Evenings are my problem!!!!

Hi everyone! I am struggling with evenings!!! It all starts around 6.30-7.00PM....time to think about dinner. First thing I do? Pour myself a glass of wine. Then I start cooking. And...well...my hubby is fabulous, but he likes big meals. So, I usually make a pasta or rice, then a meat, some some kind of side or salad and bread. And while I am preparing all of this stuff, I am "tasting" it too! All while drinking my wine!

I know the wine alone is a killer and full of empty calories. But I look forward to it. Ugg...and with all of my "tasting" I don't even know how many calories I am consuming.

I know this is my major problem...but I don't have the willpower to overcome it.

I gained my weight after getting married...little by little (10 years now). When I was single, I would still come home and have a glass of wine....but just a glass or two and something simple for dinner. Even pasta...but in a decent amount, with no "tasting" going on.



  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I would say chew gum so you don't eat while prepping but that'd prob be gross with the wine.....
  • Jessyrabbit
    Jessyrabbit Posts: 24 Member
    I too am a wine drinker!!!!! I've cut my wine intake to just a few nights a week and I only drink it on days I have worked out. That seems to of helped me. Trying picturing that wine glass as a glass of sugar. Also, tell yourself through out the day that if you skip the candy, cake, brownie etc... your present to yourself is a glass of wine, but if you have that cake, then you just lost your wine. That mind set has helped me!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    If it were me, I'd be making simpler and healthier meals. If my husband didn't like it, then he'd be free to make his own. That way when I'm taste testing, I'm only taking in good stuff.

    The other thing you can do is snack on carrot and celery sticks while you are making supper.

    I snack in the evenings as well. I have to make a serious, conscious effort to eat only good things.
  • jmcclain75
    It would be easy to say "just stop it!" but people who have been there with this issue or still battling this issue know better. I was where you are now, and I still have to fight the temptation. I don't drink, so wine was not the issue, but tasting the food while cooking, and then getting a 'serving size' (my own size, mind you) was my downfall. I had to mentally focus while I was cooking; I mean focus as if I were focusing to get licensed for something! It's going to take a conscious effort, support from the hubby, and a made-up mind to break the habit.

    Some people can do things 'cold-turkey' but if we all could do that, then there would be no need for this board I suppose. Do what you know you can do in the beginning. Perhaps while cooking, have some fruit or low-cal something to nibble on; and water is the best. Have these items at your disposal. I'm a firm believer of being proactive, and it has helped me tremendously. Remember, you can do it, you've already shown that you want to do it by asking for help, and I've learned from my short time on this site, that there are plenty of people willing to help. They have good, sound advice, so we're here for support. Make a conscious effort to mind what you're doing while cooking. Also, perhaps you can make your wine your treat for not drinking while cooking; sip the water or nibble on fruit or carrots,etc., and once dinner is ready, pour that glass of wine and really enjoy it . . . hope something I've said helps.
  • lookingoodin2012
    make yourself a plate of fruit to snack on while you cook?? thats what i'd do.. maybe some almonds or as the other woman suggested chew gum..

    good luck!
  • ajfrench
    ajfrench Posts: 323 Member
    Evenings are the worst for me as well. Not the tasting food part, but I love rich foods and wine to end my day. I've tried convincing myself of all sorts of things and really the only thing that's helped is to bucket my calories for the end of the day. I usually have about half of my allotment left by dinnertime, and that way I don't seem to go over.

    And yes, as heartbreaking as it is, I only have wine about 2 days a week now.
  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    I agree with the gum comment! Unless you are cooking something totally new, you can get away with not tasting while you cook. If you have cooked it before, you should be able to add everything you need and just taste once at the end when it's on your plate :)

    We had wine last night, and my friend actually measured hers. Thats dedication, and I like it!!
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    A couple of ideas:

    Try & save the wine for after dinner....but only if you have enough cals left. After all, you need a clear head whilst cooking...or try a non-alcoholic version (not sure what the comparative cal count is....)

    Rice/pasta AND bread sounds a massive carb overload...why not alternate them?

    If hubby likes big meals, add extra veg & cut down on pasta & meat....it'll be just as filling. but healthier too.

    Good luck!

    Sue :smile: x
  • Wendy2911
    Wendy2911 Posts: 12 Member
    I have a similar problem in that I sometimes finish what the kids have left so now I clear the dishes and put it in the bin (or the dog) straight away!
    You could start by trying to have a half glass of wine rather than your usual?
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Try this:
    Instead of that glass of wine, FIRST thing, chug down 24 oz of water [I keep a 24 oz glass next to the Brita filter for this purpose].

    NOW pour that glass of wine--except only half full. Before you refill for the other half [and that's OK!], chug another 8 oz of water. If you want more, just keep alternating half glasses of wine with full glasses of water.

    Drinking the water FIRST makes my tummy feel "bloaty-full", which cuts down on the cooking nibbles. Also, I find if I slug down that water first, I drink the wine much more slowly--and as a result don't drink as much.

    By alternating half-glasses of wine with full glasses of water, I've discovered that it's not really the wine per se or even the buzz that I really enjoy-- it's the social and psychological expectations I have of the EXPERIENCE of the wine-- e.g., the mental relaxation that comes from that transition from the work day to the home evening, and the informal "how was your day" chatter with my husband while making dinner. And I still get that, but I'm consuming FAR fewer empty calories!
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Honestly - you probably dont have to "taste" the pasta, rice, bread, potato whilst you prepare....so only allow yourself to taste the meat and veg, and make sure you use a teaspoon only and try not to taste more than twice. Unless you really have to, to check seasoning etc.

