glasshalffull713 Member


  • Your body will become more efficient at any workout that you consistently do. It's a great idea to mix things up a bit. If you love the elliptical, try adding intervals to your workouts on some days. Spin class is a great calorie burner for me, as well as circuit training.
  • I have a goal of not drinking alcohol during the month of May. I am doing this so that I can feel better physically, and to make more choices that are nurturing to my health and wellbeing, especially during an especially hectic time in my life.
  • I usually weigh about 2-3lbs more for about 2 days after an intense workout. And I have been working out for a long time consistently and it still happens. Pretty much if my muscles feel sore, I expect the scale to be a bit up.
  • If you are experiencing unusual bruising, it's a good idea to see a doctor and rule out anything serious. A blood test can probably tell them a lot about what you might be low on...
  • Yeah, I love dinner leftovers for breakfast any day! Poached salmon and veggies is awesome because it is light, but protein rich and keeps me full.
  • Spin class. Great all around for your legs, especially hamstrings in my experience. Also no impact!
  • More protein in my diet keeps me feeling full longer and I have trouble getting it from food alone so I do sometimes use protein powder. I get unflavored whey protein and make my own smoothies. I do a combination of fruit, fresh or diced and frozen, and liquid whether it's water almond milk, regular milk, or coconut water.…
  • Some things are just genetic. You don't get to pick your muscle shapes off the shelf like you are in a store. I know it's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth, and the sooner you accept it, the less you will torture yourself. That being said, I know you're not fishing for compliments, but you don't appear to have…
  • I used to have a morning and afternoon snack, in addition to breakfast lunch and dinner, but now I just eat the three main meals. I think I was spreading my calories out, eating just enough to get by until the next snack/meal, and as a result I was never fully satiated. I have found that just eating a decent sized meal I…
  • Maybe track your measurements too. I actually went down a size at one point but stayed the same weight. Also I second the water retention theory. I definitely weigh more a few days after an especially intense workout, especially when I'm sore. Also you said 90% meals at home- did you eat out in the day before you weighed…
  • Raisins, a teaspoon of honey or peanut butter, super dark chocolate, yogurt, tea.
  • Weight training can help increase calorie burn for up to 48 hours after a workout. You burn less during the actual workout than you would during the same time doing cardio, but the increased afterburn from lifting actually makes it more effective overall. You might want to consider adding a few days of weight training to…
  • Perhaps you should go to maintenance for a week or two and the go back to a deficit. You need to get your mind out of that deprivation mentality that makes you want to fall off the wagon. Another good strategy is to try and find some new healthy recipes and/or food. Then staying on track can feel like a treat instead of a…
  • Not sure if you are vegan too but cottage cheese and geek yogurt are high in protein too…
  • I'm getting married in August :) I gained a bunch of weight over the winter slacking off and not moving enough. Looking forward to getting back to the shape I was in and feeling amazing on my big day!
  • Add me if you are looking for friends! You have a great attitude.
  • I am also trying to lose weight before my wedding :) Feel free to add me. I want to lose 10 lbs & my wedding is in 3 months. Congrats on your engagement!
  • Congrats on your success so far! Feel free to add me. We can motivate each other!
  • grilled portabella slices!
  • watermelon. sugar snap peas. jicama. cheese and apples.
  • Wow, you are very judgmental. Thanks for setting me straight.
  • The para-olympics. Also ultra-marathoners and iron-men, etc. I think to myself, if they can do that, then most certainly I can get through a 60 minute spin class!
  • You will have a hard time losing weight on only three hours of sleep because your cortisol levels are probably sky high. Also lack of sleep makes you release less leptin (a hormone which decreases appetite) and increases ghrelin production (the hunger hormone). All that being said, remove sugary and high carb snacks from…
  • roasted or pickled beets. sometimes I like to substitute fresh salsa for dressing- low calories and lots of flavor. berries, grapes cut in quarters, or chopped apples.
  • I think it's hilarious how uppity folks get when anyone mentions cutting out processed sugar. Nobody is trying to force it on anybody else. Some people feel better when they don't have sugar in their diet. What's the big deal?
  • Welcome. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Everybody's feet are different so suggestions from others may not be helpful. I prefer a roomier toe box and have found Sauconys to be comfortable for me. I agree with the advice to consult a running store where they can evaluate your unique needs. It's worth it if you are having issues. There's not a magic brand or model…
  • Yes, if you look under the "frequent" and "recent" tabs you can see your own foods you have already logged. On the web version you can sort them by alphabet, and on the app you can type in the word and then tap the tab you want to look under.