

  • Clearly, I need to be putting myself in these threads where these predators are, who knows what I'm missing out on.
  • I wish I had a dollar for every time someone on this site had tried to talk down to me because I gave advice that conflicted with their pro-starvation mode stance. For those who understand what PSMF diets are for extremely obese people(or modified PSMF for those on the completely opposite end of the spectrum) understand…
  • I count condiments and drinks. ESPECIALLY drinks/sauces, those things are killers. If you're on a reduced calorie allowance, you can easily lose your day's deficit without realizing it from those things.
  • For everyone complaining and saying they should sue, do you also complain about airlines having weight restrictions per seat? Seems a little silly to me to go so up in arms about it. If anything, it should just be more motivation to live a healthier lifestyle. Use it for personal motivation, not silly anger.
  • Facepalm. Obviously a pound of muscle = the same weight as a pound of fat. But pound of muscle is much more DENSE than a pound of fat. So while you may become thinner, you can still be "putting on weight." She mentioned she had added a weight circuit to her routine. This means that while she is burning fat, she is building…
  • A couple things that may help. Don't let "starvation mode" dictate your life. As I'm sure you'll see soon on this site, it's a very controversial subject here, and tends to bring out the nasty sides of people around here. Two, if you really believe your down to the last ten pounds you want to lose, don't sweat it! As you…
  • Nowadays, none of them are truly fat burners like before the dangerous drug ephedrine was taken off the market years ago. A lot of the ones you will see now are either caffeine or "herbal remedies" and help more in the sense that they put you in the right frame of mind to work hard and see results, than they do to actually…
  • The amount of people who will come in to argue legitimate scientific arguments for six paragraphs, and then say that it doesn't matter what we say, it's just their opinion, honestly blows my mind. I understand that it sucks to hear, but really? It's just not something I understand, there ARE people out there who have spent…
  • Michael Phelps was swimming 6 to 7 hours a day at a super high intensity preparing his body for Olympic heats. It wasn't to maintain his weight, it's because he was burning twelve thousand calories a day. When you're already in shape, you HAVE to preload for extending exercise, because your body doesn't have energy…
  • Well, my post was ONLY concerning swimming versus running. According to, five minutes of hard running is 85kcals, versus 60kcals for 5 minutes of swimming. Personally, I do both, and anyone who does is only helping themselves. Just couldn't stand to watch everyone bash running :p
  • Actually, as a zero impact exercise, swimming isn't a better workout than more traditional workouts. Really, it's a matter of efficiency, rather than effectiveness. Say x(running) for 1 mile = 147 kcals and y(swimming) for 15 minutes = 180kcals. Unless your x is very very very slow, x > y for efficiency. (And if someone…
  • As someone who has run the gambit on fitness levels throughout the last couple years, I'd be willing to bet that 90% of the time that someone thinks they are "going into starvation mode," they are wrong. Plain and simple. Your body will not start slowing its metabolic rates until food intake has become a true problem. I'd…
  • I'd have to suggest first buying post-its that are already sticky, seems like a waste of tape to me. :tongue:
  • I'm so glad you posted this. I said this type of thing a thousand times a couple months ago, and people continuously bashed me for being uninformed and unhelpful. Great find.
  • Great is an understatement. You look amazing!
  • Just to build off what other people have said: It's not about boosting your metabolism, so much as it is about keeping it fired up. Your body is constantly burning calories in it's operations, but muscle burns more while inactive than a lack of muscle, so you "boost" your metabolism that way. Cardio and weightlifting burn…
  • So, bluexii brought up a good point. I was going to edit this into the OP, but I guess that's not possible here on MFP. Everyone should know that Hydroxycut is NOT a wonder-pill, and hasn't been a real diet pill since Ephedrine came off the market years ago. I actually decided to try it on a whim. I went into GNC to get…
  • Good point, I'll edit something in when I get to work.
  • I don't blame you. Cool Ranch Doritos are delicious.
  • Seems kind of redundant to say it again, but nothing works like the cardio + caloric deficits to burn off that stubborn belly fat. At the same time, it's easy to get discouraged just by the abdominals and to miss the other improvements your body makes. Just keep eating right and continuing to pursue a healthy lifestyle.…
  • #5 would expedite your progress. Just a thought.
  • As far as I know, that's just showing you that you exceeded your goal. NOT that it's a bad thing. Protein is a very good thing, and you'd be hard pressed to take in too much. * The exception to this would be a very large influx of red meats, that can put undue strain on your heart and kidneys.
  • First thing on google when I searched.
  • Iceberg lettuce actually has more cancer-fighting anti-oxidants than the other lettuces. Men's health published an article about it a while back.
  • That's a sweet deal. Men's health is awesome too, I don't particularly like their workout plans, but they usually have some good recipes and a lot of good health advice in them.
  • Did you actually read what I said, or did you just see that I questioned the starvation scare that seems to permeate this website, and immediately decide to jump to it's defense? I never said that you should starve yourself, in fact, I said the exact opposite. My point is that your metabolism does not shut down because…
  • There's more mercury in farmed fish too.* *Course, this is coming from the person who suggested Swordfish, so meh. As long as you aren't eating any of them every day, it's actually not a problem.
  • People put about 1,000,000 x's too much weight on "my body will go into starvation mode if I don't eat x." Eat the amount of calories you need to feel good during the day(and this actually requires HONESTY with yourself) and you're fine. Your body isn't going to start automatically packing on the pounds after 2 days of low…