    I am very similar to you, I pick at the food while I am preparing dinner for me and my other half (who eats more food and faster than anyone else I have ever known, but is as thin as a beanpole!) but now I've learned that the more I "taste" the less I am allowed to put on my plate.

    Oh and don't even get me started on wine.....I LOVE it, I have a glass every night (pre dinner, I get heartburn if I drink after or during my meal) but this means I dont have the cals to snack on during the day, nor do I have any cals left for a dessert of any kind...so as long as it is balanced out, you dont need to worry :drinker:
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Try this:
    Instead of that glass of wine, FIRST thing, chug down 24 oz of water [I keep a 24 oz glass next to the Brita filter for this purpose].

    NOW pour that glass of wine--except only half full. Before you refill for the other half [and that's OK!], chug another 8 oz of water. If you want more, just keep alternating half glasses of wine with full glasses of water.

    Drinking the water FIRST makes my tummy feel "bloaty-full", which cuts down on the cooking nibbles. Also, I find if I slug down that water first, I drink the wine much more slowly--and as a result don't drink as much.

    By alternating half-glasses of wine with full glasses of water, I've discovered that it's not really the wine per se or even the buzz that I really enjoy-- it's the social and psychological expectations I have of the EXPERIENCE of the wine-- e.g., the mental relaxation that comes from that transition from the work day to the home evening, and the informal "how was your day" chatter with my husband while making dinner. And I still get that, but I'm consuming FAR fewer empty calories!

    What a brilliant idea, I am going to start using this technique, also means I'll eat less dinner as water leaves me feeling so full. Thank you, you clever thing :)
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    If this is happening every night, just "make room" for those evening calories by consuming fewer during the day. Fill up on something like salad before you start cooking, and you'll be less tempted to "taste".

    I have a more challenging situation-- I like to eat most of my calories early in the day, which leaves me with only 200-300 to play with at night. This is not a problem at all, except when I come home to find my partner has ordered pizza or wants to have a drink with me. I'm getting better at refusing the pizza, but it's frustrating when I make such and effort to prepare light meals and really didn't plan my day to involve all those late-night calories.
  • lawannaw
    I'm not sure if this will help you. I don't drink wine but I like love tasting while cooking and my portion control is all out of whack However, my fix to that is to try and cut back and to get on the treadmill and extra 20 - 30 minutes. When I come across something I just don't want to pass up, I make the choice eat/drink it = more cardio or pass it up, suffer because I really want it and then cheat because I've been telling my self No for too many things. I would rather have a little more of what ever I want and just know I will have to go a little harder on my work out. That way I get what I want with out backsliding on my fitness/health and at the end of the day I'm still on my plan and I'm not depriving my self. Good luck...
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Oh, and I'm sure the wine enthusiasts will scoff at me for saying this, but I like to cut my wine with water. It really opens up the flavors, and of course it cuts the calorie content in half if you do a 50% wine/50% water mix. You could also do it with sparkling water.
  • sallytx
    sallytx Posts: 43 Member
    the water idea IS super crafty!!! great idea!
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I definitley like the water idea! Plus, it would help me get my water in, which I seem to having a problem now that the weather is cooler.
    My problem is getting up in the middle of the night to let the dog out, I will grab a quick nibble of something. Not hungry, just killing time?? (The dog will not crap if she's being wtched! So I have to step away from the door! lol) Lately I have tried leaving grapes or cherry tomatos on the counter for that reason. I know it's not good for my waistline, but probably not good for my teeth either, cuz I don't go back & brush my teeth. This habit has got to stop.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Oh, and I'm sure the wine enthusiasts will scoff at me for saying this, but I like to cut my wine with water. It really opens up the flavors, and of course it cuts the calorie content in half if you do a 50% wine/50% water mix. You could also do it with sparkling water.

    I can see how this works with white wine but I think it'd ruin red wine, sadly :(
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I definitley like the water idea! Plus, it would help me get my water in, which I seem to having a problem now that the weather is cooler.
    My problem is getting up in the middle of the night to let the dog out, I will grab a quick nibble of something. Not hungry, just killing time?? (The dog will not crap if she's being wtched! So I have to step away from the door! lol) Lately I have tried leaving grapes or cherry tomatos on the counter for that reason. I know it's not good for my waistline, but probably not good for my teeth either, cuz I don't go back & brush my teeth. This habit has got to stop.

    Yup. If I wake up to go the bathroom, I often will then go downstairs to the fridge, nibble on a bit of cheese or have a few swigs of skimmed milk or a bite of a cookie or similar....then go back to bed. Midnight snacker. Bad.
  • re08scue
    re08scue Posts: 71 Member
    A couple of ideas:

    Try & save the wine for after dinner....but only if you have enough cals left. After all, you need a clear head whilst cooking...or try a non-alcoholic version (not sure what the comparative cal count is....)

    Rice/pasta AND bread sounds a massive carb overload...why not alternate them?

    If hubby likes big meals, add extra veg & cut down on pasta & meat....it'll be just as filling. but healthier too.

    Good luck!

    Sue :smile: x

    Great ideas! My husband is a big eater as well. His plate: large steak with fried onions & mushrooms, baked potato with butter and small amount of veggie. My plate: 3 oz steak, small sweet potato (no toppings), and salad or veggie. So, by just adjusting my plate to suit me better we both have our meal without too much difference. He doesn't feel deprived and I'm happy as well.