why do YOU over eat/binge?



  • Sometimes I just can't stop... once I start eating I just cram as much in my mouth as possible. I don't know why, really. Maybe anxiety?

    I totally agree with you! a lot of people have cheat meals, but I feel like once I indulge in something I don't have the strength to stop until I'm completely disgusted with myself :( I feel like I'm sabotaging myself!
  • Crystal_R84
    Crystal_R84 Posts: 88 Member
    i binge when i have been so strict and overworked that i feel like my body needs it, and then afterwards i am over stuffed because i don't normally over eat and try not to feel guilty.
  • When I'm drunk or hungover. I've realized I need to control myself around alcohol more lol

    This is the crux of many of my issues! I would be so skinny if I gave up drinking! :smile:

    When i am hungover especially I just crave comfort, and food gives me that. My most serious of binges though are always when I am unhappy. Alcohol just makes me more susceptible to giving in to those feelings.......
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    I wish I knew why - boredom, distraction, anxiety, stress, feeling down - there is a whole list of things I can point to that I am feeling when I binge, but at the end of the day I wish I knew why I think food is going to make it better. If I could change that thinking my weight would be steady and I would definitely feel better.

  • My grandmother died last night. I am ready to binge.

    I'm so sorry! I'm not going to lie, I would probably binge if I was in your position. but, like someone else posted on here, I can't remember a time where I've felt BETTER after a binge. so maybe go on a walk, take a bath, talk to friends. I wish I could follow my own advice. you're in my thoughts, stay strong :)
  • Sometimes I just can't stop... once I start eating I just cram as much in my mouth as possible. I don't know why, really. Maybe anxiety?

    I totally agree with you! a lot of people have cheat meals, but I feel like once I indulge in something I don't have the strength to stop until I'm completely disgusted with myself :( I feel like I'm sabotaging myself!

    I agree with both of these! Once I feel like I have 'ruined' a day, I sort of think 'why not get my money's worth and have EVERYTHING i have denied myself over the last month'..... and then I continue on the vein until I feel sick, and then I will wait a little bit, and go again.

    half the time I am not even enjoying the consumption of the foods.... I am just enjoying the idea that I get to eat them!

    Stupid when you look at it really. Really need to stop 'denying' myself things. New mantra: I am allowed to eat anything I want, as long as I budget for it in my calories.......
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I simply can't binge now. My mind just wont let me!

    But before i started this, it was purely boredom. Something to do with my hands while i watched tv/computer, etc.
  • healthy_KT
    healthy_KT Posts: 57 Member
    I guess out of boredom. I really don't know. I just get some sort of craving and I used to succumb to it. I tried to go to therapy but it wasn't really helping. I'm getting better at it though. I know I can control the craving. Right now I really want reeses but I know I don't need it. When I wake up tomorrow I will feel much better about myself if I don't have it.
  • When I've had a really bad day I tend to go for bad food and lots of it!

    Also I blame TV! Every time I am watching TV I end up snacking on things I shouldn't! Pizza ads drive me crazy! I guess it is just bored eating.

    I have found that when I am on the computer I don't snack or even get hungry.. sometimes I forget to eat if I'm playing a game!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I over eat when I'm hungry. Seriously. It turns out some of my medications were had a side effect of increased appetite.

    I don't face much stress these days. My job is incredibly boring.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    my "reason" prob stems from having just the basics growing up...we ate everything on our plate, not bec we were forced to but bec that's all there was (not the worst thing in life). I was never overly hungry, just couldn't over-indulge like my kids are able to.

    my why I binge today is prob bec I never needed to "control" what I ate, so I never really learned....as crazy as that may sound.

    I've found 3 things that work for me, 1) there's always a glass of crystal light/tea within reach, 2) laptop helps keep my fingers out of the chip bowl, and 3) I log my meals beforehand...the numbers don't lie.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    i am exactly the same - when i drink i reduce my rigid diet plan! ahhhhh so frustrating
  • TahliS
    TahliS Posts: 52
    I overeat with my kids, when I'm sad and bored.. Being home with kids all day/all night especially when your husband leaves the house at 9 am and doesn't come home until 12:30 a.m. what else is there to do?

    I'm right there with you on this. My husband works 2nd shift and so I tend to overeat at night while he's at work.

    This... I am fighting the urge to go stand in front of the fridge now.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I used to overeat because when I was growing up, we didn't have a lot of money and my mom couldn't always buy enough food for all of us. So I learned to eat less so that everyone had enough and we all went to bed hungry. As I got older and earned my own money and could buy my own food, I was still mentally in that 'when will I get to eat again' mode so I would over eat because I didn't know when I would eat again. Now, the only time I over eat is when I've got a cold.
  • lml1042
    lml1042 Posts: 121
    Boredom and stress. As a mom I find that on the days my kids are acting up or my toddler just doesn't want to take a nap, I overeat. When I put them down for nap, instead of exercising or doing chores, I flop my butt on the couch w/ a bag of potato chips and binge. I always feel bad afterwards, but while I'm eating it's so peaceful!

    I also binge at night. For some reason I'm really hungry around 8-9 o'clock and instead of being mindful, I just go for the sweetest, most carb loaded thing I can find.

    I'm starting my diet and exercise routine tomorrow. Can't wait to get this weight off!
  • I read this amazing book that goes into the psychology of overeating. TOTALLY recommend it:

    It takes a while to unlearn the triggers that make you overeat/binge, but it's totally controllable...not easy, and the first step is to try to understand why/when/where the trigger happens. Is it bc the donut shop is on your way to work OR dessert after dinner is just what you do...whether your hungry or not...or do you feel the binge coming after a bad meeting at work (that's me).

    Anyway, totally recommend this book!! It sure opened my eyes to my own downfalls.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    I do when I feel entitlement, or rebellion. Like if my husband endulges in cigarettes, poker or buys something for himself, then I will be like "well I deserve something too damn it"! It gets really bad. I'm working on it though.... Last week my husband and I stopped smoking, so I binged on Friday because I felt like rebelling and smoking WAS that rebellion for me!
  • heather_elise85
    heather_elise85 Posts: 69 Member
    I wish I knew. Sometimes I wonder if I should see a therapist to see the reasons behind my overeating/binging. But, I know I eat more when my husband is home all day and not at work and I eat more when there is junk laying around - I don't even think about it .. sometimes I look down and I just ate a chocolate bar - not even remembering picking it up and eating it : (
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    When I am on the road a lot of the day driving I am bored and want to eat something,,,today it was donuts, ,,,and when I am super tired so today was a bad combo of both :(
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Stress is my binge trigger. Tried eating today and that didn't work so I worked out agin tonight and that helped. I feel less guilty about the overage and actually feel better now overall. Think I'll try the workout first next time.