What is peanut butter oatmeal...I'm assuming this is homeade? Share please!
One enchilada (or tortilla shell). Its a pretty decent helping. Serve it with maybe corn?? When I indulge I can hardly eat one and a half!!
My husband totally puts peanut butter in his vegetable beef soup and has since he was a kid. I thought he was a weirdo but apparently others do it too!!
Praying for peace for everybody!
SO TRUE!!!! Its absolutely no fun if it comes from someone that knows how much you have been obsessing over it. I guess in due time I will reap my benefits! Keep up the good work. :)
WOW! You look amazing!! I love bearing witness to the transformations on this site. :-) Congratulations!
Thanks guys! I'm certainly doing this for me but its always nice when you know that others can tell a difference too. I agree with people may be cautious to mention it as it would be like asking someone when their baby is due and being wrong. Someone once posted this analogy and I keep telling it to myself so I don't get…
Using this as fuel for my journey! Truly inspiring. The biggest thing I notice in the change in the facial expressions in people who have an "after". There is an aquired sense of confidence and happiness that oozes from these peoples pores. I SO WANT AN AFTER!!
Pahahahaha!! Now THAT made me laugh out loud. LOVE IT!!
I'm doing the C25K as well. I haven't never really been a "runner". In fact it wasn't until I was almost 30 that I even considered running. I trained with a friend about 3 years ago for about 3 months and ran a 5K and then just quit running. Yup, just like that! I lost a ton of weight during this time but have since gained…
LOVE THIS!!!!! What a great analogy! Thanks for sharing! :bigsmile: