klingonbarbie Member


  • at the weekend (11th march) I went to a Vegan food festival & I just gorged ( i mean seriously gorged) on free samples (loads & loads of chocloates) & other lovely healthy food on sale....decided not to log in at all for the weekend although i most probably walked for about 5 hours!!! up & down the stalls & the hills of…
  • as a very overweight vegan (yes we do exist!!!) I go over my daily sugar allowance everyday, but my sugar comes from fruits...I feel healthier for my vast fruit cosumption, i'm not a fruitatian as I eat processed junk ...I avoid sugar based drinks such as colas, my skin glows for a woman of almost 60 & despite my weight…
  • I have a chronic underactive thyroid condition so my weight loss is slow, but I only eat about 1500 cals aday & try to ignore the excerise ones (just walking to the station each day & some cycling at weekends plus loads of gardening) except at weekends when I go loopy on food & don't bother log in!!, I'm quite short at 5'8…
  • I get my blood tests done here in UK every 3 months otherwise I can't get my prescription, i gained 70lbs before i was told about my chronic condition..i can loose about 2lbs a month if I STICK to my daily allowance but it's a nightmare, I haven't gained any weight, it's just that I can't loose any quickly
  • i too have thyroid problems but despite being a healthy vegan who only eats 1500 cals a day, i can only loose about 2lbs in a month, i gained 5 stone in a less than a year, i'm short at only 5'8 3.4" & weigh a staggering 190lbs but through my fitness pal & monitoring what i eat I haven't gainesd any weight since starting…
  • good luck with your target, initially it is a pain to weigh out fresh ingriedients & educating yourself to drink more water is quite hard = I am 70lbs over weight but I have a chronic deteriorating thyroid condition which makes loosing weight very hard so I stick to my daily calories very strictly & although I'm not…
  • as a vegan I already eat more than 10 a day lol but I am concerned that I am going over on my daily 'natural' sugar allowance, i inteNd once the warmer weather here in UK comes at the end of Aprilt o go raw to 4...so that means I will be eating about 20 a day fruit & veggies ps i suffer from a chronic underactive thyroid…
  • Hello I’m 57 years old, I was a vegetarian for 40 years, but lapsed badly when I was pregnant 26 years ago, & recently I’ve become Vegan (May 2015) for 60% dietary & 40% ethical empathy reasons, I need to lose at least 5 stone, but having an under active thyroid doesn’t help matters, I also suffer from very high blood…
  • welcome back, I'm weak at logging in at weekends as I try to avoid using the internet too much.....:drinker:
  • I too feel defeated, I've only lost 10lbs since April, my target is 100lbs in 2 years, from 196 to a very healthy 96 (the weight I was when 9 months pregnant 34 years ago), I have other medical issues such as under active thyroid which slows down my weight loss, suggest maybe you have this checked out at your Doctors...at…
  • a few years ago I'm 56 now!!!! luckily I've inherited my mothers hair quality, she really only went fully grey a few years after she had cancer and she's 74 now
  • my pee is often purple from eating beetroot!!!:bigsmile:
  • i drink also too much tea due to work desk boredom, i have from today increased my water intake, i prefer sparkling water to still water, but both have to be ice cold, just don't like warm water
  • snippets of 20K of i-tunes songs - I wiped my laptop back to factory settings recently, so I'm currently transferring all my music from a portable hard drive back into i-tunes library - just heard The Ramones 'rock'n'roll radio'....this has truly set my mood to mow the lawn
  • i thought I would have lost more as I literally cut all my fave dreaded 'c' foods from my1st week, I've just started to weigh my ingredients properly, I was guessing how much olive oil I was using, and my handful of nuts ( i have big hands) maybe ahd more calories than what the calorie checker brings up. how do you get…
  • I'm 56, just hit the panic button from being over weight to obese, I need to loose 100lbs (2 year plan) and have medical issues, one which prevents me from going to the gym, I joined MFP a week ago & am upset that I only lost 2lbs, so I've now reduced my daily calorie allowance
  • your story touched me! WELL DONE = certain aspects of your story mirrors mine, I've just started my journey with a lot of bi-polar thoughts, under active thyroid & years of being a serial comfort eater...your pictures are wonderful & sometimes nasty troll like comments in your life can be the kick start we all need. WELL…
  • i'm not a serial killer just a serial comfort eater (oops):love:
  • suggest getting your thyroid tested, I have an under thyroid, the reason why i can't loose weight quickly is partially due to that and i had mini stroke last year so I can't exercise as much as I would ALSO (THIS IS THE MAIN REASON) I'm a serial killer and despite being a veggie I gorge on cheese, crisps, chocolate & cake,…
  • Hello 56 5’8 ½ (I used to be 5'9'') SW: 199 GW: 130 (although in my dreams 119) I have the oddest body shape ever, sort of square Lives in Southern England, vegetarian addicted to crisps, cake, chocolate & cheese, suffers from underactive thyroid & 50% mobility in my upper arms
  • I'm also obese, need to loose ten stone, I'm a vegetarian with a big appetite especially cheese, chocolate & crisps (the bad three), I also suffer from an under active thyroid and only have 50% use of my upper arms (I use to surf. fence, cycle & run), I'm nearly 60 with still quite a young family (older mother syndrome),…