New to the boards

Hi, I'm Jessy May. I'm not new to my fitness pal, but I am new to the idea of interacting with others here on the boards. I'm 24, have sturggled w/ my weight all my life. Right before highschool I was at my peak 225lbs and a size 24. I then losst 80lbs in a very short amount of time due to a struggle w/ anorexia and over exercising. Slowly, the weight crept back on. I have lost 40lbs the healther way. Work out 4 times a week, eating well, even beat my previous 5K time from last summer this year. But I seem to be struggling w/ losing this last 20lbs. Just cannot stay focused and motivated enough to say no to a cookie or piece of cake. Would love some tips from any people struggling with being focused. The most frustrating part is knowing you shouldn't be eating it, but you don't seem to have the power to say no until its already eaten.


  • nina4w
    nina4w Posts: 126 Member
    You may want to try different exercises. Sometimes just adding variety helps. Such as, if you're used to just running, try zumba or some other form of dancing!
  • Eating a cookie or a piece of cake is something I have trouble with as well. Instead of a piece of cake or a cookie, have you tried Special K bars? They satisfy my "sweet tooth" and still keep me on track. Oh, and nina4w is right about Zumba. I lost 6.5lbs in 2 weeks 3 days just starting Zumba. If i'm not focused, I think about how things will be when I am at my goal weight. That seems to keep 'blinders' on me. Best of luck, hope I helped.. at least a little. Keep it up, you can do it!
  • Jessyrabbit
    Jessyrabbit Posts: 24 Member
    I love classes. I have all the motivation in the world to go to the gym. But lack all motivatin when it comes to my eating. I find myself daydreaming about the cake in the break room when I'm at work! lolbut I did at one point have great motivation for my eating. dont know what switch i need to hit again to get that back!!
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    You may want to try different exercises. Sometimes just adding variety helps. Such as, if you're used to just running, try zumba or some other form of dancing!

    Thats exactly what I was going to say. I can turn down any snacks if I know Iḿ going to a class like Zumba, because I´m wasting my time being there otherwise.
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    One time I kept a journal and anytime I was daydreaming about foods I would write about it.
    I put off baking heart shaped chocolate cakes for like 3 weeks that way.
    Maybe its not the best because I baked and ate some cake in the end,
    but usually when I day dreaming about food like that I eat so much and end up eating so much more just like pizza etc for a week before I go back to healthy eating again