Help! Frustrated and making no progress

I have been doing this for almost 5 weeks now, and have made no progress, both in regards to the scales and my measurements. I'm determined to lose the weight I need to but after seeing no changes it is making me very frustrated!

I religiously weigh everything, log every morsel of food i eat, even when licking the spoons!
I am trying to exercise 4 days a week; consisting of a combination of HIIT on treadmill (only started this week, before that I was just walking), and kettlebell dvds lifting between 4-8kg.

I am using TDEE method, my BMR is 1489, my TDEE 2048, so targeting -20% and eating 1650.
My weight is 149, my height 5ft3.

Am I doing this wrong or why am I seeing zero progress?

My diary is set to open.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

ETA: I admit I am no angel, I do indulge in the occasional treat but as long as it fits within my macros or is a close to them as possible.


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Have you ruled out any medical reasons that could be preventing your weight loss?
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? You could be overestimating your calorie burn and eating too much.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? You could be overestimating your calorie burn and eating too much.

    You don't eat exercise calories back with TDEE.

    What's your TDEE activity level? I would use lightly active. Probably a dumb question but do you log your drinks too? And do you use any medication that could affect weight loss?

    Otherwise, I don't know, I'd give it a couple more weeks then I'd go see a doctor too to make sure there isn't an underlying condition.
  • rachelguy
    rachelguy Posts: 24
    I have no medical issues which would hinder weight loss. I am on the contraceptive pill which I know has caused some of my friends to have issues with their weight, however it hasn't affected me in this way.

    And I don't eat back any exercise calories, but I do agree I need a HRM to monitor my calorie burn.

    Would smoking have an impact on my weight loss? Just trying to think of everything that could be stopping me from reaching my goal!

    Thanks for the responses
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? You could be overestimating your calorie burn and eating too much.

    OP said she's doing TDEE so exercise calories are already included.

    How long have you been doing TDEE? How long have you been working out and how consistent are you with workouts?

    Smoking shouldn't effect weight loss unless you're trying to cut down or quit in which case the lowered amounts of nicotine may mess with your metabolism a bit.
  • rachelguy
    rachelguy Posts: 24
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? You could be overestimating your calorie burn and eating too much.

    You don't eat exercise calories back with TDEE.

    What's your TDEE activity level? I would use lightly active. Probably a dumb question but do you log your drinks too? And do you use any medication that could affect weight loss?

    Otherwise, I don't know, I'd give it a couple more weeks then I'd go see a doctor too to make sure there isn't an underlying condition.

    As I said above, the only medication is the pill. And yeah I log my drinks, and my activity level is set at lightly active, I did have sedentary but I changed it a few weeks ago.

    Thanks, I will continue with what I'm doing and if its the same I'll take your advice and visit the doctor!
  • rachelguy
    rachelguy Posts: 24
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? You could be overestimating your calorie burn and eating too much.

    OP said she's doing TDEE so exercise calories are already included.

    How long have you been doing TDEE? How long have you been working out and how consistent are you with workouts?

    Smoking shouldn't effect weight loss unless you're trying to cut down or quit in which case the lowered amounts of nicotine may mess with your metabolism a bit.

    I've been doing TDEE for 4 weeks. I am usually working out for 30-40 minutes, and am pretty consistent with getting at least 3 workouts a week.

    Ok, thanks alot, I haven't altered my smoking habits since starting this.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It could be the pill. Honestly I'd wait a couple more weeks - you just started a new workout regimen and sometimes it can lead to water gains at first. Your pill might not have caused weight gain, but it could impact weight loss too. When is your period due? I'd wait for it then see if you lose then.
  • Chickaboo2014
    Chickaboo2014 Posts: 136 Member
    Bump. I'm interested in your progress with this. I'm in the same boat, basically, as you are; although, I have been able to lose weight, it just stopped coming off and i'ts been about 3 weeks since I've seen a loss. In fact, I've gained. I workout 8-10 times a week and am also eating TDEE of 1594. I am also on Nutrisystem...I read so many conflicting things about not eating enough calories...Anyway, I'll be checking in to see your progress. Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Bump. I'm interested in your progress with this. I'm in the same boat, basically, as you are; although, I have been able to lose weight, it just stopped coming off and i'ts been about 3 weeks since I've seen a loss. In fact, I've gained. I workout 8-10 times a week and am also eating TDEE of 1594. I am also on Nutrisystem...I read so many conflicting things about not eating enough calories...Anyway, I'll be checking in to see your progress. Good luck!

