NSV May Challenge (0lbs Club)- update

Ok, so the challenge will official start on Sunday. I am uber excited!!! :bigsmile: :embarassed: Not sure why. Right now we currently have 10 people on board.

This weekend, don’t forget to get yourself prepared to be moving:

1. STRETCH: Lots and lots of stretching in all the right places depending on what type of exercise you will be doing. Don’t forget that you have your static stretches and ballistic stretching
2. DRINK WATER: get all the water you need, especially right before doing your activity. Remember dehydration decreases performance
3. Get comfy: no matter what you plan to do make sure you’ve got something comfy to do it in. Good walking/running shoes, comfy loose clothes, hair ties to hold up your hair, sweat bands. Whatever!
4. Get your stuff: have all the “stuff” you will need ready to go. Work out video, MP3 player, weights, kids to cheer you on! Coupons if you plan to walk the mall :wink: Just have it all ready to go so you are not searching at the last minute. An excuse to back out.

For those of you who are really serious I will have mini challenges during a week!
My personal goal for this whole thing is to lose weight DUR! But most importantly, to stop obsessing over that dumb scale!

Will post the official list on Sunday.
Happy weekend all!

I am so inspired by all the weight loss stories on here. However, if you are like me, the fact that the scale hasn’t moved is killing my motivation! Even though I know, in the beginning this is the way it goes. I am looking for those folks new to this journey that still have ZERO pounds lost to do this challenge for May.

The challenge would be for 30days…no special work-out video, no fancy plan. Just DO SOMETHING, some form of exercise each day. Run, jog, walk, a video, bicycle, play a sport, hell walk the mall! Just get moving!!! Keep track of the exercise you did each day for the week.

On Sundays, I will post a thread where you update the group on total exercise minutes and total calories burned. MFP has a report tool that tells you, or you can track it yourself. I can tally up and post updated results for everyone so we can reward each other with NSV every week in May! 25 person max since I work too :(

I need this to keep me pushing through! Who’s in with me?!!


  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    Right on! I'm ready!
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    Good luck you guys! I hope the scale FINALLY moves in May :smile:
  • nissafull
    nissafull Posts: 48
    I know we should not define our success by the scale. I have lost and gained and lost at lot of weight in my life. I lost some 80 pounds a few years ago and managed to keep it off.... There were weeks that I got obsessed by the scale, weighing every day. Driving me crazy! But then I decided that what i saw in the mirror and saw on the tape measure was far more important...... But, a few years of staying the same weight and not losing, I decided to get back on track.. Saw this wonderful site MFP. Thirty five days ago, I signed up. I know this because I got a banner from MFP saying I had logged in 35 days in a row, Yay! The first two weeks I logged food and exercise and lost 7 lbs, wonderful! The next week .03 lbs. Ummmm, not as good but it is in the right direction. The next week nada, zilch zero. Not good, but I did not gain... This week,,,,, 5lbs.... UP! Now I know that I probably had more sodium this week and I did enjoy some of the traditional foods of Easter... And I know there is no way I ate 3500 extra calories a day for five days to gain that much weight... I know all these things. But I am devastated, depressed and somewhat defeated... I do not plan to give up on this journey... I want to lose at least another 50 pounds to make my goal.. So sign me up in this group! I need your help and let's do this thing!
  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    I do not plan to give up on this journey... I want to lose at least another 50 pounds to make my goal.. So sign me up in this group! I need your help and let's do this thing!

    We're all here to support each other...and you can do this!!
  • LavendersMom
    LavendersMom Posts: 17 Member
    Im with it! So, to make sure I have everything straight, were starting on Sunday, and thats just tracking everything were doing and giving you the results?
  • dessertchef
    Is it too late to join?
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    I can't wait to start and can't wait to see the weekly mini-challenges!! I'm so excited to finally be a part of a challenge group! I'm newish to this site and wasn't sure if I had to do anything special to join a group, and most of the groups I saw were "closed" so I figured I couldn't join. Anyway, good luck to everyone!!! We can all do this :)
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    So sign me up in this group! I need your help and let's do this thing!

    Done!!! Welcome
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Im with it! So, to make sure I have everything straight, were starting on Sunday, and thats just tracking everything were doing and giving you the results?

    Yup! The chart will track 1) number of hours you worked out for the week 2) the number of calories eaten for the week 3) and (only if you want to) your current hip to waist ratio.

    Then you can celebrate how many hours you’ve worked out, staying on target with your calories and changes in your body. NO SCALE CHANGE :bigsmile:

    Glad you are on board!
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Is it too late to join?

    nope! you've been added. i will send you a friend request. :flowerforyou: