha
  • I can't even stand to eat anything that has touched fresh raw tomatoes. I'm okay w/ salsa and pasta sacues as long as they are cut up REALLLLY small. But theres something about canned tomatos that you would use in chilis and other homemade recipes that are just to close to raw tomatos for me!
  • I lost 35lbs on Yaz. Due to the loss in body fiat I started having break through bleeding so my doc switched me to yazmin. Her thinking was that since there are little differences between the two I would have the same success with my weight loss. WRONG! I gained 8lbs and then would only lose a pound here and there even…
  • Great idea! But be careful!! I was a vegetarian for 7 years, I still tend to eat and order vegetarian out of habit. and I will go days without eating meat without even thinking about it! BUT remember, just because something doesn't have meat doesn't mean its healthy! I gained a LOT of weight in the 7 years I was a…
  • When I was trying to give up pop I started using it as my dessert! I can ONLY have diet pop if I go to a sit down restaurant! Or if I have to choose between this cookie and a pop later tonight which one do I want more! I usually choose the cookie :)
  • Actually, I'm not to worried about it turning to fat. Just trying to be as healthy as possible and diabetes runs in my family :) nip it in the bud now. I just feel like the myfitnesspal requirements may be off or somehting if all of you guys agree that you can't meet your sugar goals. It just seems weird that they would…
  • I too am a wine drinker!!!!! I've cut my wine intake to just a few nights a week and I only drink it on days I have worked out. That seems to of helped me. Trying picturing that wine glass as a glass of sugar. Also, tell yourself through out the day that if you skip the candy, cake, brownie etc... your present to yourself…
  • I love classes. I have all the motivation in the world to go to the gym. But lack all motivatin when it comes to my eating. I find myself daydreaming about the cake in the break room when I'm at work! lolbut I did at one point have great motivation for my eating. dont know what switch i need to hit again to get that back!!