AKAMrsR Member


  • I had a major highs and lows week. I started off right going to the gym on Monday, but then got tempted by a muffin on Tuesday. It's amazing how one muffin spiraled me completely out of control for two days!! Got my eating back on track by Thursday and went to a fitness boot camp on Friday. Yesterday went for a walk with…
  • I wasn't the child's primary teacher, but his homeroom teacher and past teachers has all had conversations with the parents and the school counselor. I just don't think it was without our realm to truly do much about it...
  • I'm an American teacher. I had a fourth grade student who was very morbidly obese. The child wasn't ridiculed much more than any other child, but he was unable to participate in recess and PE activities, often held up his bus because he simply couldn't walk fast enough, and struggled to fit into the desks. The child's life…
  • Message received about calorie deficit, which I already knew. Thanks to those of you who gave your opinion respectfully. I couldn't breastfeed, and now my child is 1, so that's out of the question.
    in Slim Quick? Comment by AKAMrsR June 2014
  • Hey! A day late, but better late than never! I'm doing great this week! I just restarted my weight-loss journey and I always start strong. Here's to keeping it up! I haven't been weighing properly, but generally, my weight seems to have dropped about 2 lbs this week. That sounds great, but really, most of it was water…
  • I'm just (re)starting for the millionth time, so I don't have any real progress to report. BUT, I have only been working out for the past week and already feel a major mood boost. It always amazes me; I think scheduling workouts will be stressful and that I'll be tired, but I feel great! I'm planning to hit the gym tonight…
  • I like the idea of the weekly discussion that can go on throughout the week. I'm a conversationalist and like to carry on dialogues, so it would be great if we can have discussions that span the week. :)
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! I'm also 27 and will be moving back to VA soon (lived there my whole life until I got married). I hope we can keep each other motivated, because I also lack motivation!
  • Stop listening to the gimmicks! Don't eat something just because the box claims it's healthy - read the label. I used to eat multi-grain cereal and skim milk everyday for breakfast, but then I realized I was eating double the serving size and it had a ton of sugar, plus I was hungry two hours later. Now I eat Jimmy Dean…
  • Hey Everyone! First of all, I love this idea! I hope I can find some good motivation here. I've never done WW, but always wanted to go to the meetings, so this may work out great! My name is Jocelyn. I currently live in CA, but am moving to VA in a month. I have a 1 year old and have been a stay-at-home mom since I was…
  • I always struggled with weight, but was fairly healthy. College didn't help, marriage didn't help. I realized I had to do something a couple years ago and lost 30 lbs through MFP and felt great. Then I got pregnant. I told myself that I would stay healthy during pregnancy and get back to my goal quickly, but instead I went…
  • Everyone's life is full of problems, most people just don't tell you that! I've had past success with MFP, but got pregnant and fat so now I have to start over with way more weight to lose. I need new friends since most of my old ones don't seem to be very active anymore. Hopefully we can motivate each other :)
  • I am also trying to get serious about losing weight! I get excited for a week, then forget for two weeks, but I'm not doing that this time! Check for a friend request! I'm looking for motivation and support as well. :)
    in Hi! Comment by AKAMrsR September 2013
  • I've also decided NO MORE EXCUSES! My main excuse is no time - I'm a stay at home mom, and I somehow don't count naps or after bedtime as time I could workout. And I can drop my daughter off at the gym as long as I schedule in advance, but then I use not wanting to mess up her schedule as my excuse. Resolution - make…
  • GO 'SKINS! And great job on the weight loss!
  • Hey Heather! I had a similar goal for when my husband was on a 6 month tour in Liberia, but I didn't have MFP then to help me out! Good luck on your goal, I know you can do it!
  • We make a pizza at home that has about 1300 calories total. We used Boboli (sp?) whole wheat crust, no salt added tomato sauce, low fat mozzarella cheese and lots of veggies. We also use turkey pepperoni sometimes. The only down side is that the whole wheat crust is a little denser and we haven't figured out how to make it…
  • I don't know about your situation, but my husband lost over 100 pounds several years ago, and slimmed down even more last year. He has "love handles" still, but I think a lot of it is excess skin that didn't bounce back because of how quickly he lost weight. Not sure how to get rid of them, but it's just a thought!
  • I'm a huge snacker. I do eat a lot of fruit and veggies (and I don't worry so much about the sugar in fruit since its the best kind you can get). But I find that anything with a lot of fiber is filling, popcorn has few calories per serving. Sorry I don't have more suggestions! Good luck finding something that works!
  • I don't think there is anything wrong with instant oatmeal. There may be some different nutrition, but it still has the whole grains. I never liked it until a few years ago and I live in GA so I can't stand eating hot cereal everyday. But when I do eat oatmeal, I use milk instead of water and put in a little splenda and…
    in Oatmeal Comment by AKAMrsR July 2011
  • What are you eating? Make sure your body is still getting the nutrition it needs to be healthy, because health is the ultimate goal, right? I peeked at your profile and saw that you want to go into the army - great goal. My husband lost about 100lbs to join the air force at 19, so your goal is achievable. If you go to a…
  • I haven't lost much weight, but I also only have about 15 pounds left to lose (I lost about 15 pounds before discovering this site). So I guess that is why it hasn't changed on its own. I was just wondering - thanks for confirming my logic!
  • I have a hard time believing that I can reach 100 miles, especially because I have to walk early in the morning to avoid the GA heat! BUT, I'm still shooting for 100 and hopefully get close! Go for 100, and see how far you get! :wink:
  • 100 miles in July sounds great. It'll really make me push myself (because I'm lazy) but I need that!
  • I would love to do a walking challenge for July! How far were you thinking?
  • You can friend me! I am amazed at how much you've done already! I could use some extra encouragement also. I feel so pathetic sometimes because I only need to lose less than 15lbs to reach my goal weight, but it seems impossible. Having a friend who has accomplished so much more than that and is still motivated could…
  • I am 24, should be in one of the healthiest phases of my life and had never thought of myself as unhealthy or "big" even though I always tried to lose weight (to no avail). I got married, realized my wedding pictures didn't look how I thought I really looked. Then my husband deployed for 6 months. Due to eating habits and…
  • Your progress so far is great! I lost about 15lbs before discovering this site and I'm slowly but surely getting to my healthy range. I am 5'9" and currently want to be 160, but in the back of my mind I know 150ish would be even healthier. My mother also has scoliosis (not severe) and she could be inspired by your story.
  • I never would have guessed that it stood for "non-scale victory" so I'm glad we asked! I had a friend I hadn't seen in months say something last night at my husband's work function. She noticed and said she must need to come stay at our house! It's one of the best parts of losing!
  • I was also going to ask what nsv stands for! So it's not silly. This website has a lot of acronyms that I'm still learning!