

  • I use Nature's Best Isopure protein powder. The dutch chocolate and vanilla are good. I use 1 scoop with almond milk, ice, and frozen strawberries or blueberries. Super good.
  • Wow I never would have thought "savory oatmeal" would look so good. Thanks for sharing!
  • I am actually lactose intolerant, but this protein powder is lactose free. I've been wondering about the dairy thing in general. The only dairy I was eating before doing an atkins version of low carb was the occasional greek yogurt. Now, I eat crumbled goat cheese on salads or a mozz string cheese snack a day...maybe I'll…
  • Here is a basic recipe that I have been loving: half cup unsweetened almond milk 2 tbsp ground flax 1 scoop isopure protein 4 frozen strawberries 1 packet truvia (sometimes I'll add 1tbsp cocoa powder for an extra chocolatey flavor) I use Isopure low carb dutch chocolate. Haven't tried the vanilla yet.
  • One of my favorite snacks to have on hand is the laughing cow (full fat) cream cheese wedges. Such lovely little serving sizes! Take a piece of salami and spread a bit o cheese on it...roll it up...its delicious! Another one, and this is a guilty pleasure...Scharffen Berger 82% chocolate. OMG so good!
  • Get a good blender and drink your breakfast! You could go the "green smoothie" route...with spinach/kale/ect and your choice of fruit! Here is a great smoothie book I just bought. It has some great recipes: The Healthy Green Drink Diet by Jason Manheim Or you can go the protein shake route. If you buy no flavor protein…
  • I've made this recipe for Vanilla Coconut Cupcakes: It uses a dang lot of coconut milk, but I think the calorie count came out to 100cal a cupcake (not including frosting) if I remember correctly. They were good day of and next day but became super moist…
  • I dabbled a bit with no carb. I limited myself for the first week to 100, then the next week the days varied...I felt like i could do 60 one day, or 40 the next, and then full 100. And, 100 is still way lower than the average carb intake, you could start there for a week and see where it takes you!
  • When I was losing weight data really good rate and training for a tri(its now 2 years later and I've gained it all back), I got into that same habit...eating dessert everyday after dinner. I never had done that before and I think it total helped with my downfall.. I think my body was craving more real food (protein,healthy…
  • I just found another great site to browse for dessert/cookie recipes!
  • Thats a great idea!
  • For an even more nutritious mashed sweet potato recipe, go half carrots/half sweet potatoes and mash them together! It's super good!
  • My advice is to drink a large glass of water right when you wake up, then go to the bathroom just before your first shift. sip water during those two hours...but don't drink a huge amount...that part will be trial an error! Then you can go crazy after your shift!
  • Wow overwhelming suggestions to get a HRM! Thanks for the input everyone. I now know not to trust the counts but will most likely input my own number. It's mostly about the boot camp/circuit traning type activities that I think are off. Thanks for all of your responses!
  • Welcome to MFP! I've only been on the site for a couple of weeks and i can tell you already what a great community this is! The calorie counting is hard just for a little bit until you get into the swing of things then its a piece of cake. Good for you for signing up first of all and welcome again! OH and if you have a…
  • Sign me up! I'd be in the "lose 6-8 lbs" group!
  • I'm making a pumpkin souffle! It can be made very low cal! And hey, its a fancy dessert :-)
  • I tried Jillian's 30 day shred once a long time ago and didn't like it so much. Although it was SO long ago I can't remember why! BUT I do recommend her "ripped in 30" DVD. In all honesty I'm not religious about it. I usually do it when I can't get to the gym or decide to work from home. There's 4 levels and I stick to the…
  • staying consistent is (I think) why eating the same things every day works so well! You don't have to think about the food, you know its good for you and you go for it! The meal I eat the same everyday is for breakfast, oatmeal. yum. That works for me.
  • agree that "The End of Overeating" is an excellent book! I wonder if the biggest loser has come out with any non-recipe books? I think Jillian Michaels did on her own, but haven't read it.
  • I read this amazing book that goes into the psychology of overeating. TOTALLY recommend it: It takes a while to unlearn the triggers that make you overeat/binge, but it's totally controllable...not easy, and the first step is to try to understand why/when/where the trigger happens. Is…
  • Agree with Amygirl71 on the "How to Cook Everything Vegetarian" by mark bittman, that's an amazing one. Be warned though, it's kind of old school in that it doesn't have a lot of pictures. But all the recipes I've made from there are great. Here are a couple more recipe blogs I've gotten a lot of great recipes from:…
  • Wow you have done so well already! Just remember, one day at a time! Maintaining is always the hardest. I'm new to this whole thing so seeing that you've been so successful gives me some good motivation!