Breakfast tips?

I have a major problem with breakfasts, in that i don't eat them. I have yogurt and other foods i could eat for breakfast but i find in the mornings i don't feel like eating. Does anyone else have this problem and does anyone have tips for breakfasts for a non-morning person?


  • manymicks
    manymicks Posts: 4
    Do you drink coffee? I always start my day with 50/50 coffee and low carb protein shake
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    for some reason I read "breakup tips" for the topic. I must be used to MFP drama :laugh:
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    Do you drink coffee? I always start my day with 50/50 coffee and low carb protein shake

    i still drink pepsi in the morning, my one can a day. i'm trying to switch over to tea. just one battle at a time.
  • MrsPodaski
    MrsPodaski Posts: 34
    I grab a cottage cheese double and eat it on the road everyday. It's only 100 calories and that plus a coffee satisfy me till a morning snack around 11am of a handful of almonds which tie me over till lunch. How bout 1/2 a pnut butter sandwich on whole wheat with your coffee? Maybe you just don't love breakfast foods?
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    for some reason I read "breakup tips" for the topic. I must be used to MFP drama :laugh:

    LOL no, no drama. I'm not sure i'd consider losing 270 lbs of fiance weight loss LOL
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    ^^^^This is why i want to eat breakfasts. I just seriously have some trouble with it.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    GNC lean shakes-lean 25 rich chocolate. 200 calories, 25 grams of protein 8 grams of fiber 3 grams of fat.

    2 scoops, 8-12 oz of water, blender bottle, shake while you walk out the door and drink on your drive. :)
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    I grab a cottage cheese double and eat it on the road everyday. It's only 100 calories and that plus a coffee satisfy me till a morning snack around 11am of a handful of almonds which tie me over till lunch. How bout 1/2 a pnut butter sandwich on whole wheat with your coffee? Maybe you just don't love breakfast foods?

    i don't like eggs in the morning, i don't think i digest them well but i don't mind cereal/quinoa/yogurt/fruit/open faced tomato and cheese sandwich etc. I just have no appetite in the morning.
  • rachelilb
    rachelilb Posts: 179 Member
    I was never a breakfast person myself. I used to make myself eat in the morning and eventually my body got used to it and now I am actually hungry in the morning. Start with a small breakfast and work your way up. Eating a decent size breakfast has really helped with my weight loss. Keeps me full until lunch. Good luck!
  • Do you like yougurt? You can make you a quick smoothie for in the morning.I just had a container of yogurt,some type of fruit(fresh or frozen,and ice into a blender until smooth.I can usually do it for under 200 calories and it fills me up.Maybe "drinking" your breakfast would help?
  • Get a good blender and drink your breakfast! You could go the "green smoothie" route...with spinach/kale/ect and your choice of fruit! Here is a great smoothie book I just bought. It has some great recipes: The Healthy Green Drink Diet by Jason Manheim

    Or you can go the protein shake route. If you buy no flavor protein powder, I imagine you could put some in a green smoothie.

    I just bought this protein powder (you can buy them in 1lb pouch so your not stick with a ton of it): Nature's Best Zero Carb Isopure. The dutch chocolate is very good. The creamy vanilla is sitting on my counter waiting to be tried.

    The best chocolate strawberry drink:
    half cup unsweetened almond milk
    1 scoop choc protein powder (this is half a serving size)
    1 tablespoon flax (I add this for fiber, not flavor)
    1 packet truvia (or sweetener of choice)
    half cup strawberries halved (about 4 medium sized)
    4 ice cubes

    Blend it up. It's soooo good. I've been eating it for lunch the last couple of days. But I imagine it would be an amazing breakfast!
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    GNC lean shakes-lean 25 rich chocolate. 200 calories, 25 grams of protein 8 grams of fiber 3 grams of fat.

    2 scoops, 8-12 oz of water, blender bottle, shake while you walk out the door and drink on your drive. :)

    this i might have to try.
  • Eureka175
    Eureka175 Posts: 77 Member
    I too have no appetite in the morning - but don't seem to mind a shake - my current favourite:

    1 scoop chocolate protein powder
    1 cup almond / soy / etc. milk
    1 Tbsp wheat germ
    1/4 - 1/2 banana
    sometimes a bit of spinach
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    Do you like yougurt? You can make you a quick smoothie for in the morning.I just had a container of yogurt,some type of fruit(fresh or frozen,and ice into a blender until smooth.I can usually do it for under 200 calories and it fills me up.Maybe "drinking" your breakfast would help?

    this might also help strike my pepsi habit. soda is so unhealthy to drink
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    thanik you for all the tips everyone! It sounds like drinking a shake in the morning might be my best route, i will just be disciplined and try my best to change around my messed up eating habits
  • epmck11
    epmck11 Posts: 159 Member
    If you're not hungry in the morning and don't feel like eating breakfast, then don't eat breakfast. It's not required, and skipping breakfast won't slow down your metabolism or whatever BS people say. Just consume the calories when you want and you'll be fine. No need to force yourself to eat when you don't want to.
  • epmck11
    epmck11 Posts: 159 Member

    And take your health care advice from a website that sells astrology reports? No thank you.

    Read these:

    Particularly Myth #7: "Skipping Breakfast is Bad and will make you Fat." There's no proof that any of that is true.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    If you're not hungry in the morning and don't feel like eating breakfast, then don't eat breakfast. It's not required, and skipping breakfast won't slow down your metabolism or whatever BS people say. Just consume the calories when you want and you'll be fine. No need to force yourself to eat when you don't want to.

    My problem is after not eating breakfast i will not eat lunch and then eat a portion controlled dinner, so i spend the days undereating. i have recovered from an eating disorder so i have seriously slowed my metabolism, and i think the only way i can get all my calories in is to start sooner in the day. but thank you for the encouragement.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    i don't like eggs in the morning, i don't think i digest them well but i don't mind cereal/quinoa/yogurt/fruit/open faced tomato and cheese sandwich etc. I just have no appetite in the morning.

    Try getting up a little earlier and having something small like a smoothie or protein shake and eventually your body will get used to it. & if you get up a little earlier it gives your body time to wake up and then you might get hungry and still have time to eat before going to work/school or whatever. :)