mrsmontellano Member


  • Non-scale victory :-D
  • I don't eat dinner after 7pm, but if I go to the gym and am feeling hungry after 9, I stick with fruits/vegetables. Nothing heavy or full of fats. If you're feeling empty and hungry after 7, don't starve yourself (that's just worse off for binging at midnight!), so try for something light.
  • They showed up for me, and you look incredible! What a change, good for you!!
  • I use their Balsamic Vinaigrette. It's delicious! Perfect for a lunch salad.
  • Ya, I wish I had taken one. I just didn't WANT to admit and see what I looked like and how . Now I realize that was a mistake. Oh well, shoulda, coulda, woulda.
  • I have a few goals. Some with dates, others without. The goals I have with a date (for example, be in the 150's by June) works as a motivator for me to push myself. My ultimate goal, however, does not have a date attached to it. I don't know why, maybe because I don't know how long it will take me to get there. Everyone is…
  • I drink once a week, or once every other week, and as long as I compensate for it (with either increased exercise and/or fewer calories during the day), I do fine. I stick with rum & diet coke - it's only about 70 calories a drink! Which is NOTHING compared to the sugary/high carb drinks. And LOTS of water. It's your…
  • Welcome! I'm out in Riverside, so we're close! I find that drinking water, and lots of it (8+ cups) curbs ALOT of my hunger between meals. Also, bananas, apples, and other easily eaten fruits helps too (I work 9-5 during the day, prime snacking time).
  • Kinda excited to do this challenge! Fell off the wagon for the last few weekends, but I'm ready to go!
  • I believe my treadmill before MFP, only because the treadmill KNOWS exactly what you were doing (incline, speed, distance, etc). and MFP does not. It does not calculate cals burned at a higher incline rate. And if your treadmill asks for a weight, it more accurately measures cals burned.
  • Slim in 6 is a good one! Kind of long compared to JM, and i found it easier, but you get results quickly.