What was your "moment"?



  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    I have always been very active, a runner, athletic build and after my first two pregnancies, I snapped right back into shape, but after delivering my twins 3 years ago, my whole body changed. I was on bedrest for a very long time and gained A LOT of weight. I was submerged in all things baby and seriously sleep deprived for the next year and a half. All of a sudden, there was no athlete left, just a tired mom with stretched a stretched out tummy and no energy. I lost quite bit of the extra weight in the last year, but hit a hard spot in my life where I didn't really care about it for awhile. A couple months ago, I was in a fitting room and saw myself in the mirror and walked out of the store empty handed. That was probably the turning point!!
  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    My waist size has been slowly creeping up my entire adult life. I'm tired of buying the next larger size. As the current set of pants are getting tight - I can't bring myself to buy the next size. In fact - I'm going to take 2 inches off my waist and return to the last set of pants! I recently became a father for the first time, and I need more energy to chase after my little guy.
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I got engaged, probably not the answer most want to hear but I just couldn't stand the thought of looking at my wedding pictures at 250lbs. or looking for a wedding dress, I actually put it off so long people would freak out when I told them I didn't have one yet.

    I know what you mean! Although I am not engaged, I just moved in with my boyfriend. I'm hoping my next step is engagement and I want that forever moment to be me in a size 8 or smaller!
    Last Summer I went to a friends wedding and when I saw pics of me I knew I needed to be serious.

    DO it now, you be happy you did!

    I lost quite a bit 2 summers ago when I was SURE my bf was going to propose while we were away, when he didn't I was pretty upset and stupidly gained it all back plus more!
    Then when he did propose in January I felt horrible and huge, didn't want to get engagment photos, my wedding dress, didn't want to go to my shower because of the pictures. I let my weight ruin what were supposed to be a lot of great moments leading up to my wedding!
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    Some of my favorite clothes weren't fitting right, and I just could not stand to look at pics of myself.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I had been avoiding the scale for years. When I stepped on one in December and saw 210, I almost threw up. No more...

    22 lbs down now, but still a long way to go.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    WOW! Where do I find a doctor like that. I've taken my 17 year old son to the family doctor and I asked him upfront to talk to him about weight because he won't listen to me. He won't step on a scale but he wears a 48 pant (28 leg) and a 2XL tee shirt at 5' 5" tall. He is seeing a specialist at the Children's Hospital now about possible sleep apnea and they won't talk about weight either! They just do the quick "I'm sure you know weight is part of the problem" and he says "Yeah, I know". and that's where it ends.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    Mine wasnt really just one moment... it was like a week lol I went to the doctor and jumped on the scale and almost started crying in the office there... the next morning I decided to wear lace up shoes to work (I have avoided any shoes with laces for years for the following reason) I sat down on my bed and tried to tie my shoes and i couldnt do it without struggling... either to keep my leg on my knee or just to bend down. It was horrible, my fiance woke up to me sobbing because i couldnt tie my shoes on my own (i wore flip flops that day) I decided then that I needed to do something about it.
    The fact that I looked like a hippo when i was trying on wedding dresses had a pretty big impact on me too lol Since I have joined I have helped 4 other friends join and get on track :)
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I've also got a few of the teachers from my daughter's school. They saw my posts on facebook and asked me about it at a PTA meeting. They comment at meetings about how great the site has been. It feels great to know I've been able to help others get moving in the right direction even though I have a long road to go.
    Since I have joined I have helped 4 other friends join and get on track :)
  • callymac66
    callymac66 Posts: 20
    I've been depressed for years about my weight - it's crept up and up and because I've got a lovely supportive partner, I've been able to shove it to the back of my mind.

    There was a really great festival in my town for the Royal Wedding and my mum and I were watching a street band playing. There was a woman in the band who I reckoned to be about the same age as me and I was commenting on how she was living the live I thought I would be - she was slim, looked happy and joyful. I commented on this to mum and she said ' it's only down to you, it's your life to make!'

