Vegetable calories



  • HarringtonS
    HarringtonS Posts: 8 Member
    Weight Watchers has gone to "free" policy when it comes to fruits and vegetables. However there are certain F&V's that are looked at a bit differently. I think that it is best to continue counting or rather logging in your F&Vs as there are some vegetables that are "starchy" and some fruits that have a very high or higer sugar content.:wink:
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Calories are calories. Always track em all.
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    If you are watching more than calories, you will find that some veggies (yes, even veggies) have an amazing number of carbs in them. The carbs in broccoli astounds me.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    I track it. I can eat hundreds of calories per day of fruits and veggies. If I don't track it, I would not know where to make an accurate adjustment if needed.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    If you are watching more than calories, you will find that some veggies (yes, even veggies) have an amazing number of carbs in them. The carbs in broccoli astounds me.

    This is true, but there's also an amazing amount of dietary fiber in broccoli. You can safely subtract dietary fiber carbs from virtually any tracking protocol.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    The new WW points system increased the points of all other foods, and then made fruits and vegetables "free" - so if you follow the plan you're still eating basically the same number of calories. MFP is designed for you to track everything.
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    Don't worry about green veggies so much as long as you eat them raw. The other starchy veggies you should track. But seriously, if the veggies you are eating is the size you can put in a ziplock bag eat all you want!!!
  • Schmoopy11
    I'm going to say that was an overwhelming YES to counting the calories! Thanks everyone :)
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I log everything, however,I stand by my philosophy: no overweight person ever said "You know what did me in? All that friggen broccoli I ate!"
  • Jessyrabbit
    Jessyrabbit Posts: 24 Member
    a calorie is a calorie. no matter where it comes from!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    If I didn't log vegetables it would look like I was starving myself!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    I log everything. Veggies, coffee, spices... etc..
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    Technically you should log everything as the other posters said, but I found it hard to do when you eat something like, say, a mixed chopped salad. It's easy for me to get lazy about logging, which in turn makes it easy to be lazy about eating and staying under my limits. Not good. So, I take some shortcuts so that the logging task is not too painful. For example, if I had 2 c. of a mix of several steamed vegetables, I might only log 2 c. broccoli and assume that broccoli = (more or less) = carrots = califlower etc. Or I might ONLY log the salad dressing and not the salad, but increase the salad dressing a bit (say to 1.5 servings instead of 1 serving) to account for the salad itself. Not 100% accurate, but keeps me from having to spend half the day logging foods.

    This is what I do
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    i log everything and thats what your suppose to do.

    i eat over 400 calories of fruit and veg in an average day. At a rough guess id say its about 500 calories. Thats a third of my daily intake. i know that if i didnt log that i would think hey ive got a spare 400 calories im going to have chocolate cake and then id be over calories for the day. Also its important for me to see how my meals are going eg if i have a big lunch i know to cut back on dinner a bit. my lunch is normaly a sandwhich and only fruit and veg, so if i didnt track that id have no idea how big my dinner should be.

    When your counting calories its important to know whats going into your body, and theres no point only counting half of what you eat because then your just cheating yourself.

    it feels time consuming to begin with but u get use to it and it just becomes part of your day
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    Why wouldn't you want to log your fruits and veggies? I'm so proud of myself when I get my f&v in! It's part of over health and fitness - keeps me motivated!