What was your "moment"?

Just wondering why or what got you to join/use my fitness pal? I've heard of people "hitting rock bottom" with things in their life. I felt like I hit my rock bottom with food in January this year and my fitness pal has helped me with my weight lose journey. Anyone have a "moment" that made them realize it was time to make the life style change to be healthy?

I remember feeling okay with 180lbs. Then as I got heavy each 10lbs I allowed myself to be okay with it. Then I told myself I would never get over 200lbs. That day came and went. It wasn't until I ran marathon weekend and looked back at pictures to show off what I did. I couldn't believe what I saw. How could I be proud of myself when I let myself go. My husband came across the ap on his phone for my fitness pal. I checked it out and was hooked. I finally felt I found a place for support and could do this. It hasn't been easy and it's a roller coaster ride some weeks. I haven't given up and I'm going to keep moving in the right direction!


  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I've been trying to do this on my own since December and I search for calorie sites and try to track my calories only. Then on Monday I found this site and started reading the posts and saw that it tracks more than just calories....I've only lost a net of 6 pounds from December until Monday doing it alone. You guys are all so upbeat and positive about weight loss it seemed like a great idea.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Mine was definitely "hitting rock bottom." I just got to be the heaviest I had ever been and I was going to this party for gay lawyers and NONE of my dress pants fit me. I couldn't even lay on the bed and zip them up. I felt fat and horrible and unprofessional and that my weight was thus hindering my career (and, I can point to specific instances in which it has negatively impacted my career). That day, I vowed to change...and, I have! That was 7 months and 45 pounds ago :) A long way to go, still, but I feel like a different person. (And, I haven't just worked on changing my body size, but my lifestyle and other things in my life).
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I never hit rock bottom. I was just bored and did a search on my droid and found this site and hopped onboard. LOL!
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I got engaged, probably not the answer most want to hear but I just couldn't stand the thought of looking at my wedding pictures at 250lbs. or looking for a wedding dress, I actually put it off so long people would freak out when I told them I didn't have one yet.
  • amcgowan10
    amcgowan10 Posts: 17
    My moment was when I was wearing shorts for the first time this year and had bent over to pick something up. I looked at my legs, and they had never lacked tone before and now they do. I knew I needed to change my approach to food and fitness. I had never been so lazy as I had in the last 6 months. I like having a community to keep me honest about what I'm doing to make myself a healthier person.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    My doctor and nutritionist recommenced that I log my food and exercise. They said that people who log their food and exercise lose 30% more than people who don't. I like the accountability
  • sent4rmabove23
    The moment I decided I needed to do something about my weight was when I saw my wedding pictures that was a eye opener for me. I was like, "Woah, enough is enough." I did the hcg diet and lost 30 lbs but I'm tired of yo-yo dieting and to join MFP to help me in a lifestyle change.
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    I had begun the journey to get my 'health numbers' in better line (had hypnosis and YES it is working well) ....then my daughter found this site on her Blackberry and knew it was a perfect fit for me. She was sooooooooooooooooooo right!!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I took a good long look at myself in the mirror one day when I stepped out of the shower. I ran to my computer and googled "food diary." I knew I needed an easy way to track calories. MFP is so much more than that! The members and tools are awesome and they helped me reach my goal weight. Thanks goodness I found this site!
  • MissMichellemybelle
    MissMichellemybelle Posts: 70 Member
    When my size 6 pants didn't fit anymore.

    And my sisters wedding photos. I looked HORRIBLE in them. It was such a perfect day and I have the most wonderful memories and was honored to be the MOH. But, I'd really prefer to NEVER see a picture of myself from that day ever again.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I remember feeling okay with 180lbs. Then as I got heavy each 10lbs I allowed myself to be okay with it.

    Mine is actually kinda similar to yours. I had been at 234 lbs. By cutting out soda, I lost 10 lbs. I had been staying around 224. After the holidays, I was back up to 234. I was so upset. I realized that i had been OK with being 224 lbs. Which wouldn't have been so bad if I were healthy, but I wasn't. I was on high blood pressure medicine. I was fat with high blood pressure and I had let myself be ok with it. I just finally realized that was not acceptable.
  • justme84x
    justme84x Posts: 66
    I have been overweight all my life and my moment came at work a few months ago when i squatted down to pick something up off the floor and I had to spread my legs out because my big ol' belly is in the way!! I decided enough was enough and started eating better and exercising. In just over a month and a half I am down 23 pounds and refuse to ever step on the scale and see 256 pounds again!!
  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    I have never overindulged in food or anything, but I was seriously lacking in the exercise department. I'm going to Vegas next month and didn't want to feel like a blimp amongst all the skinny, beautiful people. Even if I don't completely hit my goal, at least i'll know I did my best to whip myself into shape. It's taken so long to get 6 lbs off that I doubt I'll hit goal by the end of next month, but 6 lbs is still better than nothing!
  • mikesnwgirl
    mikesnwgirl Posts: 112
    I never really hit rock bottom. I had a lot of people around me talking about Zumba so I decided I would try it. I of course loved it and then had to figure out a better way of eating. I have a friend who is going to a personal trainer and I noticed she was posting on Facebook all the time about her progress. That is how I found MFP. So far I'm loving it. I think between MFP and Zumba I have the right combination to become successful!!!!!
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    i tired the slim fast method and i didn't work, i sat on sunday afternoon and cried, pretty much all day... i felt nothing would make this happen for me and that i was broken and would stay that way. i took the monday off work i was so depressed on the tuesday i felt a bit better and was checking my emails when i saw that i had signed up for MFP a few years ago.. it seemed like a good idea to acutally give it a go this time, after all doing it alone wasn't making me happy or working !
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I realised it was a week until my birthday... another birthday where I would be fat. Two years til I'm 30... and I want to be fabulous. So I have two years to lose the weight, and then the next 60 or 70 to live a long and full life.
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    I was straightening my hair in my bra and jeans and there was a folding mirror that showed the back of my hair. I saw a behind view of myself and when i bent back a roll formed on my back and I was so disgusted that I was getting back rolls I almost cried. Definitely that moment!
  • tehawe
    tehawe Posts: 4
    I was out shopping with a friend who is pregnant and was complaining that she is up to a size 14 now.
    I have been between a 12/14 for the past two years. That was enough for me.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Mine was when I hit 305 lbs, broke the bed, broke a chair. Started getting sleep apnea, heart palps, and snoring. I went to talk to the doctor about the heart palps, and she said ok, so do you want me to yell at you about your weight before or after we talk about the heart palps. It was blunt and what I needed. I couldnt believe I hit 300. So I was referred to another MD to discuss weight loss surgery. But before I could qualify, (insurance issues) I needed to join a weight loss program. I dont think I can mention it on this platform. But needless to say, I joined it in 10/13/2010 and have since lost 65 lbs. I decided against surgery and I am staying on the other program. I found My Fitness Pals and thought what a great way to track calories. Needless to say, I have realized what a wonderful site this is and still am learning more about it.:love:
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    I got engaged, probably not the answer most want to hear but I just couldn't stand the thought of looking at my wedding pictures at 250lbs. or looking for a wedding dress, I actually put it off so long people would freak out when I told them I didn't have one yet.

    I know what you mean! Although I am not engaged, I just moved in with my boyfriend. I'm hoping my next step is engagement and I want that forever moment to be me in a size 8 or smaller!
    Last Summer I went to a friends wedding and when I saw pics of me I knew I needed to be serious.