    I get stalls every month before my period - up to 3 weeks at a time. It's not unusual. That's why I asked the OP when her period is due... Most women retain water and gain a bit of weight before that time.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Maybe try decreasing your cals a bit 100-200 and see if that helps
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Just had a flick through the last couple of weeks of your diary and you seem to be eating a lot of takeaways, convenience food etc. If you're within your calorie goal then this shouldn't really be a problem for weight loss, but the high salt content of these foods may cause water retention. Your macros aren't showing that you're consistently over your sodium (salt) goal, but I don't think some of the entries are correct (this is a common problem on MFP where people input their own foods - they tend to put the calories into the database but not any of the other macros..) For example, you had a KFC for dinner on 28th March and this apparently has no sodium!? I'd VERY much doubt that!!
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I'm not one to be patient, but unfortunately patience is key in losing weight...along with consistency! I've found that once I start being consistent that the weight does come off. But it'll be .2 lbs one week...1.8 lbs three weeks from then. As others on this site have said, weight loss isn't has ups and downs. I'm also doing TDEE with only eating at about 1900-2000 cal/day. I had my RMR tested and it said 1850 min and add in about 500 for added daily activity. I've set MFP at losing .5 lbs/wk and KNOW this is sustainable. I'm still eating what I want, just in more proper portions and it IS working...albeit very slowly. But it is working.

    I've also gone to the doctor to check my blood, vitamin levels and thyroid recently. I'm going back tomorrow to get the results. Maybe there is also something slightly off that can be adjusted that will allow the losses to become slightly more. But if not, then I will keep plugging along. Do give it a bit longer and also gauge how you FEEL...not just how you think you look. It's 100% mental for me...and I'm still working on it. Damn hormones. :wink:
  • hitsnooze
    hitsnooze Posts: 79
    hormonal treatments actually can make a difference as stupid as it sounds. before i was on the depo i insisted that people who get fat off them are just giving in to increased appetite, and they just need to stop putting hand to mouth, and i still think this is true and it doesn't make you gain, but losing is significantly harder for me since i got it and i have no idea why. just carry on doing what you're doing and it will start coming off eventually, unless you're grossly overestimating your tdee which is possible
  • klingonbarbie
    klingonbarbie Posts: 23 Member
    suggest getting your thyroid tested, I have an under thyroid, the reason why i can't loose weight quickly is partially due to that and i had mini stroke last year so I can't exercise as much as I would ALSO (THIS IS THE MAIN REASON) I'm a serial killer and despite being a veggie I gorge on cheese, crisps, chocolate & cake, i have just joined and don't enjoy weighing my food out, but I'm hoping in my 1st week (weigh myself on 9th April) i will have lost at least 2-3 lbs (goal is 100lbs)
    i need all the guidance i can get as I've been a yo-yo dieter since mid 80's
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    The math seems to be a bit suspect. I'm no expert on TDEE ( I workout differently every day, so I "budget" differently every day).

    But there's no way a 40 minute workout adds up to 500 calories (in case your daily life has little physical activity, like many of us keyboard surfers). With 2 hours of exercise a week, I'd be tempted to just remove those from the calculation and see how they weight (and mood, appetite, etc.) behave.

    Weight gain is a numbers game (allowing for fluctuations, it's not linear): if you're consistently gaining, you're consuming more than you're burning. If you're losing, you're burning more than you're consuming. Tracking down the causes for the discrepancies is the tricky part (is my BMR lower than I thought? [it depends on the amount of muscle you have, not so much on total mass!], are my workouts overestimated? Is some medical condition lowering my metabolism? And so on).

    For reference, an elite cyclist of your height, giving her all, can probably burn 1200 on a hard one hour workout. Averaging it out to 4 days/week, it seems like your exercise calorie burn is overstated. MFP and may other places unfortunately inflate their workout calorie expenditures, sometimes bad math, sometimes they add the basal calorie burn, etc.
  • rachelguy
    rachelguy Posts: 24
    thanks to everyone for the responses, it's greatly appreciated!

    I've just finished my period so will i expect to see some losses even if its just water retention?

    lisaamartin1 - yes I have been bad with takewaway this past week but it mostly fits in my goals, although I agree about the KFC I couldn't find the sodium content but I should have guessed rather than put at zero haha!

    what I'm sensing is patience is key and I have to stick it out, hopefully see some form of losses soon!

    thanks :)
  • klingonbarbie
    klingonbarbie Posts: 23 Member
    i'm not a serial killer just a serial comfort eater (oops):love:
  • rachelguy
    rachelguy Posts: 24
    The math seems to be a bit suspect. I'm no expert on TDEE ( I workout differently every day, so I "budget" differently every day).

    But there's no way a 40 minute workout adds up to 500 calories (in case your daily life has little physical activity, like many of us keyboard surfers).

    For reference, an elite cyclist of your height, giving her all, can probably burn 1200 on a hard one hour workout. Averaging it out to 4 days/week, it seems like your exercise calorie burn is overstated. MFP and may other places unfortunately inflate their workout calorie expenditures, sometimes bad math, sometimes they add the basal calorie burn, etc.

    My workouts burn 200 cals max, I never said anywhere 500? Now I'm confused lol
  • rachelguy
    rachelguy Posts: 24
    i'm not a serial killer just a serial comfort eater (oops):love:

    it's ok I assumed you meant the latter haha! :laugh: