LavendersMom Member


  • My challenges are that I have so much responsibility now, I just don't have time to cook. So what do I out. After work, its helping my daughter with homework, play, bath and bed. By the time I put her down, I'm beat myself! I've gotten better though. I eat good, but I never realized how many carbs I eat a day,…
  • Hello guys, my name is Leah (group: hi Leah, lol). I'm 30 and i just can not get rid of the lbs I gained after taking a birth control shot. I gained a whopping 30lbs on top of 15 that I wanted to lose. It's very hard trying to work out with a four year old daughter I take care of as well, but I'm going to get it together…
  • Hello Everyone...My name is Leah Everyone.....Hello Leah, lol Naw, but I am a super desk working for a major bank. I work an hour away from home and have to be here at 7, so that means I'm up at 5 our the door at 6 (not to mention getting my two year old together) and on the fwy. I sit and sit, but my office is on a big…
  • Thats really good. Girl, i've always told myself that I can not go over 200lbs. When I got on the scale one day it read 192.4. I will never forget that number. On April 9th, I told myself that i'm getting this together. Its hard for me to workout because I have a two year own road runner, a boyfriend, work and school. I…
  • You can do it girl. The only thing i recomend is that you be consistant with being on here.
  • Yes, I know it's will power, but the good thing is, I dont eat bagels everyday, and I eat good almost, all the time. Wish my job brought in beer!
  • Cali of Angels!
  • Heyyyyyy, I'm 5'2, #WHOP #WHOP. I'm going to add you, and people, feel free to add me. Us Umpa Loompa's gotta stick together, lol!
  • I love the smell of gas! I love keeping my lips extra glossy! I like to eat my spaghetti with ranch and parmesan cheese #fatgirl.
  • Mine is procrastination as well. Right now, I have 4 math chapters to do for my online class. I've had about a month to do it, and guess what I'm going to do???? Try to cram those chapters into these next 2 days.
  • I LOVEEEEEE cake! That is my downfall, and I'm batteling if I should allow myself a cupcake tomorrow for the party. I say go for it, just don't eat any more sugar that day.
  • Welcome (and I as well, have sent you a friend request)! All I can say is take things one day at a time. I sometimes get in the mode, then go all the way off. I think the thing that’s motivating me the most is my ex-boyfriend girlfriend called me fat. She couldn’t say anything else about me, other than I was fat. I want to…
  • Im with it! So, to make sure I have everything straight, were starting on Sunday, and thats just tracking everything were doing and giving you the results?