    Something clicked and when I got home I did a search and found this and one other site. I've lost 14 pound since May, am getting my head around the slow is better principle and am feeling better than I have in a long time
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    What did it for me was all my clothes getting too tight, and deciding it was finally time to shed the 'baby weight'. I'm glad I saved all my smaller-sized summer clothes from a few years ago. They now fit me again. Woot!
  • Picklepower
    Picklepower Posts: 66 Member
    I had several smaller moments that lead up to mine. I have always been on the heavy side. My entire family is on the heavy side. We all know that we need to do something about it but no one seems to actually get up and do it. I joined MFP a while ago and I'd log my food for a week or so and then I'd have a bad day and give up. After awhile I'd start entering my calories again but then OOPS! bad day again so I'd stop again and it was a vicious cycle. Then in April my boyfriend and I had our 3 year anniversary. He was unemployed at the time so we wanted to keep it less expensive so we went to dinner and to play mini-golf (not a usual activity for us). After finishing the first hole I went to pick up my ball from the little cup and was surprised that I had a hard time doing so. Since then I have been noticing other little things, like my shirts not really fitting right, or my hips not really fitting in chairs with sides on them. All of these things I already knew but I just ignored because I didn't want to think of myself as "fat". I have reached a point where I am tired of being overweight. I started using MFP again just 6 days ago but this time I'm sticking with it!! I'm still sort of in my moment.
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    My moment came when my doctor put me on a second blood pressure medicine. When I realized that my weight was steadily going up, and was at an all time high, I knew I had to do something, and that it had to be permenant. I had to make lifestyle changes that would last forever. I am still on both blood pressure medicines, but I am hoping that as the weight comes off I will eventually be able to get my blood pressure back down.
  • AKAMrsR
    AKAMrsR Posts: 45 Member
    I am 24, should be in one of the healthiest phases of my life and had never thought of myself as unhealthy or "big" even though I always tried to lose weight (to no avail). I got married, realized my wedding pictures didn't look how I thought I really looked. Then my husband deployed for 6 months. Due to eating habits and illness while in Africa, he came home about 30lbs lighter than he left. He is 5 inches taller than me, but was only 10lbs heavier when he got home! It was definitely a wake up call. I started to look back at pictures from the last few years and realized that I was the "big" girl among my friends and decided that there was no reason I couldn't be healthy and thin. So, here I am, struggling everyday to overcome lifelong habits to be a better me. :happy:
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    My fat jeans were getting tight
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I raced to the doctor in my 1 hour split from work where I was doing 80 hours a week in an Italian (pizza, pasta!!!!! devil food) restaurant. As I sat puffing in the chair, she started asking about my job and family history.
    Does anyone in your family have high blood pressure? Yes I answered my dad
    Has anyone in your family had cancer eg breast cancer.? Yes I answer my mum
    Does anyone in your family have diabetes? Yes I answered my mum
    Does anyone in your family have high cholesterol? Yes I answered my dad
    Does anyone in your family have/had glaucoma? Yes I answered my dad

    She took my blood pressure and guess what it was too high. We had a little talk.....
    I quit my job, went away to my friends in Wales. They had started MFP in January. I was there obese mate. The pictures said it all.
    That was April 12th. I'll never forget it. It's the day I found MFP. I've not once looked back!
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    My Size 18 Pants no longer fit. Now I am almost at a 14
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My momemt was seeing pictures of myself at christmas 2010; I was not happy and knew that i needed to do something . I have lost 42 pounds so far and have quite a bit more to go , But i am never going back to the person that i was last year . I feel so much better !
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    when my dr said a woman of your size... what???? when did I become the heavy person... my clothes were tight and I was turning 50 this year..

    so I have a bet with my grandson about losing 50 before I am 50... so I found this site and it has been ups and downs but still working on it... everyday is a work in progress... good luck to all
  • mamadragon
    mamadragon Posts: 110
    Mine was when I once again topped over 200 pounds. My knee was hurting, working out wasn't working, I got so depressed over my weight. Then, I bought a new cellphone just for s&g and searched for calorie counters. The app for this site popped up and I clicked it. After work, I went to the website and checked it out, signed up and decided that 205 was not for me and I didn't want to go back to 225. I also wanted to set a good example for my daughter who has gained a lot of weight and is almost up to my weight.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There were a lot of moments that should have been my moment. Like when the dog sneaked out of the yard and I had to run to the park to catch him, and just running on block left me gasping for air. Or when I got rid of the shorts and jeans that wouldn't come up past my hips.* Or when the sweater I wore in February 2010 didn't fit at all in October 2010. Or when I kept the top button unbuttoned on my jeans and kept blaming it on my skin being sensitive from my new belly tattoo or navel ring.

    But no. It was when a friend told my niece about the Warrior Dash. I'd never been a runner. Hated it. But I did think of myself as a bit of a badass, and wanted to prove to myself that I really was one. Made a group on Facebook for my friends who might be interested. Started being more active. Discovered Couch to 5k, and actually found MFP when I saw a bunch of people on the c25k site use MFP tickers.

    I really only came here for the ticker! :laugh:

    Then I discovered logging food and exercise. Then the forums. Then got friends. Then got addicted.

    * And boy, am I regretting that now! Everything I used to wear is HUGE on me now.