
This is probably a strange question. I had a baby in January and started back with MFP on February 1st. I've lost 33 pounds. The first month or so I worked out regularly, but not very intensely because I was just getting my body back to normal. The past couple months I've been doing pretty intense HIIT work outs and some weight training, with moderately heavy weights (I work out at home). The past month or so I've been noticing I have bruises all over my legs. Right now I have like 8 bruises just that I can see on my thighs and calves and one on my knee. A friend told me possibly I was missing out on some vitamins so I made sure to take a multivitamin regularly and started taking vitamin C as well. I haven't really noticed a difference since i started doing that.

I guess I'm just wondering (before I panic that I have some sort of crazy blood disorder or cancer) if this could be exercise related. I did work-out with similar intensity before getting pregnant, but I had just purchased a set of adjustable weights before getting pregnant so I hadn't used them much. Anyone have any experiences or knowledge??


  • Amber_hanson27
    Amber_hanson27 Posts: 66 Member
    Iron is what you may need to be sure your getting. Also be cautious with those weight ;)
  • mxmakm
    mxmakm Posts: 1,166 Member
    I have had bruises too since I have started working out a few weeks ago, but on both my legs and my arms. I am always slightly anemic (deficient in iron) so I was considering it was that, but before I stared working out I wouldn't get bruises randomly like this. It must just be worse than before. I thought I was the only one with this problem lol
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I bruise easily but never worried about it too much. The bruises on my shins from dead lifting are gnarly. But yeah, maybe low on iron. What kind of weights exercises are you doing?
  • Amber_hanson27
    Amber_hanson27 Posts: 66 Member
    I noticed them all over my thighs had no idea what I had done. Then I realized I had been slamming the weights into my legs when I was finishing a tough set. Idiot. Also anemic.
  • kamber13
    kamber13 Posts: 249 Member
    I get bruises all over my body when I'm low on B12. I actually have to take supplements.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    Thank you all. So I wonder if it could be iron or B12 or some other vitamin deficiency? How would I find out if that is an issue for me? I did start paying attention when working out and noticed that at times I am bumping the weights into my legs, but it doesn't seem like it should be hard enough to cause bruising. The bruises are pretty much always on my legs, although one time I did get one on my jawbone and I really don't know what caused that one.
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    If you are experiencing unusual bruising, it's a good idea to see a doctor and rule out anything serious. A blood test can probably tell them a lot about what you might be low on...
  • Amber_hanson27
    Amber_hanson27 Posts: 66 Member
    Your just need to have your Doc. draw some blood and that's about it I think.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    kamber13 wrote: »
    I get bruises all over my body when I'm low on B12. I actually have to take supplements.

    Oh, that's interesting! I've been low in B12 for a long time (why don't doctors look further than serum B12, if at all? And why don't they know macrocytes?) and always bruised quickly. Hey, someone just needs to look at me and I get a bruise. Since taking B12 shots I have the feeling that I've seen less bruises, but it might be a coincidence, or I'm more aware of my surroundings and am less clumsy.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    Your just need to have your Doc. draw some blood and that's about it I think.

    True. But you've taken a multivitamin now. This will stay in your body for a while and might falsify blood results. For B12 I was told not to take any for at least 2 months for realistic results.
  • DesertGunR
    DesertGunR Posts: 187 Member
    Your just need to have your Doc. draw some blood and that's about it I think.

    Definitely agree with this. Bruising wasn't my problem, however my D.O., he requested a blood draw and we found out some interesting stuff from it, one that despite a good diet I was still very deficient in Vitamin D. He placed me on prescription level D supplement, after 6 months my levels returned to normal and I no longer have to take the very high level D supplement. The amount in a good multivitamin keeps me at proper levels now.

    As for your bruising it could be from a Vitamin B12, C, D or K deficiency. You won't know until you get it checked out. A little warning, not every M.D. is vitamin friendly. I have found that some look at supplements akin to "Voodoo" and have even encouraged me to completely eliminate them from my life. I now have a very good primary physician who is a D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathy). Their added education is something I find very useful as a person in rehabilitation from a serious disability.