Having a weight loss goal

(This question may have been asked before, SORRY)

I have read on one of my friends blogs and also have seen numerous amounts people having their weight loss goals listed with specific dates. It doesnt matter whether the date is past or if its future dates, there is a date. My question that I'm asking is...

Do you think in order to be successful with losing weight, you have to set goals with specific dates????

I want to continue to lose weight, just need to know if tracking my food, exercise, and setting goals is the way to go. I already track my food and exercise, but have yet to really set goals with specific dates, I just know what size I should be and I am trying to work towards it. Would love to hear your thoughts


  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    Honestly...I set my goals by dates, and it can be extremely frustrating when I don't reach that goal. For example, I set a goal back in January to lose 30lbs by my birthday at the end of June thinking I had more than enough time to make it happen, and I'm still 16lbs away. It's disheartening. I think setting dates can help keep you motivated, but I've been trying to stick to smaller goals, like monthly weight loss/calories burned.
  • mrsmontellano
    mrsmontellano Posts: 13 Member
    I have a few goals. Some with dates, others without. The goals I have with a date (for example, be in the 150's by June) works as a motivator for me to push myself. My ultimate goal, however, does not have a date attached to it. I don't know why, maybe because I don't know how long it will take me to get there.
    Everyone is different, I'm sure there are people on here who only have dates with their goals, as I'm sure there are people who have no dates. Try what works for you, and if it's not working, change it! It's your body, and your goals. We're just here to help :)
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I myself have never set a "timed" goal because when I do things like that I get discouraged if I don't quite make it...then I get depressed and stray from my plan. I am just taking it day by day and getting excited whenever I hit certain numbers...like the halfway mark or anything with a "0" after it, lol! Everyone is different and some people need to be very specific about what they are doing...whatever works best for you is what you need to do : ) Good luck!

    P.S. I love your ticker...my daughter is autistic. :flowerforyou:
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I set specific date goals for 1 simple reason. I am a "deadline" personality. With no "due by" deadline, that goal will end up losing priority for me. I choose special occasion dates and calculate what I should be at that time based on my weekly goals. It's not a matter of right or wrong. It's just whatever works for you!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Every year I go on a big vacation so usually, the vacation date is my goal date. For me I think having a realistic target date is beneficial because it makes you push harder towards it. If you say, "I want to lose 10 lbs", does that mean by next month, October, or by next year? If you don't put a time frame on it, you may set yourself up to never "get started".
  • randisaucier
    randisaucier Posts: 178 Member
    I have set my goals by date to keep me motivated and give me something to strive for, however I know that I can only do my best and if I don't make the goal by the date it's ok, I will eventually make it, that I KNOW!
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I see a lot of people doing this and if it works for them that's awesome.
    I don't see it as being a good thing for me though. My body will plateau for weeks sometimes... and then I'll just feel like I failed if I didn't reach my goal.

    So I just have my ultimate goal and I am working toward that.
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I didn't set any date goals. My goals are basically to get to a certain size/weight range. I started this journey (seriously started) in Feb 2011 and am basically at my goal size right now. Just trying to lose about 4 more lbs for fluctuating purposes, then maintain.

    I think setting dates just builds you up for disappointment if you don't reach those goals, which could be unrealistic, and then you get discouraged and quit. <<<<
    That's just IMO :smile:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    You know, I set a goal every month, and have done so since I joined in December. NOT ONE MONTH have I reached this goal. They aren't really too ambitious either! Mostly 4-6 lbs a month are my goals. And I never, ever reach them. But damn do I lose inches! And overall, I have lost a good bit of weight (for me!) so far, over 20 lbs. I feel MUCH better about myself and don't really give a damn about my monthly goals anymore. It's more like, if I reach it, awesome!!!!! If I don't ... oops. Let's set it a little lower next month. :smile:

    My overall goal I would never put a date on. There was no way for me to know in December how long or how much work it would take for me to get from nearly 170 down to 125 or 135. No way for me to know, so why put a date on it? Sure, I'd like it to take less than a year, but I don't really care.

    Overall, my opinion, goals are great, goals with dates? Not important.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    (This question may have been asked before, SORRY)

    I have read on one of my friends blogs and also have seen numerous amounts people having their weight loss goals listed with specific dates. It doesnt matter whether the date is past or if its future dates, there is a date. My question that I'm asking is...

    Do you think in order to be successful with losing weight, you have to set goals with specific dates????

    I want to continue to lose weight, just need to know if tracking my food, exercise, and setting goals is the way to go. I already track my food and exercise, but have yet to really set goals with specific dates, I just know what size I should be and I am trying to work towards it. Would love to hear your thoughts

    Let me tell you an analogy for that. Say for instance, you wanted to drive from Florida to California and did not have a clue as to when you wanted to get there. Imagine how long that drive will take, because you will get distracted by every giant peanut, 50 foot tall cowboy hat, 100 foot tall ball of yarn, that you drive by. But if you set a goal to be there by Friday, the 4th of June by 5pm, your entire way of thinking changes along the way. No longer are you stopping to look at the Grand Canyon, going to stand on the four corners, or making a stop at cousin Jethro's house to see his new raccoon trap with the Kung Fu Grip.

    Understand that you may have some detours along the way, but the purpose and the mission is clear. Staying on task is your only recourse when you have a goal. Finally, imagine is navy Seal Team 6 decided to stop off in Instanbul to get some Ice Cream Sandwiches on the way to Islamabad that night....You get the picture.
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    (This question may have been asked before, SORRY)

    I have read on one of my friends blogs and also have seen numerous amounts people having their weight loss goals listed with specific dates. It doesnt matter whether the date is past or if its future dates, there is a date. My question that I'm asking is...

    Do you think in order to be successful with losing weight, you have to set goals with specific dates????

    I want to continue to lose weight, just need to know if tracking my food, exercise, and setting goals is the way to go. I already track my food and exercise, but have yet to really set goals with specific dates, I just know what size I should be and I am trying to work towards it. Would love to hear your thoughts

    Let me tell you an analogy for that. Say for instance, you wanted to drive from Florida to California and did not have a clue as to when you wanted to get there. Imagine how long that drive will take, because you will get distracted by every giant peanut, 50 foot tall cowboy hat, 100 foot tall ball of yarn, that you drive by. But if you set a goal to be there by Friday, the 4th of June by 5pm, your entire way of thinking changes along the way. No longer are you stopping to look at the Grand Canyon, going to stand on the four corners, or making a stop at cousin Jethro's house to see his new raccoon trap with the Kung Fu Grip.

    Understand that you may have some detours along the way, but the purpose and the mission is clear. Staying on task is your only recourse when you have a goal. Finally, imagine is navy Seal Team 6 decided to stop off in Instanbul to get some Ice Cream Sandwiches on the way to Islamabad that night....You get the picture.

    AWESOME, I needed this...
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    Thanks soooo much!!!!!

    After reading all of your posts seeing all of the great info you have given me, I will be able to continue my weightloss journey with realistic goals and time frames, but also not thinking too hard about goals where I get frustrated and feel like I'm not accomplishing what we are all ultimately here for, to lose weight. I dont know about you guys, but when I stress, I pack on the lbs...